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Heroes Wiki

Take that, shorty!
~ Grammy Norma taunting O'Hare after the chase.
I'm Grammy Norma, I'm old and I've got gray hair. But I remember when trees were everywhere - and no one had to pay for air! So I say, let it grow!
~ Grammy Norma, from the song "Let It Grow"

Norma Wiggins is a supporting character in Illumination's 3rd feature films The Lorax. She is the person who tells Ted to ask the Once-Ler about the trees, and how to find him, though it is never revealed if she ever knew him personally.

She was voiced by the late Betty White.


Grammy Norma's hairstyle is a big, round, curly white afro like her daughter, Mrs. Wiggins. She wears small, round glasses and a magenta cardigan with pale pink frills over a bright green dress, brown stockings and green shoes. She also owns a wooden spiral cane.


Despite her age, Grammy Norma is vivacious, silly, vibrant, outrageous and crazy. She enjoys playing Scrabble. She has a sneaky side to her and is very athletic and active, as she was shown to snowboard in the movie. She’s also brave and unafraid to speak her mind against people in power like Mr. O'Hare. Grammy Norma is very wise and knows how to get out of a tough situation. She’s also eccentric and reasonably fit.


It’s known that she remembers when Truffula trees still existed. At some point in time, she gave birth to her daughter who would later give birth to her grandson. Not much else is known about her early life.


  • Grammy Norma and Mrs. Wiggins have the same Afro hairstyle. 
  • Grammy Norma is often mistaken by the name "Granny Norma".


           Dr Seuss Logo Heroes

Horton Hears a Who: Horton the Elephant | Morton the Mouse | Ned McDodd | Jojo McDodd | Rudy Kangaroo
The Cat in the Hat: The Cat in the Hat (Live Action) | Conrad | Sally | The Fish | Thing One and Thing Two | Nick
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: The Grinch (Live Action, CGI) | Max (Live Action, CGI) | Cindy Lou Who (Live Action, CGI) | Martha May Whovier | Donna Lou Who
Green Eggs and Ham: Sam-I-Am | Guy-Am-I | Mr. Jenkins | Gluntz | Pam-I-Am | E.B. Weebie | Michelle Weebie | McWinkle
The Lorax: The Lorax | The Once-Ler | Ted Wiggins | Grammy Norma | Bernice Wiggins | Audrey | Cy | Pipsqueak


Halloween Is Grinch Night: Euchariah Who | Wuzzy Woozoo

           The Lorax Logo Heroes

The Lorax | The Once-Ler | Ted Wiggins | Grammy Norma | Bernice Wiggins | Audrey | Cy | Pipsqueak
