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“ | To those of you who would do harm to humanity, I say this: the Global Occult Coalition stands ready to defend humanity against all foes. Whether it likes it or not. | „ |
~ From the "GoI Field Guide". |
“ | Prior to the Coalition getting their hands on this, it was perfectly harmless. A chair which teleports to you when you need a seat is normal compared to most of the stuff that we deal with on a regular basis. When they put it through a woodchipper, it got hurt, scared and angry, so it lashed out at them. By trying to 'protect the world' by destroying it, they inadvertently made the situation a whole lot worse. | „ |
~ Dr. Sievert on the GOC's action against SCP-1609. |
The Global Occult Coalition (GOC), also known as the United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) is a major power in the SCP Foundation series. It serves as the official protector of the human race, and is a branch of the United Nations. It was founded after the Seventh Occult War/WWII. They share the Foundation's view of protecting mankind from the thousands of anomalies (or as they call them "parathreats"), though instead of containing them, they usually destroy/kill all anomalies they encounter, making them a more controversial group.
The Coalition consists of 108 powerful anomalous/occult organizations, similar to the real United Nations. They are the main protagonist in the "Unfounded" canon in which the Foundation doesn't exist, the main antagonist in "Mundus, Liberari" series in which Foundation also doesn't exist, are the main catalysts for the events of "Rat's Nest", are a supporting organization in the "War On All Fronts" canon, and play a major role in the "8,000 Dead Rats" series.
The GOC in essence is an organization dedicated to maintain peace between all of the groups and protect humanity from the anomalous at all costs. As a result of rising of anomalous phenomena around the world that threatens human life and the concern that the world shouldn't rely on one single country for protection due to emergent political issues, the GOC was formed from the combination of the most powerful occult organizations that sought to protect humanity from these paranormal threats, or parathreats. Because of their necessity, the GOC are provided all resources available for them to use in their mission.
The Fivefold Mission[]
While the SCP Foundation has a threefold mission statement, the GOC has a fivefold, matching the Pentagram in their emblem. The mission statement is the following, and are listed in order of importance:
Survival: The GOC has to protect the human race against all paranormal threats, and this mission takes priority over all other four.
Concealment: The GOC has to keep the knowledge of paranormal threats secret, as exposure of said threats could lead to mass panic and, eventually, massive casualties in the wider civilian population.
Protect: The GOC always tries to protect individual humans, both operatives and civilians, whenever possible, as long as it does not go against the first two previous statements.
Destruction: The GOC should not take any risk with the survival of paranormal threats, as the very existence of the anomalous could be a risk to the human race's survival.
Education: The GOC should always expand their knowledge of paranormal threats, and to study said threats, as long as it does not go against the four previous statements.
Operative's Handbook[]
The GOC teaches their operatives about the existence of powerful forces that threaten human life on a daily basis, and that they should have the power to fight back against these threats and become independent of their influence.
Five Precepts: Five rules that every operative of the GOC are taught and should keep in mind when working for the organization:
- You are expendable: The survival of humanity as a whole should come beforehand than one operative's own life, and they are expected to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
- You are not disposable: The GOC highly values the lives of its operatives and should preserve them at all costs, unless in dire circumstances.
- Knowledge is power: Information about the anomalies is of high value, even more important than weapon usage, and operatives should not keep it to themselves and instead need to share it with their fellow operatives or if near death they should make sure to inscribe the information for other operatives to learn.
- Don't question it, just accept it: If operative encounter an incomprehensible anomaly whose existence breaks their mind, the operative should ignore to acknowledge it and just act fast.
- You are only human: Operatives are expected to make mistakes but shouldn't let these mistakes demoralize them and make up for them.
Preparation: Operatives should prepare themselves for tough situations, both physically and mentally.
- Body: Operatives should keep themselves healthy and fit through a balanced diet and medical check ups; should constantly train themselves; should learn how to escape when cornered while sustaining minimum injuries; and should always keep with them medical aid in the worst of cases.
- Mind: Operatives should keep their minds healthy by getting regular psychological evaluation and treat any type of mental illnesses; should constantly train their minds through various ways, like solving puzzles or learn as much information as possible; if operatives find themselves in a country where they don't know the language, they should remember simple words and sentences that everyone should know the meaning of; and should learn as much as possible about anomalies in order to face them.
- Gear: Every operative has their own type of gear which helps them; should know what type of gear they possess and how to use them; and as gear is disposable operatives shouldn't get attached to them.
Response Levels: 6 levels based on the severity of the threat posed by the anomalies and what GOC operatives should do based on each level.
- No Threat: When anomalies are just curiosities that don't represent a real threat. Operatives should keep it under observation instead of liquidating it.
- Minimal Threat: When anomalies are more complex or sentient. Operatives should keep under constant observation and isolate it in order to decrease the threat.
- Sub-Moderate Threat: When the anomalies are a threat to the Veil of Secrecy. The operatives should liquidate it in a subtle manner.
- Moderate Threat: When the anomalies are a threat to human life. Assessment or Strike Team should be sent to deal with the anomaly.
- Severe Threat: When the anomalies present a bigger threat than the previous ones. Strike Team is sent to deal with it, while Assessment Team should intervene only when necessary.
- Immediate Threat: When anomalies pose a great threat to humanity as whole. The GOC should use any means necessary to liquidate the anomaly.
- Pizzicato: When the world is being destroyed by an anomaly, a rival organization failed to contain its own anomalies, or a great number of anomalies arise everywhere on Earth. In this case, the GOC would take control of most of the world and use all means available to ensure the survival of humanity while disregarding the Veil.
The GOC was once known as the Allied Occult Initiative, which fought the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorp in the Seventh Occult War/WWII.
After the war, the countries wanted more oversight over the anomalous, and as the SCP Foundation (which already existed back then) was a more private organization, and no single country was trusted alone, the GOC was formed from 108 different and powerful anomalous/occult organizations.
Over the years the GOC has become a major player on the world stage, having even more funding than the Foundation, and is often seen as the "police of the paranormal world".
In 1953 the group SAPPHIRE, a member of the Council of 108, broke off due to ideological divergences.
Possible Endings[]
Broken Masquerade[]
After the SCP Foundation tried to save Earth from a K-Class scenario, North Korea was unfortunately lost in another reality which caused mass chaos among the public. As the Foundation was unable to keep it secret the GOC decided to become public and broke the Veil of Normalcy by revealing to the whole world the real anomalous world and the existence of the anomalous groups. However, this backfired as despite their real nature being revealed the Foundation was able to earn the public's trust, and the GOC continue to work with a lot of support worldwide, especially in cases like SCP-5350 (Oculoma decease).
Rat's Nest[]
Unexpectedly, the world was slowly being destroyed, and it was later revealed that the GOC was responsible for the entropy due to killing LTE-0913-Ex-Machina who was keeping the world together. Following his physical death by the GOC, the entire world began breaking down while the anomalies took over, the GOC doing little to help with the destruction it had brought.
Ranks and Structure[]
GOC Divisions[]
High Command: The highest rank within the GOC which coordinates, directs, and administrates the entirety of the organization. It is comprised of the Undersecretariat, or the Office of the Undersecretary General, considered part of the UN, and the Nexus which control a network of Command Central hubs to assist their operations. In charge of the Command sat D.C. al Fine, possible abbreviation for Da Capo al Fine. Not much is known about the Director apart that they are female and European. Below her sat the Assistant Directors "Celesta" and "Oud" (possible name Tariq Ahmed Khalid).
PHYSICS Division: The action arm of the GOC, equivalent to the UN's Peacekeeping Forces and similar to the Mobile Task Forces of the Foundation. They observe, investigate, capture and/or neutralize anomalies. The two main arms of this Division are the Assessment Teams (Investigation & Observation) and Strike Teams (Combat & Assault). The only known Assessment Team is Assessment Team 735 Lightning Mace "Sparkplug", while known Strike Teams include: "Broken Dagger"; Strike Team 0001 "Alpha"; Strike Team 1121 "Noble Phantom"; Strike Team 2209 "Steelheads" and Strike Team 9999 "Max Damage".
PSYCHE Division: The diplomatic arm of the GOC, which serve as liaisons with the paranormal community, and tries to keep peace with other paranormal powers. It is comprised of the Special Observers who are agents tasked with investigating possible anomalous threats, and the Ambassadors who maintain peaceful contacts with other anomalous factions.
PTOLEMY Division: The support arm of the GOC. They vary from scientists and researchers from Research and Development who develop new technologies to Quartermasters, who oversee logistics from weapons to food.
The Council of 108[]
Each of the 108 occult groups having a representative in the Council of 108, the leadership of GOC, is similar to the O5 Council of the SCP Foundation. These groups are of the most powerful groups in the world that had banded together for the maintenance of the Veil of Secrecy. Known groups that are part of the Council include:
- Alchemist's Guild
- Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons
- Argentium Astrum
- Bauhaus⁴
- The Bavarian Illuminati
- The Black Ocean Society
- Brotherhood of Auspicious Survivors
- British Occult Service
- Chinese Paranormal and Community Watchdog Committee
- Cicada 3299
- Church of California Rolls
- The Coca-Cola Company
- The College of Doctrines of Nostredame
- Dongbaegnamu
- Five Elements Association
- Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd.
- Haudenosaunee (League of Paramerican Nations)
- The Hermatic Order of the Golden Dawn
- Her Serene Ladyship Jenevieve O'sar
- The Holy Order of Knights Templar, reformed
- Hy-Brasil
- The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology
- The Khasmophic Society
- The Latin Chapter of the Knights Templar
- The Masonic Propaganda of the Grand Orient
- Mattel Inc.
- The members of the Majestic 12
- The New Age of Enlightment
- New Cha-Ling Police Station
- The New Round Table
- The New Synarchist Pact
- Niflheim Armed Tactical Order
- The Occult and Supernatural Activity Taskforce
- The Order of the Dragon
- The Ordo Templi Orientis
- Parapsychics Consultants
- Pentagram
- PepsiCo
- Pr-Ankh-n-Djehuti
- The Priory of Sion
- Representatives of Hidden Minority
- Servants of the Silicon Nornir
- The Seventh Primary Sect of Xuanwu
- The Sidhe Lounge
- The Silver Key Society
- Sisters of Perpetual Vigilance
- The Society of the Immortal Oroch
- Society for Olympian Restorationi
- Sons of Phomet
- Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
- Shūshū-In (Collecting Agency)
- SW Foundation
- The Sword of Christ
- The Theosophical Society
- UN High Command
- The United Church of Satan, scientist
- The Universalist Order of the Æsir
- The Vril Society
- The Walt Disney Company
- The World ParaHealth Organization
Weapons and Equipment[]
The GOC's PHYSICS Division uses current and advanced technology to make their missions easier to accomplish. The technology used by the GOC is divided in several categories which include:
- Generation Zero: also referred as Current Gen or Gen0, which is normal technology that is available to all of the world.
- Generation Plus One: also referred as Gen+ or +1Gen, which is technology that is advanced when compared to normal technology but can easily be masked as a prototype for future technology.
- Generation Plus Two: also referred as Gen++ or +2Gen, which is technology that is way more advanced than the previous generations and should be installed with a self-destruct system in order to not fall into public's view.
- Tangential: also referred as GenAlt or TanGenT, which is technology that relies on anomalous means such as magic and faith. If this type of technology is found not in the GOC's possession than it could be considered as a Known Threat Entity.
The GOC uses these various types of technology to construct some of their equipment. Know equipment utilized by the GOC are:
- Black Suit: Also known as a Mk VII Standard Field Dress, is a Gen+1 battledress that resembles ordinary clothing. It is currently used as a standard duty garment which incorporates nanofibers that protect the wearer from bullets, hidden micro communication devices, augmented reality system, Personal Computing Device, and miniaturized emergency toolkits and weapons.
- Grey Suit: Also known as a Mk IV Infiltration Uniform, is a Gen+1 battledress that serves mostly for stealth. It is comprised of "chameleon cloth" which incorporates minute chromatophores with the addition of small cameras that take pictures of the surrounding environment and project them to the opposite side of the garment. It doesn't grant full invisibility but it allows the wearer to successfully sneak past observation.
- White Suit: Also known as a Mk II Combat Garment, is both a Gen+2 and TanGenT battledress reserved solely for the Strike Teams. It is comprised of the Black Suit's close-fitting undergarment for last-ditch protection, a battle armor that increases strength and protects the wearer from toxic materials, and an anomalous invisibility cloak that bends light which Grant's the wearer true invisibility. It is also outfitted with a self-destruct device in order to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
- Orange Suit: Also known as a Mk. III Ultra-Heavy Engagement Chassis, is both a Gen+2 and TanGenT destructive vehicle used when combating massive or heavily armed threats. It is equipped with a "Banshee" cognitohazard that serves to induce panic to non-inoculated personnel and bright colors or gaudy ornamentation to draw the full attention of the enemy. It is constructed of a buckypaper bilayered with dilatant gelatin that absorbs shock from attacks, a cooling system composed of silicon nanofluid, exomusculature that increases strength but slows speed, ceramic plating that reduces electrical attacks or outage, extinguishers, outer shell composed of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene, toxic protection, enhanced vision, a parachute, and a set of mines for self-destruction in case the operator is overwhelmed by the amount of enemies.
- Blue Suit: Also known as a Mk. IV Sub Aquatic-Low Pressure Environment Suit, is a Gen+1 underwater suit resembling those of the militaristic scuba divers. It is used for combating or investigating underwater anomalies. It is constructed of an electrolyzer, fuel cell powered with hydrogen produced from the electrolyzer, ballistic protection and heating system, waterproof vision enhancement system, and rebreather or scuba gear.
- Red Suit: Also known as Mk. VII Hazardous Environment Survival Suit, is a GEN+1 suit that protects its wearer from hazardous chemicals, pathogens, radiation, fallout, or undetonated explosives. It's composed of lightweight form-fitting undergarment, silicon crystal cooling system, cushioning layer, ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene fullbody overgarment and hooded poncho, multilayer steel polycarbonate elastomer-glass trauma armor, and self-contained breathing apparatus. It's more used in exploratory missions rather in combat.
- Bronze Suit: Also known as Mk X Occult Threat Confrontation Suit, is a TanGenT suit used to go against paranormal threats, derived from the previously failed Occult Threat Confrontation suits. It's mainly comprised of beryllium bronze engraved with thaumaturgical symbols and wards that serve to protect the wearer. It can be added to any of the previous suits, and is equipped with a self-destruct device.
- VERITAS: Also known as a Mark IV Vital Energy Radiation Imaging Tactical Awareness System, is a TanGenT Resonance Imager based on Etheric Resonance Imagery. It detects Aetheric Energy Fields and Elan Vital Energy that serves to locate higher beings that cannot be seen through normal devices.
- SLEEP: Also known as Mark VII Sensory-Loop Alternative Ego Emplacement Projector, is a set of TanGenT thaumaneurological implants that get inserted into the brain. This allowed the GOC personnel to be capable of using Projected Alter-Egos, that being putting the subject's original consciousness into a dream-like state, while a false persona begins taking control of the body. With this, the personnel could become perfect spies, having no recollection of who they were actually working for, while the original self worked through dreams.
- Silver Bullets: Also known as Mk I Monolithic Silver Ammunition, are GEN+0 rounds composed of silver and layered with copper. They are highly efficient against shapeshifters and zombies. Others varieties include osmium-core, incendiary tip, and hollow-point.
- Blue Bullets: Also known as Mk II High Explosive/Slow Tactical Incendiary Ammunition, are GEN+1 rounds tipped with an advanced chemical incendiary tip that can burn at temperatures of 4000 degrees Celsius and easily melt metal. They're comprised of zirconium-copper nanothermate and other unknown components, though chemical compounds variate in high-explosive or long-burning properties. The rounds burn in a bluish light fire that is effective to both damage and scare regenerators and zombies.
- Black Bullets: Also known as Mk III High-Density Osmium Cored Ammunition, are GEN+2 rounds comprised of a copper jacket, osmium core, and copper plug in an irregular Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol crystal structure, making the densest material in the GOC's possession. These bullets came as a result of a long running project by the Alchemists' Guild and the Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons which aimed to create gunfire that could affect supernatural entities. These bullets proved to be effective against cyborgs, mutants and magicians, but due to them having a high cost they're used sparsely.
- Ochre Bullets: Also know as Mk VII Frangible Cold Iron Ammunition, are GEN+1/TanGenT rounds comprised of the cold iron from Hy-Brasil, taken in exchange for defending the island. These bullets are formed from compression of powdered cold iron since it couldn't melt, and upon impact with a target would immediately pulverize. This caused the living targets to have their bodies poisoned by the bullet's fragments, causing their blood to be unable to absorb oxygen and leading to certain death. These bullets were effective against shapeshifters, but due to the material being rare they were also used sparsely.
- Fuchsia Bullets: Also known as Mk IV Thaumatological Working Equipped Ammunition, are GEN+0/TanGenT rounds that are for the most part normal bullets but are etched with runes, glyphs, and sigils. They can easily created by a thaumatologist inscribing the runes on any kind of bullets, and depending on the type of the runes they could be used against any type of threat.
- Dragonslayer: A gigantic mecha created primarily by the Foundation's Project KEY, with the assistance of the GOC. This humanoid vehicle and its equipment were built through anomalous means in order to combat the Crocosquid and her brethren plaguing the world, and was piloted by Mobile Task Force Eta-5.
- Roc Series Deicide Drone: Also known as a Jointly-Constructed Airborne Engagement Drone, is a +2Gen vehicle resembling a massive falcon constructed through the collaboration with Anderson Robotics for combat against mythological creatures. It is remotely operated by a pilot and can fly through the use of anti-gravity generators. It is constructed of technology derived from the Orange Suit and AR's Merlin Series Aerial Drone, regenerative metal hull, electrical generators, thaumatological wards, and a modified Scranton Reality Anchor.
- METHOD MAYFLY: Also known as SCP-7844, is a system of thirteen satellites orbiting Earth's populated areas, created by the GOC's project YIV-510. These satellites could be commanded by manipulating the biological matter inside of them, culled from POI-7844-A, and served to attract parts of infrastructures and land, removing them from the earth through elevation before letting them fall back which caused great devastation. The usage was discontinued following Pitcairn Island Accord of 2052, but the satellites remained active.
Threat Entities[]
Like the SCP Foundation, the GOC had recorded numerous anomalies they had encountered or know about. They designate each of these anomalies through a combination of codewords based on five categories that they fall under. These five codewords are: a three-code which are abbreviations for the type of threat posed; a random unique casefile number to set it apart; one or more codeword descriptors; and an informal description of the anomaly.
As mentioned the GOC uses various codewords to designate the anomalies they recorded.
Threat Classification: Anomalies are classified by the type of threat they pose:
- KTE - Known Threat Entities which have been clearly identified by the GOC.
- UTE - Unknown Threat Entities which the GOC know that exist but don't really know what they are.
- PTE - Potential Threat Entities which are anomalies that have a potential to pose a threat but currently do not.
- LTE - Liquidated Threat Entities which have been successfully destroyed or lost all anomalous properties.
- Spurious Entries - Entries in the GOC database about anomalies that didn't actually exist.
- Non-Threats - Anomalies that are not considered threats.
Humanoid: Anomalous humanoids are classified using color-based codewords, some of which include:
- Type Beige - Anomalous dismembered body parts.
- Type Black - Demigod or deity.
- Type Blue - Thaumatologist, thaumaturgist, or simply wizards and witches.
- Type Bronze/Indigo - Cyborg, people who augmented their body with advanced technology.
- Type Cyan - Spectral entity, like ghost or other type of spirit.
- Type Green - Reality bender or those with ontokinesis.
- Type Grey - Reanimated post-mortem, like zombies, skeletons or just normal people who came to life.
- Type Ochre - Narrative Manipulator, pataphysical entities.
- Type Purple - Soul Manifester, those who summon spirits.
- Type Pink - Human Hybrid with another species, anomalous or otherwise.
- Type Red - Regenerator, people who can regenerate from injuries at a much higher rate.
- Type Silver - Infectious Hazard, people who host and spread a deadly disease.
- Type Yellow - Shapeshifter, those who can change their appearance.
- Type White - Pre- and Postnatal Mutation, people who received anomalous mutations during or after their birth.
Non-Humanoid: Anomalous animals or other type of living creatures and lifeforms:
- Blackwood - Creature that used to be human.
- Cetus - Monster from the sea.
- Fiji - Cryptid, a creature that evolved on Earth but are considered abnormal.
- Goodrick - Creature of magical origin or with magical powers.
- Moro - Creature created by humans.
- NACL - Non-Autochthonic Lifeform, creature that doesn't originate from Earth, but is unknown if it comes from space, alternate reality or was artificially created.
- Plague - Anomalous virus or microbes and other Infectious microorganisms.
- Ragweed - Creature from an alternate universe.
Artifacts: Anomalous objects created by others:
- Blaecca - Computer.
- Caliburn - Weapon, like a modified weapon or eigenweapon.
- Kapala - Ritualistic or religious object.
- Knickknack - Wearable object, like clothes or jewelry.
- Staple - Food or other edible object.
- Templum - Location.
- Velveteen - Object that is alive.
Extranormal: Anomalies that are fundamental universal constants:
- Bice - Angels or other angelic beings.
- Clockwork - Anomaly that alters time.
- Ex Machina - A much powerful deity.
- L'Engle - An anomaly existing in a higher dimension.
- Parallax - Anomaly that alters space.
- Spiral - Anomaly that alters both space and time.
Organizational: Anomalies tied with other Groups of Interest:
- Andromeda - Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts.
- Barlowe - Church of the Second Hytoth.
- Burnout - Prometheus Labs, Inc.
- Carcinoma - Chaos Insurgency.
- Copernicus - Fifth Church.
- Disco - Chicago Spirit.
- Ego - Global Occult Coalition itself.
- Einherjar - Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps.
- Kewpie - SCP Foundation.
- Khan - Golden Horde.
- Kringle - Dr. Wondertainment.
- Léon - Primordial
- Lerna - Serpent's Hand.
- Leviathan - The Hive.
- Lily - Medicean Academy of Occult Art.
- McConnell - Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.
- McGinnis - Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting.
- Mendes/Rubella - Children of the Scarlet King.
- Poe - Parawatch.
- Reefer - Gamers Against Weed.
- Teresa - Manna Charitable Foundation.
- Trinity - Horizon Initiative.
- Venice - The Factory.
- Warhol - Are We Cool Yet?
Individual: Codewords given to anomalous Persons of Interest:
- Nimue - Queen Mab of the Faeries.
Political: Anomalies created or owned by governments:
- Renegade - United States of America.
- Renegade Latrans - Unusual Incidents Unit.
- Renegade Lupus - Bowe Commission.
- Scarlet - Soviet Union.
- Scarlet Dagger - GRU Division "P".
- Scarlet Hammer - "Viktor" branch of the Russian Mafia.
Threat Warnings: The exact type of threat that the anomalies pose:
- Blit - Cognitohazard, anomalies that harm people through perception alone.
- Bosch - Can destroy the world or the entire human civilization.
- Ebbinghaus - Affects memories.
- Faraday - Electromagnetic hazard.
- Freud - Affects the subconscious mind.
- Gorgon - Paralyzes people.
- Helmholtz - Memetics.
- Karhu - Manipulates the names of people.
- Lovelock - Manipulates the environment.
- Mendel - Manipulates people's bodies.
- Pygmalion - Creates other anomalies.
- Smitty - Can alter the fetus.
- Typhon - Manipulates the energy and forces of locomotion.
Modifiers: Codewords used for connected anomalies:
- -buster - Anomaly used to destroy other anomalies.
- -child - Anomaly created by another anomaly.
- -dianetic - Group related to an anomaly.
- -father - Founder or leader of said group.
- -morph - Anomaly created following the destruction of a previous anomaly.
Relationships with other organizations[]
The GOC has a complicated relationship with the SCP Foundation. The GOC is known to criticize the Foundation for the use of D-Class personnel (a UN human rights violation in their eyes) as well as not always destroying anomalies. The Foundation on the other hand does not always agree with the GOC's methods as well, stating that destroying something anomalous might sometimes make things worse, as there is no going back from it (see SCP-1609). Despite this, the two groups often act as allies when it comes to global threats, such as SCP-2845 or the Scarlet King.
The Church of the Broken God and the Chaos Insurgency are usually viewed by the GOC as hostile forces, similar to the SCP Foundation, seeking to destroy the threatening groups.
The GOC is in direct conflict with the Serpent's Hand and has attacked the Hand's base of operations, the Wanderer's Library, which has caused much damage to the interdimensional location. The Hand called the Coalition as the "Bookburners", due to the GOC's habit of destroying anomalies.
The GOC, the SCP Foundation, the Horizon Initiative and the Church of the Broken God has also formed a secret alliance called "Triumvirate", in order to fight the threat of Grand Karcist Ion and the secret rise of his faith, Sarkicism.
As excepted Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting has an extremely antagonistic relationship with the GOC, mostly due to the Circus' leader Icky having a grudge against the organization's Ichabod Campaign.
The Unusual Incidents Unit sometimes cooperates with the GOC, despite the latter seeing the former as inferior to it. The GOC has a friendly and cooperative relationship with the government of the city of Three Portlands and its educational anomalous institutions such as Deer College. This is due to Three Portlands existing in its own pocket dimension safely hidden from the general public which doesn't oppose the GOC's goals. The members of GOC supervise the government and the educational institutions and even helped them when the SCP Foundation tried to take advantage of them as mentioned in the "Deer and Overseers" article. The GOC also oversees the technological metropolis of Eurtec, which was founded by the Council of 108's Servants of the Silicon Nornir.
After the GOC discovered the ruins of Old Atlantis it prevented Pentagram from further studying them, and seeing the conflict between the US government and the revived Atlantean forces led by Lindsey the Elder in Arizona, offered to help in forming a truce. Dean of ICSUT Portlands Nicole Belmonte led a delegation of UN and American diplomats to form the Biltmore Treaty which allowed peaceful coexistence between the Atlanteans and Americans, giving rise to New Atlantis.
The GOC is one of Anderson Robotics's many customers, commissioning various products to aid them in their mission. One such product being the "Roc Series Deicide Drone, Prototype Model" that serves to battle god-like enemies, created through the collaboration between the two organizations. The GOC had a deal with DeBeers Biotech company which provided their operatives various cybernetic enhancements. However, this deal was dissolved after the Foundation sabotaged several prosthetics produced by the DeBeers Biotech in order to make the company appear as incompetent and going forward with their own project regarding SCP-6253 which served to protect cyborgs from digital attacks. The GOC would later make another deal with the Foundation in order to also benefit from SCP-6253. The GOC had on some occasions paid the Valravn Corporation for their assistance during difficult confrontations against enemy groups. Although the Coalition was satisfied with the Corporation's help, several of their agents were horrified at what Valravn did to ensure their victory. The GOC also allied with Phoenix Technologies to form a joint research team focused on developing a cure to the virus.
During the SCP-6500 crisis in which all anomalies were being neutralized, GOC operative Martin Bowe and other members formed a splinter group dedicated to take complete control over magic and destroy the Foundation. Following Bowe's arrest and John Yttoric's appointment as the new leader of the splinter group, the Foundation decided to refer to the newly formed group as the Foundation Elimination Coalition, a title formerly used by General George Bowe's defunct organization.
The GOC has an agreement with the Clarke County Real Estate Association, known to the Foundation as GOI-130, which specializes in buying haunted houses in order to exorcize them before selling them.
The Cryptid Specialist Group, a group of scientists affiliated with IUCN devoted to protecting anomalous lifeforms through influencing the activities of conservation agencies and NGOs, attempted to join the GOC's Council of 108, but was denied due to no more seats being available.
- Author, Kain Pathos Crow, was inspired into creating the GOC after reading a creepypasta about some Soviet forces killing God.
- This particular creepypasta has become infamous due to it being completely lost and no evidence of it existing besides claims from some people who allegedly read it, including Kain Pathos Crow. Later on, a short story was discovered posted on 4chan which simply mentioned the Soviets killing Yahweh, and was stated by the GOC's author that it was the same one he read, though this is still conflicted by the claims of others who don't believe it to be the same.
- Despite a noble mission statement, the GOC is could also be considered as a potential New World Order concept, as several of its members, come from controversial groups, as does their Pentagram emblem. In the case of SCP-1730, it appears the Foundation was taken over by the GOC in another reality, and it started an anomaly-holocaust, killing all anomalies, including a being that was suspected to be the Abrahamic God. This apparently triggered an XK-class "end of the world scenario" and the Earth was turned into a hell-like landscape.
- According to the tale "Clavis", the Gate Guardian, and by extension God, highly approved of the GOC's actions and unlike the other organizations the Coalition would be granted salvation after winning the war of Heaven.
- In the universe of SCP-2069 in which an alien armada arrived out of space and began attacking humanity, the GOC joined forces with the Foundation and formed the organization AEGIS to fight off the aliens, even utilizing several anomalies to win the war.
- In the "Unfounded" canon in which the SCP Foundation was never formed, the GOC became the central force keeping the anomalies a secret from humanity, and hired some members who were known Foundation personnel.
- It is later revealed that the SCP Foundation had used SCP-6871 to remove from existence Madame al Fine, which in turn caused the GOC to never form and allowed Sarkicism to spread. After the Foundation rendered the world in a more worse state, Administrator decided to undo the damage they caused by removing themselves from existence. The GOC found out about this after exploring a Exclusionary Site which was immune to outside reality changing events.
- In the universe of the "Mundus, Liberari" series in which the GOC is unrelated to the UN and the Foundation doesn't exist, the GOC was successful in eradicating most of the anomalous world. This later led to the various leaders from notable GoIs forming an organization known as Overwatch Council which was somewhat of an analogue of the Foundation as their goals were to secure the innocent victims of the GOC, contain operatives of the GOC and protect those victims and objects from the GOC.
- In the universe of SCP-6001 where the Compendium, a benevolent amalgam organization of different GoIs, took over the world and declared worldwide peace with all anomalies, the GOC was part of the Peacekeepers which was also comprised by the UIU (Unusual Incidents Unit) and was one of the GoIs that made up the Compendium.