Good Cop, also known as Bad Cop or Scribble-Face Cop, is the secondary antagonist of The LEGO Movie, and a minor character in The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part. He is a dissociative police officer that switches between the personalities of both a Good Cop trope and a Bad Cop trope. He is Lord Business' former lieutenant.
He was voiced by Liam Neeson, who also portrayed Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia.
Bad Cop dresses in the black Lego police uniform, and also has grey hands. His head is yellow, and has double-sided printing. One side portrays his "bad" personality, and the other side portrays his "good" personality.
His bad side has sunglasses with grey lenses and a determined expression. His good side has an open smile and glasses. Bad Cop also wears a black helmet. His 71004 The LEGO Movie Series, Scribble Face Bad Cop/Good Cop, variant comes with a double-sided head pieces. One side shows his bad side, while the other is a scribbled good side face. He does not have details on the back of the torso, despite having them in the movie. The set 70802 Bad Cop's Pursuit also has his Bad Cop face but with a more mad expression as well as his Good Cop expression.
Good Cop is all about positivity and gentleness, offering warm smiles and supportive words. He tries to help others and maintains a friendly tone, even in tense situations. His bubbly and overly cheerful nature is the perfect contrast to his more aggressive "Bad Cop" personality.
Bad Cop works for Lord Business, the main antagonist of The LEGO Movie. As his strongest and most ruthless henchman, he will do anything to help Lord Business accomplish his evil goal of ending the LEGO world with Kragle to glue everything together, and Bad Cop acts as Business' top enforcer, making him the secondary antagonist.
Good Cop's friendly side.
Bad Cop turned to the good side.
Good Cop
Scribble Cop
Bad Cop
This character is similar to how Naut and Nurp are often portrayed in Mixels.
The names of Bad/Good Cop's split personalities don't actually signify their moral aligenments, but rather their behaviour. Initially, both were loyal to Lord Business, but Bad Cop was rude and more vicious, while Good Cop was polite and hesitant to hurt his parents. After being left for dead by Business, Bad Cop helped the heroes out and restored Good Cop, who promised to continue assisting them by holding the robots off.