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Heroes Wiki

Glitch is a playable character in the Ratchet & Clank series.


Rift Apart[]

Glitch was presumably deleting files relating to the resistance until the Phantom gave her to Ratchet so that she could help him look for Clank. When Ratchet first met her, she did not seem pleased, only to help him after hearing that he needs her help. After entering a console to Emperor Nefarious' office she went to open a door, only to fight off against an army of interdimensional computer viruses. Ratchet later used her to fight off the virus again on the planet Savali to save some monks that were captured by Emperor Nefarious' forces. After Ratchet went to an alternate dimension of Cordelion's Kedaro Station, he used Glitch to help power up the station, effectively, when she was fighting the computer virus, she later found out that it was evolving. This gave the alternate Kedaro Station's computers back online. Ratchet later used Glitch to collect a Gold Bolt on the planet Ardolis, where she went to fight and defeat the evolving computer virus. After fighting off Emperor Nefarious' forces on the planet Savali, Ratchet sent Glitch into one of the Monks computer to open the doors to the catacombs for another Gold Bolt, this was also Glitch's last fight against the computer virus hivemind. After the defeat of Emperor Nefarious, Ratchet showed Clank, Rivet and Kit to Glitch.


  • Glitch is the first playable character to originate from Rivet's dimension.


           Ratchet & Clank Logo Heroes

Original Timeline
Q-Force: Ratchet | Clank (Secret Agent) | Captain Qwark | Sasha Phyronix | Al | Skidd McMarx | Helga von Streissenburgen | Skrunch
Other: The Plumber | Galactic Rangers | President Phyronix | Angela Cross | Team Darkstar (Merc and Green) | Neftin Prog | Vendra Prog

Ratchet & Clank Future
Talwyn Apogee | Cronk and Zephyr | Smuggler | Alister Azimuth | Orvus | Sigmund

Ratchet and Clank (2016)
Galactic Rangers: Ratchet | Clank | Captain Qwark | Cora Veralux | Brax Lectrus | Elaris

Rift Apart
Rivet | Kit | The Phantom | Glitch | Captain Quantum | Gary | Pierre Le Fer
