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Heroes Wiki

In my world, the color red doesn't exist.
~ Godot's most famous quote.
You're saying that if something isn't normal, it simply isn't possible? Where does that leave the porcu-headed lawyer and the topknot chick over there... and the ungodly cool guy with the mask over here? Well, Trite?
~ Countering Wright's objection.

Godot (born Diego Armando (Japanese: Sōryū Kaminogi)) is the heroic secondary antagonist of the video game Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations and one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Mia Fey) for the entire series. Despite being an antagonist, he is on the side of good. Although he was accidently responsible for the manslaughter of Misty Fey, his actions to protect the Fey Clan and prevent the evils of Dahlia Hawthorne from taking place make him a hero



Godot was born Diego Armando. He became a defense attorney in the Grossberg Law Offices. During his period as a defense attorney, he helped rookie attorney Mia Fey in her first case, in which she defended an escaped convict called Terry Fawles. The trial came to a tragic conclusion when Terry drank poison and subsequently died just when Mia was about to reveal the true culprit, a woman named Dahlia Hawthorne.  Mia and Diego soon started to date sometime after the trial. Later,  Diego decided to meet with Dahlia, but he was poisoned and went into a deep coma. When he woke up 5 years later, Diego discovered that Mia was killed by Redd White and Dahlia was already in death row. He then blamed Mia's trainee Phoenix Wright for her death.

Prosecuting Cases[]

Soon after, Diego Armando became a prosecutor named Godot. He met Phoenix Wright in his first case, a grand larceny trial against Ron DeLite. Phoenix soon proved Ron had an alibi, but said alibi put him in another murder trial. Phoenix proved Ron's innocence again, and exposed the true culprit. Shortly after, Godot went against Phoenix in another trial, this time a retrial of a waitress wrongfully convicted of murder. Phoenix proved her innocence and found the true killer.

Saving Maya[]

Later, Mia's cousin Pearl went to visit her incarcerated mother. Godot was there and heard about Morgan's plan to kill Maya Fey, Mia's sister, who was supposed to become Master of Kurain, so that Pearl would become Master instead. Wanting to atone for failing to save Mia, Godot threw away the letter and convinced Misty to formulate a dangerous plan to force Dahlia out into the open so that Maya could be saved once and for all. The plan was for Pearl to channel Dahlia's spirit. Dahlia would then go on to kill Maya and exit Pearl's body, but not before pinning the crime on a nun and her sister, Iris. Godot met with Iris and Maya's mother Misty (who was disguised as a picture book author for 15 years due to a scandal). They formed a plan in which Misty would take Pearl and draw with her. However, Pearl didn't show up. This forced Misty to channel Dahlia so Pearl couldn't.

However, Dahlia managed to find Maya and tried to kill her. However, Godot managed to stab Dahlia, saving Maya and inadvertently killing Misty in the process. Godot contacted Iris in order for her to get rid of the body, but Iris was seen by a nun named Bikini and was arrested. Shortly after the murder, the bridge connecting the crime scene to where Phoenix was located was caught on fire. Thinking Maya was in trouble, Phoenix ran across the bridge but it snapped and he fell into the water. Due to the bridge being disconnected, Maya and Godot were trapped. Godot moved an unconscious Maya inside the Inner Temple located nearby. There she locked herself inside and channeled Dahlia so she wouldn't be able to kill Maya. Due to Godot also being trapped, he was unable to prosecute the case. Phoenix's friend Miles Edgeworth took over for the defense while Phoenix was hospitalized, while Edgeworth's adoptive sister Franziska took over for the prosecution. The next day, Phoenix, fresh out of the hospital, found out about Misty's true identity and about Morgan's plan. The bridge was repaired during that time, but Maya was still missing.

Phoenix found Godot, who taunted him about failing to save Mia and now failing to save Maya. During the investigation, an earthquake happened, causing Maya, who was channeling Dahlia at the time, to escape and trap Iris behind 5 trick locks. In court, "Iris" (Actually Dahlia disguised) testified that she saw Maya kill Misty. Dahlia believed Maya committed suicide after killing Misty. However, Phoenix managed to prove Maya was still alive. Crushed that she failed to get revenge on Mia, Dahlia broke down and left Maya's body. Now the only problem was to prove who was the true killer. Maya, knowing Godot was the true killer, falsely testified to protect her savior. However, Phoenix managed to prove Godot's guilt. As Phoenix cornered Godot, Godot saw Mia's spirit, realizing that Phoenix wasn't a bad lawyer. Godot confessed to the crime and started crying since it's all over for him. He drank one last cup of coffee with Phoenix before going to prison.

While saddened that Godot was no longer the paragon of morality he had been when she was still alive, Mia was glad that Godot had finally found peace and seen the error of his ways. It's unknown whether or not Dahlia's knife or his sickness killed him or not, but regardless of the case, he had accomplished what he wished to achieve.


Godot is intelligent and level-headed, being able to hold his ground against Phoenix Wright without losing his composure. He has a love of coffee and obscure and confusing analogies that he can come up with on a whim. While he holds grudges, it is a mask to obscure his own self-loathing for not saving Mia's life. Due to this, he has developed a savior complex, especially around women, and he wishes to expose the weaknesses of Phoenix Wright to prove that Phoenix was unable to protect the women he cared for. He wished to be the hero of his story and was willing to do anything to make that story happen, be it good or bad.

Godot's biggest flaw is his desire to fix his past mistakes, even if it means creating new ones. His pride meant that he was willing to risk his, Misty's, and Pearl's lives in order for him to involve himself in a plan to defeat Dahlia. He wished to be a knight in shining armor, preferring to fight his own battles rather than allow others to take up the mantle for him. He himself acknowledged that his actions were misguided, allowing himself to be imprisoned for his actions.

Despite his many flaws, Godot never allowed himself to succumb to delusion. Deep down, he was aware of his insecurities, namely the fact that he was still unable to grasp that Mia (and Diego) were dead. When the events of the game concluded, Godot was finally able to think clearly, and understand that sometimes, the blame doesn't just rest on a single person.

External Links[]


           Ace Attorney Logo Heroes

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Phoenix Wright | Larry Butz | Miles Edgeworth | Dick Gumshoe | Mia Fey | Maya Fey | Pearl Fey | Marvin Grossberg | Ema Skye | Lana Skye | Franziska von Karma | Godot | Misty Fey | Gregory Edgeworth | Jake Marshall | Neil Marshall | Bruce Goodman | Iris | Mike Meekins

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice | Spark Brushel | Romein LeTouse | Thalassa Gramarye | Trucy Wright | Klavier Gavin

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Athena Cykes | Metis Cykes | Simon Blackquill | Bobby Fulbright | Damian Tenma | Rex Kyubi | Juniper Woods | Hugh O'Conner | Robin Newman | Constance Courte | Yuri Cosmos | Solomon Starbuck | Clay Terran | Orla Shipley | Jack Shipley | Herman Crab | Norma DePlume | Sasha Buckler | Marlon Rimes

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi | Ahlbi Ur'gaid | Amara Sigatar Khura'in | Khura'inese Judge | Beh'leeb Inmee | Tahrust Inmee | Archie Buff | Defiant Dragons | Jove Justice | Ellen Wyatt | Sorin Sprocket | Dhurke Sahdmadhi | Rayfa Padma Khura'in | Datz Are'bal

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Kay Faraday | Byrne Faraday | Rhoda Teneiro | Colias Palaeno | Shi-Long Lang | Tyrell Badd | Buddy Faith

Gyakuten Kenji 2/Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor's Path
Raymond Shields | Sebastian Debeste | Ethan Rooke | Jeffrey Master | Katherine Hall | Dai-Long Lang | Justine Courtney | Jack Cameron | Real Di-Jun Huang

Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Hershel Layton | Luke Triton | Espella Cantabella

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ryunosuke Naruhodo | Susato Mikotoba | Kazuma Asogi | Barok van Zieks | Maria Gorey | Herlock Sholmes | John Garrideb | Tobias Gregson | Roly Beate | Pop Windibank | Iris Wilson | Gina Lestrade | Yujin Mikotoba | Rei Membami | Satoru Hosonaga
