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The council cannot see beyond their ambition, but I... I intend to live for something more. You may call me... Gold.
~ Gold the Tenrec

Gold the Tenrec is a supporting character in the Archie comics and spin-offs Sonic the Hedgehog. She is a mobian tenrec from an alternate reality, who wound up in the Prime Zone, two hundred years into the future, after her home was ravaged by the Second Devourer. She went on to become a member of the corrupt Onyx City Council, before turning rogue and becoming an ally to Silver the Hedgehog and Professor Von Schlemmer.





When Gold was just a child, her reality fell victim to the Second Devourer. As she tried to escape the time-consuming monster, she fell into a Genesis Portal which transported her into the Prime Zone. There, she was taken in by the Onyx City Council, who promised to take care of her, but in reality only needed her for her powers. To avoid having her mind taken away, she had to join the Council.

Sonic Universe[]

As the Council began experimenting on the Genesis Portals, Gold, aware of their dangers, sought to stop them, and sent Silver a telepathic message to meet her at the Science Center at night. When Silver and Schlemmer arrived on the scene, she revealed her identity, only for the Council's robots to ambush and capture the trio. As the three were strapped to the operating tables, the councilpeople used Gold's power to open the Genesis Portal, and shoved Silver and Schlemmer in. Though they escaped and freed Gold, the Second Devourer entered the Prime Zone through the portal as well, before going on to petrify the Council and the entire Onyx City.

Gold and the rest of the group escaped to Professor Von Schlemmer's base, where she woke the unconsious professor. The heroes decided to enlarge Silver with the Bigger-Maker Machine to increase his power to a level enough to defeat the Devourer. Since the professor needed more time than could be allowed to recalibrate the machine, Gold assisted him by linking her, his, Silver's and the Bits' minds together, speeding up the process. The gigantified Silver defeated the Second Devourer and closed the Genesis Portal, but soon after another was opened, sucking the heroes in and leaving them to an unknown fate. It's unknown what happened to Gold afterwards, although it can be assumed that she and Professor Von Schlemmer are helping Silver hunt down and close the Genesis Portals.


Gold is very supportive, thoughtful, kind, caring, but also incredibly easy to impress (when watching movies, she makes noises with glee), nosy, neurotic, and nagging. She is also very clever in never getting caught. Lately she is learning to be herself, a person of value and authority.

Powers and Abilites[]



  • According to Evan Stanley, the character's creator:
    • Gold is bisexual, and is into strong and confident people.
    • Her relationship with Silver is akin to a friendship between siblings.
    • Ethnicity-wise, she is Sonic's world's equivalent of an Indian.
    • She is Silver's alternate dimension counterpart.

External Links[]


            ArchieSonicLogo (Archie Comics) Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Antoine D'Coolette | Big the Cat | Bunnie Rabbot | Cheese the Chao | Cream the Rabbit | Froggy | Miles "Tails" Prower | Nicole the Holo-Lynx | Omochao | Rotor the Walrus | Sally Acorn | Sonic the Hedgehog | T-Pup
Arctic Freedom Fighters
Augustus the Polar Bear | Erma the Ermine | Flip the Penguin | Guntiver the Arctic Wolf | Sealia the Seal
Downunda Freedom Fighters
Barby Koala | Duck "Bill" Platypus | Guru Emu | Wombat Stu | Walt Wallaby
Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters
Bivalve Clam | Bottlenose Dolphin | Fluke the Blue Whale | P. B. Jellyfish | Ray the Manta
Dark Freedom Fighters
Blockbuster Polar Bear | Cutlass Depardieu | Dagger Walrus | Demo Duck | Jani-Ca | Payback Fox | Scarlette Rabbot
Secret Freedom Fighters
Elias Acorn | Harvey Who | Larry the Lynx | Leeta and Lyco | Shard the Metal Sonic | Silver the Hedgehog
Desert Raiders
Sonar the Fennec | Spike the Porcupine | Trevor Burrow the Mole
Shijin Warriors
Bunker the Tortoise | Cinder the Pheasant | Dulcy the Dragon |Jian the Tiger

Kingdom of Acorn
Elias Acorn | King Acorn | Sally Acorn | Alicia Acorn
Council of Acorn
Dylan the Porcupine | Hamlin the Pig | Penelope the Platypus | Rosemary Prower | Rotor the Walrus | Sir Charles Hedgehog
Amadeus Prower | Sir Connery | Armand D'Coolette
Ash Mongoose | Ben Muttski | G-merl | Mina Mongoose | Rosie Woodchuck | Tommy Turtle | Vanilla the Rabbit

Angel Island
Chaos | Knuckles the Echidna | Relic the Pika | Fixit the Robot | Tikal the Echidna

Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Heavy and Bomb | Mighty the Armadillo | Ray the Flying Squirrel

Abraham Tower | Amanda Tower | Hope Kintobor | Madonna Garnet
Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Hope Kintobor | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog

Time and Space Travelers
Sol Dimension
Blaze the Cat | Marine the Raccoon
Future Timeline
Gold the Tenrec | Professor Von Schlemmer | Silver the Hedgehog
Zone Cops
Warden Zobotnik | Zonic

Light Mobius
Future Freedom Fighters
Belle and Jacques | King Sonic | Lara-Su the Echidna | Manik and Sonia | Melody and Skye
Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna

Coral the Betta | Crusher the Chao | Echo the Dolphin | Pearly the Manta Ray | Razor the Shark

Bernadette the Hedgehog | Chip | Cyborg Sonic | Doctor Ivo Kintobor | Doctor J. Kintobor | E-102 Gamma | Fiona Fox | Geoffrey St. John | Hershey St. John | Honey the Cat | Jules the Hedgehog | Julie-Su the Echidna | Lupe the Wolf | Maria Robotnik | Mega Man | Moss the Sloth | Professor Pickle | Remington | Saffron Bee

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
