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Glen Russell is a minor character in the 2019 video game Days Gone. He was a Corporal of the Deschutes County Militia, who worked with Derrick Kouri and Colonel Matthew Garret.

However, after Kouri's desertion, as well as the deaths of Skizzo and Colonel Garret during Deacon St. John and the survivors' preemptive attack in Wizard Island, he later becomes the leader of Diamond Lake Camp, following the militia's dissolution.

Russell is voiced by Jonathan Roumie.


Russell is a man in his mid-30s of average build, who is seen wearing a hat on his head. He has brown hair and green eyes, as well as a scruffy face. His outfit consists of a dark blue jacket, grey tunic, brown pants with camouflage patterns, and olive-green boots. He wears an armband with the insignia of a Corporal.



Not much is known about Russell's past, other than him being a member of the Deschutes County Militia, as well as the survivor of the Freaker outbreak.

Days Gone[]

When Deacon arrived at the mountain's summit past Thielsen Pass, Russell and Rick Mullins were encountered by the drifter fending off against a rager bear. Initially mistaken for a random drifter, especially with Mullins, Russell would later clear out the misunderstanding, before Deacon was brought to the Militia's forward outpost: Diamond Lake, and its leader Derrick Kouri.

Russell, Deacon, and Kouri would later track down a rogue Militia member known as Vasquez, who was seen confronting Crystal Adkins, who later escaped after ruthlessly killing the traitorous militiaman.

After the militia's utter defeat at the hands of Deacon and the survivors from up north, Russell would later take over as the leader of the Diamond Lake Camp, following Kouri's desertion after Colonel's slip into insanity, and turning it into a survivor camp, renouncing all of Garret's Militia-era policies, including military ranks.


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Main Characters
Deacon St. John | Boozer | Sarah Whitaker

Copeland's Camp
Mark Copeland | Emmanuel Mendez | Jezzy | Damon

Hot Springs Camp
Ada Tucker | Alkai Turner | Zanny Norman

Lost Lake Camp
Iron Mike | Rikki Patil | Addison Walker | Joe Haslin | Blair

Diamond Lake Camp
Derrick Kouri | Glen Russell | Rick Mullins | Ava Bergstrom | Rumi Ikeda | Lucas Monroe

Wizard Island Camp
James Weaver | Arturo Jiminez | Justine Norwood | Caleb Tomlinson | Ella Salazar | Jacob D'Angelo

Lisa Jackson
