Remilia Scarlet foresees more to this article's fate, and any and all information on it may be outdated. Help improve this article by checking and updating its info wherever necessary. And now time resumes! |
“ | It's my reality, my future! And I can hold that future in the palm of my hand! | „ |
~ Goh's catchphrase. |
Goh (Japanese: ゴウ Go) is a Pokémon Trainer who is formerly Ash Ketchum's travelling companion and serves as the deuteragonist of Pokémon Journeys: The Series. His goal is to catch every Pokémon in every region, in the hopes of accomplishing his dream of catching Mew. Goh and his childhood friend, Chloe Cerise, were from Kanto like Ash.
In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Daiki Yamashita, who also voiced Izuku Midoriya. In the English version, he is voiced by Zeno Robinson, who also voiced Remy Remington, Hunter, Hawks, Carapace, and Pegasus, and Tai Kamiya (2020) in Digimon Adventure: (2020).
Goh has black hair with red highlights and blue eyes. His outfit consists of a grey short-sleeved top with a Poké Ball design and red brims, black tracksuit pants, red socks and a pair of gray and black shoes.
Although he usually has a calm demeanor, he can also get hot-blooded. Goh also has an ego and sometimes behaves like a know-it-all. However, Goh really cares about Pokémon and gets excited about meeting them, much like Ash does.
Like Ash, Goh knows Team Rocket are criminals trying to steal Pokémon, but doubted that Meowth could actually talk until he actually saw Meowth in person.
He was surprised to see that Team Rocket is a bigger evil organization after he saw Team Rocket grunts and their secretary during a raid at Sinnoh’s water reservoir.
But with help from the disguised Team Rocket trio, he was able to distract some of the grunts while Ash freed Pikachu and the rest of the stolen Pokémon.
Pokémon right now[]
On hand[]
- Scorbunny → Raboot → Cinderace
- Sobble → Drizzile → Inteleon
- Grookey
- Caterpie
- Venomoth
- Butterfree
- Pinsir
- Beedrill
- Scyther → Scizor
- Taillow
- Mantyke
- Misdreavus
- Dewgong
- Skwovet → Greedent
- Darmanitan
- Golurk
- Cubone
- Grimer
- Farfetch'd
- Magikarp
- Heracross ♂
- Pinsir ♀
- Pikachu → Raichu
- Trapinch
- Flygon
- Pyukumuku
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Old Amber → Aerodactyl
- Boldore
- Suicune
- Absol
- Panpour
- Froakie → Frogadier
Traveling with[]
- Rotom (as a phone)
With Professor Cerise[]
- Metapod
- Paras
- Parasect
- Weedle
- Kakuna
- Venonat
- Wurmple → Cascoon → Dustox (×3)
- Tentacool
- Sentret
- Stantler
- Dewgong
- Sandile
- Spearow
- Rattata
- Pidgey
- Nidoran ♀
- Nidoran ♂
- Oddish
- Poliwag
- Ekans
- Exeggcute → Exeggutor
- Goldeen
- Magikarp
- Binacle
- Flabebe → Floette (x4)
- Scatterbug
- Phantump ♂
- Fletchling
- Wingull
- Ariados
- Pineco
- Hitmonchan ♂
- Vibrava
- Chinchou
- Bunnelby
- Mankey
- Krabby
- Arctozolt
- Geodude
- Diglett
- Drowzee
- Morelull
- Bellsprout
- Pansear
- Raticate
- Pidgeotto
- Durant
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Falinks
- Alolan Geodude
- Bruxish
- Passimian
- Roggenrola
- Ferrothorn
- Voltorb
- Milcery → Alcremie
- Murkrow
- Camerupt
- Sharpedo
- Kingdra
- Shedinja
- Galarian Corsola
- Hoothoot
- Lilligant
- Slowpoke
- Gossifleur
- Golbat
- Graveler
- Cloyster
- Altaria
- Regieleki
Traded Away[]
- Pinsir
Given Away[]
- Dugtrio
- Eternatus
- Floette
- Alolan Ninetales
- Goh is the first main Pokémon protagonist who has two starter Pokémon from one generation besides Ash.
- Goh has more Pokémon than Ash's former traveling companions combined.
- Goh is the first main character to catch a Legendary Pokémon.
External Links[]
- Goh on the Pokémon Wiki
- Goh at Bulbapedia
- Goh on the Shonen Heroes Wiki
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Main Characters Professors Allies Relatives Other Characters Champions Rising Volt Tacklers Movie Characters Main Pokémon Legendary/Mythical Pokémon Other Pokémon Groups and Organizations |