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You need to spend time alone, so that you can find the balance, the middle ground. That's what I always do because I'm a Buddhist.
~ God's advice to Satan.
Yay like John Travolta before you, you're experiencing a second revival.
~ God, during a conversation with Jesus.

God is the overarching protagonist of the long-running animated series South Park. The concept for the character is based on the Christian God. He is the father of Jesus Christ and the creator of the universe. Though he does not appear in the show often, he is still frequently mentioned.

He is voiced by Trey Parker.


Like the original concept of an Abrahamic God, he is an all-knowing, all-loving and all-controlling deity that has created the universe. Another matching trait of an Abrahamic God is that God is never seen by anyone except for a few people, unless they are in Heaven. The most striking detail of God is his animal appearance, which was done by the creators for the sole purpose of messing with people's minds.

A comical feature of the show's version of Heaven is that only Mormons are allowed there. Following any other religion sends people to Hell. It's never explained if this is only God's will or some other mechanic at work.

In the episode "Are You There God, It's Me, Jesus", Jesus is pressured to do something spectacular for the year 2000. Not knowing what to do, he asks God to appear on Earth, which he refuses. When Jesus fails to please his audience, Jesus is about to be crucified all over again. At that very moment, God appears and offers humanity to ask one single question; a question that should have chosen carefully. The South Park citizens seeing God are very confused at his animal-like appearance. The question is stolen and wasted by Stan Marsh, asking why he "didn't get his period".

God leaves, stating he'll answer another question in the year 4000. In the episode "Probably", Satan asks God for help on his relationship problems. Satan is torn between choosing a nice man named Chris and Saddam Hussein, and asks God which choice is better. God gives Satan the right advice of choosing neither, and using the time to find the balance and work on oneself, advice that greatly helps Satan.

In the episode "A Ladder to Heaven", God is unseen, although his voice heard. Saddam Hussein was building a chemical weapons plant in Heaven, but disguising it as a chocolate chip factory. God notices this and questions Saddam, and Saddam manages to convince God of the lie.


God is extremely calm and soft-spoken, and seemingly helps anyone that is able to speak to him. The best example of this is when Satan himself asks for relationship advice from God, and the latter gives him the right advice instead of turning him away. Although there are many religious characters in the show that pray to God or simply mention him, he does not seem to directly answer them or appear to them.

For the first time in the show, God shows a wrathful side in the episode "HUMANCENTiPAD", where Eric is angrily cursing God for the former's selfish predicament - which was having Kyle Broflovski in a "human centipede" form, but having it taken away. After so much of Cartman's foul language toward him mixed with his evil past actions, God finally had enough of Cartman and struck him with lightning, leaving Cartman hospitalized.

Since God wasn't able to figure out Saddam Hussein was building a chemical weapons plant, it's possible that God has a gullible side. In the episode "South ParQ Vaccination Special", he is seen dancing among other South Park characters that survived the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • There is a large discrepency in how the Earth was formed in the show. In the episode "Cancelled", it is stated that the aliens have found different species (and races of people) on different planets and placed them all on Earth for the sake of creating an intergalactic TV show. However, God has appeared on the show, and has purported that he created the entiriety of Earth himself; this is further hinted during his conversations with Satan and Jesus Christ. It is highly possible that the setup of the episode "Cancelled" does not have any continuity in other episodes, and only exists in that one episode.
  • Despite the show's creators being atheists, coupled with the show's nature to parody real-life figures, God is one of the very few referential characters to be portrayed in a respectable and positive light.
    • Although, in the Imaginationland Trilogy, God is heavily implied to be a resident of Imaginationland. However, he has managed to exist outside of the realm like Santa Claus.

External Links[]

  • God at the South Park Wiki
  • God at South Park Studios


           South Park sign Heroes

The Main Boys
Stan Marsh | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick

Kids of South Park
Butters Stotch | The New Kid | Wendy Testaburger | Jimmy Valmer | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrip | Clyde Donovan | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Bebe Stevens | Heidi Turner | Red McArthur | Lola | Jenny Simons | Shelly Marsh | Kevin McCormick | Ike Broflovski | The Goth Kids | Scott Malkinson | Annie Knitts | Bradley Biggle | Nichole Daniels | Kelly | Karen McCormick

Adults of South Park
Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Jerome "Chef" McElroy | Herbert "Janet" Garrison | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Liane Cartman | Stuart McCormick | Carol McCormick | Steve Black | Mr. Mackey | Sergeant Harrison Yates | Mayor McDaniels | Tuong Lu Kim | Jimbo Kern | Ned Gerblansky | Mr. Slave | Big Gay Al | PC Principal | Strong Woman | Father Maxi | Officer Barbrady | Dr. Mephesto

Other Characters
Terrance and Phillip | Satan | Jesus Christ | Santa Claus | Super Best Friends | Mr. Hankey | Toolshed | Human Kite | Super Craig | God | Doctor Timothy | Freddy Krueger | Ugly Bob | Brian Boitano | Gene Hackman | Cesar Millan | Marvin Marsh | Robert Smith
