Oliver was a spoiled rich kid, who only cared for his own interests. One day when he was on a yacht, he saw one of Queen Industries' former employees on a ship: Count Vertigo. He had fired Vertigo for stealing technology from him,so Vertigo extracted his revenge. He induced on him vertigo,and Oliver fell off into the sea. Oliver was presumed dead, but he was actually stranded on an island. Oliver was driven by one thing: revenge. He sharpened his skills and learned arhcery. One night, he saw a ship pass by, so he asked for help. Sometime later, he was recruited by Martian Manhunter into the Justice League.
A year later, Oliver had heard that the children near Wayne Labs were getting sick and dizzy, so he believed Vertigo teamed with Bruce Wayne. He snuck into the labs, but was met by Vertigo's ninjas. After the alarm was set off, they both escaped. On his way out, Arrow saw Bruce Wayne, so he pinned him to his limousine and cursed him for poisoning children. Bruce and Dick later went to a hospital to check on the sick children. On their way out, they saw Oliver, who was donating money for the children. The Dynamic Duo went later to investigate the water near Wayne Labs and were met by Arrow. Vertigo and his ninjas arrive and battle the heroes. During the battle, Robin was affected badly by vertigo, so he stayed out of the mission. At the Batcave, Arrow saw Alfred and recognized him as Wayne's limo driver. He quickly realized that Batman is Bruce Wayne. To his surprise, Wayne had already known Arrow was Oliver. Arrow realises that he was wrong about Wayne and reveals his origin and hatred for Vertigo. Later, the two Leaguers fought their way into Vertigo's hideout, where he revealed he had a giant device which would induce vertigo upon all of Gotham, leaving them helpless to be robbed. Batman and Arrow stole the anti-vertigo headpieces from the ninjas and followed Vertigo. They got up to his chopper; Batman was piloting while Arrow dealt with Vertigo. For a moment,Arrow considered killing the man who stranded him on that island,but chose to spare him.
Arrow returned in Lost Heroes, where he and Batman noticed the disappearances of some of the Justice League. After the remaining superheroes were abducted, Batman and Arrow tried to find out the kidnapper. Batman fell asleep from exhaustion and got a nightmare sent by Martian Manhunter that Hugo Strange is behind this. The Dynamic Duo and Green Arrow headed to Arkham Asylum to interrogate him, but they discovered he was actually a robot from the Joining. After they stopped it, they traced its transmitter signal to an old bunker. When Batman and Green Arrow found them, the Joining stole the League's powers and gave them to androids. The heroes retreated to the tech lab underneath Wayne Industries. Batman revealed the contingency plans he prepared for the League. The heroes then fight the androids with their weaknesses and regain their powers by punching into the power cores. They then prepared for a final stand against the Joining. Manhunter entered the code to stop the Joining to Batgirl via Strange's mind, while the Dynamic Duo were defending them. Batgirl then finished the code and destroyed the Joining. The heroes went to celebrate victory in the Watchtower.
Powers and Abilities[]
Peak Human Condition
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Multiple arrows with different uses
Martial arts expert
Arrow has the weaknesses of any regular human, such as electricity, vertigo, etc.
He is the only Justice League memeber without an action figure.
It is unknown what Batman's contingency plan for him is, though it is likely something as simple as breaking his arm.
His design is somewhat similar to the one from Justice League Unlimited.
Arrow admitted that he would take inspiration from the Batcave for his hideout back at Star City.