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Glutinous is a very nervous and frightened Merlopian scientist and ally of the Ninja in LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. Initially loyal to Kalmaar, he later turned to the Ninja, warning them of Wojira's awakening. He even aided the Ninjas in the battle against the Overlord's Crystal Warrior army.



When Glutinous initially served Kalmaar, he helped Kalmaar by creating a Storm Amulet that could be used to awaken Wojira, but every Storm Amulet he created was not powerful enough to awaken Wojira. And when the Ninjas, Maya, and Benthomaar escaped from Merlopia, he found the location of the Storm Amulet and informed Kalmaar, who went to retrieve the amulet. And when Kalmaar got hold of the Storm Amulet, he brought it to Wojira's temple, where he was, and when he saw Wojira wake up, he went to Ninjago to warn the Ninjas about it, and when he arrived at the port of Ninjago City, he met one of the coast police, who he told that he was looking for the Ninjas. And when the Ninjas arrived at the Ninjago City Police Station, the Police Commissioner directed the Ninjas to a room where he was waiting for the Ninjas, and when he told them that Kalmaar tricked the Ninjas, the Ninjas prepared for Wojira's arrival, and he stayed at the police station as they left.


Later, when the Overlord had returned, the Ninjas needed help fighting him and his Crystal Warrior army, so Nya put a message to Benthomaar and the other Merlopians that they needed help. And when the Ninjas were fighting the Crystal Army, and the situation was getting hopeless, Glutinous arrived with Benthomar, other Merlopians and Keepers to help the Ninjas, and with other friends of the Ninjas, they fought the Overlord's Crystal Warriors and destroyed them all as they began to lose power as the Golden Weapons returned to normal. And finally, with the help of the Golden Ultra Dragon, Lloyd managed to defeat the Overlord and Ninjago was saved again.



           Ninjago Logo Heroes

TV Series
The Ninja: Master Wu | Cole | Jay | Zane | Kai | Lloyd | Nya
The Serpentine: Arcturus | Clancee | Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales
Nindroids: Nindroid Sentries | Echo Zane | P.I.X.A.L.
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Jacob Pevsner | Karlof | Mr. Pale | Neuro | Shade | Skylor | Tox | Ray | Maya | Nyad
Police: Commissioner | Hounddog McBrag
The Resistance
First Realm: Faith | Firstbourne
The Never-Realm: Akita | Krag | The Resistance (Grimfax | Kataru)
Prime Empire Residents: League of Jay | Okino | Blazey H. Speed | Scott
Shintaro: Queen Vania | The Upply (Korgran | Fungus | Plundar | Adam)
Keepers of the Amulet: Chief Mammatus |PoulErik
Merlopia: Benthomaar | Trimaar | Glutinous
Other: Brad Tudabone | Clutch Powers | Cyrus Borg | Dareth | Dr. Julien | First Spinjitzu Master | Flintlocke | Garmadon | Harumi | Hutchins | Lil' Nelson | Misako Montgomery Garmadon | Mistaké | Morro | New Ninja | Ronin | Twitchy Tim | Unagami

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Master Wu | Secret Ninja Force (Lloyd | Kai | Jay | Nya | Cole | Zane)

Dragons Rising
Arin | Sora | Riyu | Source Dragon of Energy | Euphrasia | Wyldfyre | Alfonzo Frohicky | Arrakore | Geo | Bonzle | Percival Tartigrade | Rapton | Egalt | Rontu | Gandalaria | Source Dragon of Motion | Frak | Roby

See Also
Lego Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes
