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Chihiro Ogino has declared God (SCP Foundation) is to be renamed to

for the following reason(s): He isn't the real God in every tales. The article from which the image comes from makes it clear he is a liar. His official name is "Alleged God" as seen from his tag.
Please discuss it on the talk page for this article.
"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

Stop hand

SCP-343 Is a major character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a safe class anomaly known as "God." He is believed to be a raceless, omnipotent being that has taken the form/appearance of the Abrahamic God.


SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. SCP-343 was discovered walking the streets of Prague and detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the streets and reappear on a rooftop. SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible.

SCP-343 takes on the appearances of an old man. However, it is possible that this is not its true form, for because it has stated that it is a raceless being, meaning that its true form is possibly something that cannot be comprehended. But, it is possible that it would take the form of some sort of cosmic entity.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Reality warping
  • Immortality
  • Compassion
  • Conceptual manipulation


SCP Foundation[]

SCP-343 is shown to have a stable relationship with the Foundation, and so does the Foundation also, however it is unknown whether because the Foundation didn't want to exposed their heartless actions in-front of it due to worrying, and having the fear of being destroyed, or erased from existence by SCP-343, however, SCP-343 also doesn't seem to have a big urge with the Foundation.


He met SCP-187 during a cross test. They talked for a half hour about general topics. SCP-187 thought he was a little girl and called him friendly but lonely. It is possible that 187 actually saw 239, and 343 is a creation of 239 after she was introduced to the concept of God.


He met SCP-239 during another cross test. They became friends and 343 even trained her in using her reality warping powers during that time. However, an unexpected coincidence had led her in raiding against the Foundation, which SCP-343 uses his powers to prevent that from happening only to display out a sign of being weak.


343 met with SCP-049, where he chastised the plague doctor for his meaningless killings. After deducing that the pestilence that 049 was trying to cure was humanity's freewill, he took 049 back to his own past, revealing the life the plague doctor had with his family, before becoming cursed (seemingly by the Brothers Death). 049 was unable to bear this anymore and demanded 343 to stop to which he complied and stated that 049 was among the beings that came from those dark places which even he himself couldn't see.


SCP-507 has a strong animosity towards 343 whom he blames for his condition, although 343 at first tried better their relationship. However, after 507 left a unknown metal to be devoured by SCP-882, 343 demanded 507 to tell him where he got it before killing him.


SCP-343 is apparently good friends with SCP-2343, the Egyptian god of creation Ptah, as they once played a game of chess. It is implied that they are in fact aspects of each other.

Other Media[]

In Board Games[]

SCP-343 is included as a very powerful and beneficial anomaly card in the SCP board game called Uncontained.

SCP: Sedition[]

Top 26 Questions To Ask SCP-343[]

For me, time is something that does not apply. I have always been - I was never created.
~ SCP-343 on his origins.

In this fan-made, non-canon series, SCP-343 is interviewed by a Foundation member. Here, the SCP's physical appearance takes the form of many real-life interpretations of God: an old large man with a white robe, long hair and long facial hair.

SCP-343 is remarkably soft-spoken, friendly and calm in nature. Much like the original SCP mythos, SCP-343 retains his claims of creating the universe and all life within it. When questioned on the two SCP's meant to be Cain and Abel, SCP-343 answers that he "cannot expose the secrets so easily". When questioned about SCP-049, SCP-343 comments that he's a "dark spirit who lost his way" and that "a darkness follows him", even feeling sympathy for SCP-049's existence. When questioned about SCP-682, SCP-343 states that 682 was not created by him, and therefore has no power over it.

At the end of the video, when asked about the mysterious SCP-001, SCP-343 quickly creates an orb of light around himself and disappears.

In a separate video within the same series about SCP-035, both the interviewer and the SCP question the nature of SCP-343. SCP-035 questions why SCP-343 would need to hang around the Foundation when there's a whole universe out there. The interviewer adds that SCP-343 comes off like less of a god and more of a used car salesman, and that he may be "hiding from something".

SCP : Sedition - SCP - 343 [Tape 01][]

The lengths of my powers is - beyond your comprehension.
~ SCP-343

Once again, an interview is conducted with SCP-343, this time, the interviewer is a man named Isaac Watchthorne (who always goes by "Watch"), and is accompanied by an SCP researcher known only as "Jacobs". Both the appearance and personality of the SCP has gone through many noticeable changes compared to the previous video. SCP-343 now speaks in a domineering and serious tone of voice, in contrast to the soft-spoken and calm demeanor he had in the previous video. SCP-343 now appears as a thin man in a white robe, long white hair with little facial hair, unlike his previous appearance, where he appeared as very muscular and had very long facial hair.

SCP-343 showcases his powers much more than in the previous video, ⁣as SCP-343 changes the setting of the interview room to a much larger and beautiful stone-carved room adorned with statues and waterfalls; calming music is also played to add ambience to the new setting. The topic of false gods comes up in the interview, which causes SCP-343 to teleport. SCP-035 nearby. Seconds before being teleported, SCP-035 was likely attempting to escape and/or kill researchers, as SCP-035 is heard saying, "Stay back, or four-eyes gets the sharp end!" before realizing where he is. SCP-343 then teleports him to an unknown location as a form of punishment, promising to return the mask once the punishment has ended.

As the interview goes on, Watch gets increasingly annoyed by the fact that SCP-343 is all powerful, but doesn't extend his power to help those who need help the most, including the fact that SCP-343 doesn't assist the Foundation with any dangerous SCP's. The last straw for Watch is when the topic of SCP-343 erasing a researcher from existence comes up. SCP-343 explains the reason for this is that said researcher was about to discover a truth he shouldn't have, then adding that humanity is better off not knowing some things.

The interview ends with Watch trying to attack SCP-343 by throwing a clipboard at him, which the latter halts in midair. Jacobs steps in and holds Watch back. SCP-343 then leaves, reverting the room back to its original form.

SCP : Sedition - SCP - 343 [Tape 02][]

Those who have strayed from my flock... have sought to establish their own anomalies.
~ SCP-343's description of the creation of many SCPs.

The interviewer, Watch, and his supervisor, Jacobs, discuss the aftermath of the previous interrogation with SCP-343. SCP-035 has been released from his punishment, and was returned to its original holding cell, albeit refusing to take hosts for the time being. SCP-343 teleports both men to his quarters, which is adorned with stone decorations, fauna and waterfalls, similar to the setting that the previous interview took place in.

Watch asks SCP-343 if it had anything to do with the creation of SCP-1795 instances, as those instances seemed to exist long before mankind. Since those instances take on an appearance similar to a human heart, Watch asks if the instances were a precursor to mankind, which SCP-343 denies. SCP-343 explains that those instances once lived on a world that no longer exists. Watch explains that the universe expands, then will eventually collapse into itself, then due to the pressure of matter being so tightly compressed, expands once again and restarts the process of creation all over again. SCP-343 confirms this explanation to be true, and that some beings can somehow survive the universe suffering a singularity collapse.

In the very first video of SCP-343, the deity did not want to speak of Cain (SCP-073) and Abel (SCP-076-2), but openly speaks of them in this video. He states that Cain is doomed to forever try atoning for his sin of killing Abel, and Abel is forever doomed to suffer Cain's mistake, including Abel's bloodline being eternally removed from the world. The mark on Cain's forehead is confirmed to be tied to Abel's death, but SCP-343 does not directly reveal what the mark does, and states that Cain himself must be asked for the answer, as it is "not his place to do so". These answers confirm that the Cain and Abel SCPs are indeed God's creation. When asked about SCP-2845, the deity reveals that it is connected to the Earth's formation in the ancient times, and was created during a time when the deity "dabbled" in creating some creatures.

When the subject of SCP-239 is brought up - which is a girl that can bend the reality of anything she sees. The deity is asked why she is able to keep her powers, if those powers can doom life. SCP-343 answers that it does not prevent or remove the powers of others, as to not interfere with the free will of all life. The SCP also confirms the creation of Jesus Christ, explaining him to be a descendent of God himself rather than "an invention". The SCP also mentions Adam, Eve and "the betrayer", which is confirmed to be Lilith; the rebellious wife of Adam in the Abrahamic religions. She is also capable of making women infertile, as well as turning men into chimeric beasts with only her voice. Just the mention of her name induces anger in SCP-343. The deity states that SCPs should be treated as equally as human beings, as SCPs are still living beings, with many being SCP-343's creation, even indirectly.

When SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) is mentioned, SCP-343 confirms his connection to it, stating that it was a favorite in the halls of heaven, being an early inhabitant of God's kingdom, but had to leave heaven to guard the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve's banishment from it. Watch asks why SCP-343 will not help prevent dangerous SCPs from causing armageddon, but SCP-343 once again states that even dangerous and evil creatures have the right to exist, regardless of their nature. The topic of SCP-049 is brought up, and SCP-343 states that "The Pestilence" that SCP-049 claims is infecting the world, is seen "through a lens only available to him", and refuses to elaborate further.

SCP-2317-K is brought up, which is an evil godlike creature that is held together by seals, but there is only one seal left. SCP-343 explains that the evil creature is not The Scarlet King, but is only one of seven vessels belonging to him. Eventually, the interview leads to an argument once more, with SCP-343 stating that if there's anything for him to regret, it is that he allowed humanity - and its flaws - to exist. An infuriated Watch stands up and dares the god to smite him. This causes Jacobs to also lose his composure and slander SCP-343. In his rage, Jacobs flaunts his power over Watch and demands him to stay silent and not interfere. Jacobs challenges SCP-343 to kill him, which leads to the SCP smiting him by scattering his particles across time and space.

SCP-343 then places his focus on Watch, teleporting them both to a stormy, outer realm. SCP-343 gives Watch godlike powers, but can only make one single choice with them. Watch is then blinded with visions of many choices and their repercussions. Before Watch makes a decision, SCP-343 promises to never undo any act that Watch makes. Watch accepts the consequences of the actions in his life, then makes one simple choice - to return Jacobs. SCP-343 deems the choice a wise one, and states that Watch's sister is proud, presumably talking about her soul in the afterlife. Jacobs has hypothermia, and is thankful for Watch saving his life. SCP-343 then disappears in a ball of light.




External Links[]


  • SCP-343 appearances was inspired by the God/Yahweh/Allah (Abrahamic Religions) the monotheistic God of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
  • While SCP-343 is classified is Safe, it means it is only classified as being safe due to being alignment with good, SCP-343 would be classified as a Keter Class that has the potentials of creating out an ZK-End of reality, or XK-End of the World scenario if it were alignment with evil.
  • In the tale "The Gate Opens", SCP-343 deems the right time for His angelic armies to lay waste on Earth so it would reborn as a paradise. He goes to SCP-001 who kneels to Him and refers to Him as his Father and Lord, and on 343's orders 001 finally opens the gate where armies of similar abstract angelical beings emerge.
  • In the "Project Paragon" canon, SCP-343 is explicitly confirmed not to be the Abrahamic God, but rather an ancient wizard orignally called Matthew.
  • Seth had stated how he witnessed Malidraug killing Noah. It is most likely that he was referring to SCP-343, although 343 himself had stated that he had actually witnessed Noah sacrificing himself to cause the Flood and kill the Children of the Night.
  • In SCP-001 Proposal by Dr. Locke "When Day Breaks" expanded Canon, SCP-343 is strong enough to not be completely taken over by the event, but is not strong enough to fully resist it, as in the end, SCP-343 is to be proven not real God of Abrahamic religions, but is a very strong wizard, who thinks he is God, or tries to deceive others out of malice. This corrupted version of SCP-343 uses it's powers to make people think he's gonna save them, but he infact sends them to the rays of the Sun.


           SCPFoundation SCP Heroes SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Church of the Second Hytoth | Dr. Wondertainment | Gamers Against Weed | Global Occult Coalition | Horizon Initiative | Manna Charitable Foundation | Nobody | Prometheus Labs, Inc. | SCP Foundation (O5 Council) | Serpent's Hand | Three Moons Initiative | Unusual Incidents Unit

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Stuff Industry

Safe SCPs
SCP-011 | SCP-085 | SCP-105 | SCP-131 | SCP-163 | SCP-181 | SCP-187 | SCP-208 | SCP-343 | SCP-387 | SCP-492 | SCP-507 | SCP-516 | SCP-590 | SCP-999 | SCP-1230-1 | SCP-1281 | SCP-2053-1 | SCP-2295 | SCP-2412 | SCP-2622 | SCP-2800 | SCP-2816-2 | SCP-2980-1 | SCP-3161-1 | SCP-3355 | SCP-3973 | SCP-5094 | SCP-5443 | SCP-7952 | SCP-8000

Euclid SCPs
SCP-049 | SCP-073 | SCP-326 | SCP-336 | SCP-451 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-706 | SCP-781 | SCP-789 | SCP-1252 | SCP-1338 | SCP-1342-3 | SCP-1530-3 | SCP-1609 | SCP-1690 | SCP-1810 | SCP-1959 | SCP-1985 | SCP-2040 | SCP-2045 | SCP-2101-1 | SCP-2241 | SCP-2273 | SCP-2331 | SCP-2370 | SCP-2639-A | SCP-2726-A | SCP-2785 | SCP-2792 | SCP-2999-B | SCP-3082-2 | SCP-3090 | SCP-4128 | SCP-4158 | SCP-4197 | SCP-4231-B | SCP-4793 | SCP-5239 | SCP-5935 | SCP-7000

Keter SCPs
SCP-734 | SCP-990 | SCP-1233 | SCP-1440 | SCP-2006 | SCP-2662 | SCP-3740 | SCP-4051 | SCP-4239-1 | SCP-4343 | SCP-4455 | SCP-4640 | SCP-4999 | SCP-5031 | SCP-5151 | SCP-5726 | SCP-6113-1

Neutralized SCPs
SCP-1508 | SCP-1762-2 | SCP-2420 | SCP-3507 | SCP-4017 | SCP-4026-1

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-179 | SCP-2137 | SCP-3894-Alpha | SCP-4606 | SCP-6101 | SCP-6666-A

Archon SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-040 | SCP-1867 | SCP-2085 | SCP-3700-1 | SCP-4755 | SCP-5699 | SCP-7373

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
French Branch

Spanish Branch

Japanese Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) | SCP-001 (Dr. Wondertainment) | SCP-001 (The Broken God) | SCP-001 (The Foundation) | SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Serpent)

Ashur | Bes | Deimos | DJ Chaac | Gate Guardian | Jalakåra | Mekhane | Nahash | Pangloss | Rakmou-leusan | SCP-2662 | Yehom

SCP Foundation Personnel
Alto Clef | Calixto Narváez | Dr. Iceberg | Katherine Sinclair | Michael Edison | Simon Kells | Stuart Hayward | William Wettle

James Talloran | Thomas Yaltz

Agent Kramer | Agent J████ | Daniel Johnson | Dmitri Strelnikov | Max Lombardi | Sarah Crowely | Troy Lament

Task Forces
Auxiliary Task Force Alpha-1 | Mobile Task Force Theta-90 | Mobile Task Force Tau-5 | Mobile Task Force Omega-9

D-14134 | D-87465

Glacon | Screamy

O5 Council/Administration
Calvin Lucien | O5-█ | The Archeologist

Alexander Sukarno | Alex Thorley | Marion Wheeler | Olympia | Pietro Wilson

Andrew Llewellyn | Derdekeas | Eric | Fruit Cake | Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | Jenna | Joey Fucknuts | Kit | Kind Man | Lewitt-Zairi Family | Mirage | Nobody | Reality-Bender | Tobin Hollis | William

From Other Media
Connor Cornwall | D-9341 | SCP-105-C | Big Charlie

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from scp-wiki.net and its authors.
