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Heroes Wiki

Gorsestar is a supporting character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.

Gorse was originally a loner who lived alongside his mate Wind. But after joining the early settlers, he and Wind changed their names to Gorse Fur and Wind Runner. The two later had four kits: Moth Flight, Dust Muzzle, Morning Whisker and Emberkit. After the latter two die, Gorse Fur and his mate grieve their deaths. Following the Great Battle, he and his family split off into their own group on the moor in order to acquire space away from the other groups. Gorse Fur became Windstar's deputy after she received her nine lives and was made leader, and he later became the second WindClan leader as Gorsestar after she lost her last life.


Gorsestar is a silver-gray tabby tom with green eyes and a spiky, gorse-like tuft of fur on his head.


Dawn of the Clans[]

Initially raised near the river, Gorse lived on the moor and offers to hunt with Wind, but she coldly declines. He helps her save Willow and Frog and manages to charm his way into Wind's heart. Moons later, they meet Gray Wing, and though are initially hostile, they teach him how to hunt rabbits on the moor. Tall Shadow welcomes them as visitors, and eventually invites them to join their group. Gorse is renamed Gorse Fur, and is shown to be a trustworthy and hard-working cat, his loyalty and devotion to his mate unquestionable.

Gorse Fur comforts his mate as she gives birth to their kits, Dust Muzzle, Emberkit, Morning Whisker, and Moth Flight. However, Emberkit dies and he and Wind Runner share in their grief, but he gives Wind Runner the strength and comfort to keep going despite their loss. He is furious at Clear Sky after the deaths of Misty and Bumble, and participates in the Great Battle, swearing to protect Wind Runner. He and Wind Runner are briefly reunited with Emberkit when spirit cats descend from the sky.

After the death of Morning Whisker to sickness, the pair leads their family to form their own group on the moor. He and Wind Runner briefly assist the other groups to defeat One Eye. They welcome others into their group, and train with the other groups in preparation for the battle with Slash. After Bee's betrayal, he travels to Clear Sky's camp to warn him about the others.

Moth Flight’s Vision[]

When Moth Flight struggles to pay attention during hunts, Gorse Fur is shown to be very patient and understanding towards her, while Wind Runner is quite harsh. He saves her life from a Twoleg monster after she wanders onto the Thunderpath chasing a moth, making Wind Runner furious with her daughter. After Wind Runner is gravely injured, Gorse Fur protests Moth Flight taking her to the Moonstone, but Wind Runner agrees with their daughter and names Gorse Fur her successor. He marvels at Windstar when they both return.


Warriors LogoHeroes

Alderheart | Berrynose | Blossomfall | Bluestar | Bumblestripe | Brackenfur | Brambleclaw | Briarlight | Brightheart | Bristlefrost | Cloudtail | Cloud Spots | Cinderheart | Cinderpelt | Daisy | Dustpelt | Featherwhisker | Ferncloud | Finchlight | Finchstar | Finleap | Firestar | Goldenflower | Goosefeather | Graystripe | Hollyleaf | Honeyfern | Ivypool | Jayfeather | Leafpool | Lightning Tail | Lionblaze | Lionheart | Longtail | Millie | Moonpaw | Mousefur | Nightheart | Owlstar | Pinestar | Purdy | Redtail | Sandstorm | Snowfur | Sorreltail | Sparkpelt | Spotfur | Spottedleaf | Squirrelstar | Stemleaf | Stripestar | Sunbeam | Sunstar | Swiftpaw | Thornclaw | Thrushpelt | Thunderstar | Twigbranch | Wafflepelt | Whitestorm | Yellowfang

Brambleberry | Crookedstar | Dappled Pelt | Duskfur | Feathertail | Frostdawn | Harelight | Icestar | Leopardstar | Mudfur | Mistystar | Mothwing | Oakheart | Owlnose | Reedwhisker | Riverstar | Silverstream | Stonefur | Sunfish | Willowshine

Badgerfang | Blackstar | Blazefire | Cloverfoot | Dovewing | Flametail | Fringewhisker | Juniperclaw | Lightleap | Littlecloud | Needletail | Nightstar | Puddleshine | Raggedstar | Rowanclaw | Runningnose | Sagewhisker | Shadowsight | Shadowstar | Sparrowtail | Pebble Heart | Snowtuft | Spireclaw | Tawnypelt | Tigerstar II

Ashfoot | Barkface | Breezepelt | Crowfeather | Deadfoot | Galestar | Gorsestar | Gray Wing | Harestar | Hawkheart | Heatherstar | Heathertail | Jagged Peak | Kestrelflight | Moth Flight | Mudclaw | Nightcloud | Onestar | Tallstar | Whistlebreeze | Whitetail | Windstar

Bellaleaf | Billystorm | Cloudstar | Echosong | Fidgetflake | Frecklewish | Hawkwing | Kitescratch | Leafstar | Micah | Needleclaw | Pebbleshine | Rileypool | Rootspring | Sharpclaw | Sparrowstar | Star Flower | Skywatcher | Tree | Violetshine

Outside of Clans
Arc | Barley | Brook | Crag | Fallen Leaves | Fang | Half Moon | Jake | Midnight | Monkeystar | Moonlight | Petunia | Ravenpaw | Sasha | Shanty | Smudge | Spiresight | Stalk Purr | Stick | Stormfur | Tadpole | Tumble Leap | Turtle Tail
