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In the beginning, Hollow Earth lived in harmony with the surface world. The Titans were the guardians of nature, and the Great Apes became the protectors of humanity. But a great evil threatened the peace.
~ Ilene Andrews

The Great Apes are major protagonists of the 2024 sci-fi action crossover film Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, the fifth installment of the MonsterVerse franchise.

They are a peaceful and benevolent species of primate-like Titans who once ruled the Hollow Earth and once served as the protectors of humanity until they were reduced to Skar King's slaves. It is also implied that they are also a subspecies of the Titanus Kongs who are native to Skull Island on the surface world.



Not much is known about the origins of the Great Apes, but in the ancient past, they were once a peaceful and benevolent species who, according to the Iwi, served as the protectors of humanity until they were enslaved by a ruthless red furred ape called the Skar King to act as his personal army alongside Shimo, a gigantic Titan with cryokinetic powers who serves Skar King. The Skar King attempts to claim the surface for himself, bringing the Great Apes into a massive conflict with Godzilla. The battle almost cost Godzilla his life, but the Titan prevailed and imprisoned the Great Apes in a volcanic region of the Hollow Earth, where they lived for countless millennia under the Skar King's rule.

For centuries, the Great Apes were mistreated and abused by the Skar King, who forced them to endlessly work without ceasing and commanded his subjects through fear, at some point entrusting several Great Apes called the Red Stripes with leadership positions and ordering them to abuse the apes if they oppose him, even raping and impregnating female Great Apes and fathering many children through many slaves. If the Great Apes failed him, Skar King would even kill and behead them before placing several heads of them on stakes as a warning to others. At some point, even if any apes disobeyed him or made a mistake while working, Skar King would have the Red Stripes and his guards abuse them or likely have them killed by Shimo.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire[]

Years later in 2027, Suko, a juvenile Great Ape, brings Kong to the tribe's home. When Kong goes out of his way to help an ape named Boots being abused by one of Skar King's guards, the tribe became enchanted by his strength and bravery, but also his compassion and understanding, though they laugh nervously at him when Skar King mocks his prosthetic tooth, but more so out of fear. After Skar King had left with Shimo and his minions to destroy the Hollow Earth Iwi tribe and take over the surface world, the Great Apes remained behind to resume their slave work.

When Shimo later returns, the Great Apes are shocked to see not Skar King, but Kong and Suko riding on her instead. Realizing that their captor has been killed by Kong, the Great Apes all cheer and roar triumphantly in elation for their savior and their newfound leader now that they are freed from the Skar King's enslavement after everything he did to them while deciding to help Kong rule in a more benevolent way than their captor previously did.


The Great Apes bear a general resemblance to Kong, sporting his gorilla-based features, but most have lack of fur on their bodies, some have scars on specific parts of their bodies, and some suffer from the skin condition Vitiligo that causes patches of skin to lose pigment due to living as slaves in a volcanic enviorment with little nourishment. Several males that are loyal to the Skar King are marked with red war paint on their bodies while several females have infants bearing their gorilla features but contain red fur, signifying their biological relation to the Skar King.


Given that they protected the human race in ancient times due to being a peaceful and benevolent species, the Great Apes likely have more gentle tendencies naturally. While under the oppressive rule of the Skar King however, most of the Great Apes who served their leader seemed far more dangerous and hostile than the others. Suko and three of Skar King's minions attacked Kong on sight when he entered their level of the Hollow Earth, and even when Kong showed one mercy in the midst of their clash after he was almost knocked off a cliff to his death, he quickly attempted to kill Kong with a dagger. Some of Skar King's guards and seemingly higher-ranking Great Apes such as One-Eye display a notable degree of abuse and cruelty, probably also inspired by their leader's ruthlessness. This is shown when one of Skar King's guards beat a fellow Great Ape named Boots for dropping a boulder that was likely used for construction. Later, Skar King's second-in-command One-Eye unhesitatingly used a Great Ape named Knob to shield himself from falling rocks, at the cost of the ape's life.

However, some of the Great Apes were not necessarily completely vicious under the Skar King's rule. When Suko returned to the Skar King's lair with Kong, his caretaker Gnarled Finger seemed worried about where the young simian had been; additionally, he intervened when the Skar King threatened to kill Suko for bringing Kong to his domain so he can overthrow him. The Great Apes largely lived in fear of the Skar King, who intimidated them and beat them casually and remorselessly; the mere toss of his food was enough for the Great Apes near him to cower. When Kong entered their cave, he observed several severed heads of the apes mounted on spikes, presumably belonging to those who displeased the Skar King and displayed as a warning to others.

Some of the Great Apes who served Skar King are able to cooperate well in battle as it's been implied that they have been trained by their leader in all sorts of combat for millennia, as shown when three of Skar King's henchmen and Suko carried out their ambush on Kong. In ancient times, armies of them commanded by the Skar King threatened even Godzilla. Just like Kong, they also appear to use sign language and sounds to communicate.


  • Skar King (deceased)
  • Suko
  • Gnarled Finger (deceased)
  • Boots
  • Red Stripes
    • One-Eye (deceased)
    • Stone Fist (deceased)
    • Catcher (deceased)
    • Knob (deceased)
  • Female Great Apes
  • Infant Great Apes
  • Various other unnamed Great Apes


  • At first, it was believed that the Great Apes were thought to be extinct and Kong was the last surviving member of his kind in the MonsterVerse, though it was somehow proved wrong when they are shown making their appearance in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Not only that, but this is the first time Kong has encountered and interacted with more of his species that he has never seen before in the MonsterVerse as he has not seen another member of his kind since his parents were killed by the Skullcrawlers.
    • It is also implied that while Kong is simply the last of the Great Apes who are native to Skull Island on the surface world, it is revealed that there are other Great Apes who are native to the Hollow Earth, implying that they are likely a subspecies of Skull Island's Great Ape tribe.
  • Although the Great Apes appear to resemble gorillas, others such as One-Eye and Gnarled Finger appear to resemble chimpanzees and bonobos while the Skar King himself appears to resemble an orangutan.
  • Five of the Great Apes seen in the film are given personal names: One-Eye (Skar King's second-in-command and right-hand who was killed by Suko), Stone Fist (one of Skar King's minions who was killed by Kong in his first encounter with the Great Apes), Catcher (one of Skar King's henchmen who was repelled by Kong in the first encounter), Gnarled Finger (an elderly Great Ape and Suko's caretaker who was killed by the Skar King for protecting Suko), Knob (one of Skar King's followers who was crushed by Kong's rock trap) and Boots (one of the Great Apes whom Kong helps after being beaten by one of Skar King's guards).


           Godzillalogo Heroes

Anguirus | Amano Shiratori | Baragon | Behemoth | Captain Haruo Sakaki | Daisuke Serizawa | Daigoro | Dr. Ishiro Serizawa | Emma Russell | Fairy Mothra | Ford Brody | Godzilla (Showa | 1984 | 2000/2002 | Final Wars | MonsterVerse) | Godzilla Junior | Gorosaurus | Ghogo | Hank Marlow | James Conrad | Jet Jaguar | Kenji Noda | King Caesar | King Ghidorah | King Kong (Showa | MonsterVerse) | Koichi Shikishima | Kumonga | Madison Russell | Manda | Mark Russell | Mason Weaver | M.O.G.U.E.R.A. | Methuselah | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla (1993 | Kiryu | Anime) | Miana and Maina | Miki Saegusa | Minilla | Mothra (MonsterVerse) | Mothra Leo | Niko Tatopoulos | Noriko Oishi | Primitive Mothra | Queen MUTO | Rodan (MonsterVerse) | Sanda | Scylla | Seiji Akitsu | Shiro Mizushima | Shobijin | Sosaku Tachibana | Steve Martin | Tatsuo Hotta | Titanosaurus | Utsuno Ikusagami | Varan | Zilla

Godzilla (Showa | Hanna Barbera) | Godman | Godzooky | Greenman | Niko Tatopoulos | Zilla Junior | Zone Fighter | Torema | Beisuke Jinguji | Lucas | Misato Jinguji | Mei Kamino | Yun Arikawa | Jet Jaguar (Godzilla Singular Point)

Video Games
Anguirus | Godzilla (Super Godzilla) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus

Comics and Manga
Godzilla (2000/2002 | MonsterVerse | Death May Die) | King Kong (MonsterVerse) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus


           King-kong-1933-movie-logo Heroes

King Kong (1933) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Son of Kong - King Kong | Little Kong | Carl Denham |Captain Englehorn
King Kong vs. Godzilla - King Kong | Godzilla
King Kong Escapes - King Kong | Susan Watson | Carl Nelson | Jiro Nomura
King Kong (1976) - King Kong | Jack Prescott | Dwan
King Kong Lives - King Kong | Lady Kong | Hank Mitchell | Dr. Amy Franklin | Baby Kong
The Mighty Kong - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
King Kong (2005) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Kong: Skull Island - King Kong | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | San Lin | Hank Marlow | Houston Brooks | William Randa
Godzilla vs. Kong - Godzilla | King Kong | Mark Russell | Madison Russell | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Nathan Lind | Bernie Hayes | Josh Valentine
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - Godzilla | King Kong | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Trapper | Bernie Hayes | Suko | Mothra | Shimo | Great Ape Clan | Iwi Queen

TV Shows
The King Kong Show - King Kong | Professor Bond | Susan Bond | Bobby Bond | Captain Englehorn
Kong: The Animated Series - King Kong | Jason Jenkins | Lua | Eric "Tann" Tanenbaum | Dr. Lorna Jenkins
Kong: King of the Apes - King Kong | Lucas Remy | Doug "Jonesy" Jones | Amy Quon | Danny Quon | Anita | Franciska | Chatter | Dr. Leo Remy | Lucky Liger | Lady Liger | Decker | Zippi | Apex | Mummo
Skull Island - King Kong | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Island Girl | Dog | Hawk

           MonsterVerse Logo Heroes

Godzilla | King Kong | Mothra
Dagon | Behemoth | Methuselah | Na Kika | Shimo | Suko | Great Apes
Rodan | Queen MUTO
Creatures of Skull Island
Dog | Hawk

Ishiro Serizawa | Vivienne Graham | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | William Randa | Houston Brooks | San Lin | Mark Russell | Emma Russell | Sam Coleman | Ilene Chen | Ling Chen | Rick Stanton | Nathan Lind | Ilene Andrews | Trapper Beasley | Guillerman | Aaron Brooks | Eiji Serizawa | Lee Shaw | Tim | Duvall | Dr. Barnes | Keiko Randa | Hiroshi Randa | Natalia Verdugo | Mikael | Hampton
Diane Foster | Jackson Barnes | Lauren Griffin | Anthony Martinez

Sky Devils
Jack Chapman | Earl Cole | Reg Slivko | Glenn Mills | Joe Reles

Ford Brody | Elle Brody | Joseph Brody | Sandra Brody | William Stenz | Victor Nieves | Steve Woodward | Hank Marlow | Madison Russell | Jia | Josh Valentine | Bernie Hayes | Admiral Wilcox | Audrey Burns | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Hiro | Boomer | Wells | Island Girl | Cate Randa | Kentaro Randa | May Olowe-Hewitt | General Puckett | Du-Ho | Iwi Queen | David Martin
