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Heroes Wiki

Glasses is a supporting character of the anime, manga and webcomic series, One Punch Man. He was an office worker and a member of The Blizzard Bunch, but is now a B-Class, Rank 20 hero of the Hero Association.


Glasses is a man of average height with spiky black hair, triangular jawline, grey pupils and wears a pair of black glasses. As an office worker, he wore a black business suit.

As a hero he chose to wear a lime and white stripes on it tracksuit and pair of white jogging shoes. Under his clothes, he also has many scars on his left arm.


Similar to Saitama he used to be an officer worker before started training hard to become a hero since he has no special abilities. He tried hard to become one, but after joining the Fubuki’s team Blizzard Group, he started to be discouraged about himself thinking that most peoples have limits can’t beat others that have have the talent since they were born. However, after Saitama saved him and told him his opinion, Glasses started training again, helping him to be far more confident and careful than before. He kept his calm facing against the Hero Hunter, Garou.


  • Enhanced Durability: Glasses was able to withstand multiple attack against a weakened Garou, although Death Gatling and Stinger stated that Garou was only playing with him.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Glasses has incredible reflexes.
  • Enhanced Speed: Glasses is fast enough to dodge Garou's grabbing attack.
  • Enhanced Strength: After weeks of physical training, Glasses gained a considerable amount of physical strength.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: During his fight against Garou, Glasses is shown to be skilled in hand-to-hand combat, enough to stall Garou.
  • Rock Projectiles: Glasses can uses rocks as projectiles to fire at his opponents like used during his fight against Garou.
  • Advanced Growth: Due to vigorous training and his own determination, Glasses became incredibly strong in a short amount of time.


  • Emergency Transmitter: Glasses carries a small emergency transmitter in case of a losing battle.

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           One Punch Man Logo Heroes

Hero Association
S-Class Heroes
Blast | Tatsumaki | Silver Fang | Atomic Samurai | Child Emperor | Metal Knight | King | Zombieman | Drive Knight | Pig God | Genos | Superalloy Darkshine | Watchdog Man | Flashy Flash | Metal Bat | Tanktop Master | Puri-Puri Prisoner
A-Class Heroes
Sweet Mask | Iaian | Okamaitachi | Bushidrill | Heavy Tank Loincloth | Blue Fire | Magic Trick Man | Death Gatling | Tanktop Vegetarian | Stinger | Twin Tail | Great Philosopher | Butterfly DX | Lightning Genji | Lightning Max | One Shotter | Green | Crescent Eyebroll | Golden Ball | Smile Man | Spring Mustachio | Narcissistoic | Peach Terry | Forte | Shadow Ring | Doll Master | Feather | Air | Chain'n'toad | Biting Snake Fist Sneck | Heavy Kong | Suiko | Saitama
B-Class Heroes
Fubuki | Eyelashes | Mountain Ape | Wild Horn | Glasses | Pink Hornet | Double Hole | Smell Master | Gun Gun | Butcher | Jet Nice Guy | Needle Star | Piko | Crying Man | Trap Tengu | Captain Mizuki | Lily of the Three Section Staff | Bone | Tanktop Black Hole | Mushroom | Shooter | Darkness Blade | Pineapple | Reclusamurai
C-Class Heroes
Mumen Rider | Monster Roper Shell | Tanktop Tiger | D-Pad | Funeral Suspenders | Food Battler Futoshi | Battery Man | Red Muffler | Armored Chief Clerk | Gearsper | Skunk Boy Gasmask | Grave Eight | Ecolo G | Monocross | Dynamite Man | Angry Man | Horse-Bone | Studless | Poison | Bunbun Man | Hyottoko | Saturn Man | Red Nose | Ironet | Meat Pounder | Cherion | Fantas | Mohican | Rabbit | Shoulderpads | Swim | Water Gun

Dr. Kuseno | Sitch | All Back-Man | Bomb | Charanko | Suiryu | Neo Hunters (Accel) | Raiden | Zenko

Neo Heroes
