Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."
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I am the Golden Sovereign!
~ Golden Cheese Cookie
Worship the Ever-Radiant Sovereign of the Golden City! Golden Cheese Cookie dwells in a gilded palace amidst the dunes of the Parmesan Desert. Cookies fall to their knees in exultation at the glimpse of her—body adorned with shining gold, godlike confidence, and magnificent wings. A mere flick of her wrist forms a golden mountain, another, a river—powers only a god can wield. Her greed knows no bounds, as this Cookie yearns for more to call her own, from treasures to even her faithful subjects. Following her desires, Golden Cheese Cookie filled the kingdom with riches, flowing freely like cheese fondue. She could’ve had it all: her eternal kingdom, the pinnacle of opulence and bliss. If it weren’t for that fated day, that is...
~ Golden Cheese Cookie's in-game description.
Golden Cheese Cookie is one of the five overarching protagonists (alongside Pure Vanilla Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, and White Lily Cookie) and a playable character in Cookie Run: Kingdom. She is one of the member of the five Ancient Heroes that fought Dark Enchantress Cookie and the founder and queen of the Golden Cheese Kingdom.
Golden Cheese Cookie is a female cookie with orange hair, white eyelashes and dark chocolate colored skin. She possesses a pair of orange wings with four turquoise triangle on each. She has spiky turquoise makeup under each of her golden eyes. As the ruler of her kingdom she wears a type of Egypt themed cloth which consist of the golden cheese crown on her head that has a triangular cheese with a wing on both side and a gold triangular gem in the middle, a collar around her neck and wears a type of Egyptian pant. And she possesses a very long golden spear that she uses in combat. As Hollyberry said in Cookie Odyssey Chapter 1: The Council of Heroes Day 3, she described her as shiny and glittery, covered in golden cheese powder, enjoyed her splendor and riches, and never came on time.
Golden Cheese Cookie is known to be a wealthy ruler of her kingdom. She gives out gold to any of her subjects as they would enjoy her radiance and glory. Another noticeable trait is her greed. Yet she never saw being greedy as a flaw, if anything, she saw as more of a virtue.
Despite her arrogance, she is a kind queen who wants what's best for her people. When her home was destroyed by the war, she was devastated as she not only lost her gold and castle, but she also lost her subjects and friends, and she was willing to do anything to get them back, even if it meant uploading them and herself into a virtual version of their kingdom.
All that glitters belongs to ME!
~ Gacha Pre-Pull
I am the Golden Sovereign!
~ Gacha
How pathetic!
~ Loading Screen
My presence illuminates the battlefield!
~ Loading Screen
See the golden light!
~ Loading Screen
Ha ha! If you wish to run, this is your chance.
~ Loading Screen
Be thankful for my presence, for I shall bring you victory.