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And now time resumes!

Gnarly, but you already knew that, didn't ya? Who sent you?!
~ Gnarly’s first line.

Gnarly Knuckles is a supporting character in the Netflix TV show Sonic Prime, based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. He is an anthropomorphic echidna who is the Boscage Maze counterpart of Knuckles.

He was voiced by Vincent Tong, and by Nobutoshi Canna in the Japanese version.


Gnarly is almost literally identical to Knuckles: he is an anthropomorphic red echidna with yellowish boxing gloves with two knuckles on each side made of leaves, red spines on the sides with pure dark red stripes on the chest, purple eyes, one white stripe on the chest and peach muzzle with a black nose. He wears a straw peasant hat with a green stripe. He has dark red tribal tattoos on his forehead and dreads. He also has bracelets decorating his dreadlocks and a wooden necklace around his neck.

Powers and Abilities[]

Gnarly utilizes a spear in combat, which he can throw with great precision. Though he is also capable of fighting using his fists.


Gnarly is totally different from the real Knuckles character, he is completely confident and completely paranoid. He accuses Sonic of coming to steal supplies when he first sees him and even when he stops fighting him, he doesn't trust him and keeps an eye on him. He is even suspicious of his surroundings, accusing trees of talking and listening. He is also very stubborn at always wanting to get his way.

Gnarly quickly rushes to attack, and the other Scavengers follow him into battle, and when he agrees to follow Sonic's lead, they don't argue with him, showing that he has some natural leadership qualities. However, he never seems to think before he acts.




            SonicPrimeLogo Heroes

Prime World
Sonic the Hedgehog | Shadow the Hedgehog | Amy Rose | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Knuckles the Echidna

New Yoke City
Tails Nine | Renegade Knucks | Rebel Rouge | Rusty Rose | Denizen 1998

Boscage Maze
Mangey Tails | Gnarly Knuckles | Thorn Rose | Prim Rouge | Hangry Cat | Birdie

No Place
Sails Tails | Knuckles the Dread | Black Rose | Batten Rouge | Catfish

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
