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Glen Bateman is one of the heroes of the 1994 Stephen King Apocalyptic Thriller, The Stand. He was played by the late Ray Walston.
An associate professor of sociology who went into retirement a few years before the superflu hit, Glendon Pequod "Glen" Bateman met Stuart Redman near his home in Woodsville, New Hampshire. A senior citizen handicapped by arthritis, the character of Bateman is often available to give advice to the younger Redman. Bateman also experiences dreams of Mother Abagail and joins Redman, Goldsmith, and Lauder on their journey to meet Mother Abagail (and to satisfy a sociological curiosity as to how humanity will rebuild itself). Bateman becomes part of the reform committee in Boulder and is later one of the four men who must meet Randall Flagg in Las Vegas. When Redman is seriously injured on the journey, Bateman is reluctant to leave him behind. Bateman, along with Larry Underwood and Ralph Brentner, travel to Las Vegas and are arrested by Flagg’s forces. Flagg offers Bateman his freedom with the deal that he proceeds to "get down on [his] knees and beg for it." Bateman refuses, laughing at Flagg for being so transparent, leading Flagg to order Lloyd Henreid to kill Bateman. "It’s all right, Mr. Henreid", Bateman says as he dies, "you don’t know any better."