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John Stewart is one of the main protagonists of the TV series Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. He was recruited by the Green Lantern Corps and trained for ten years, before returning shortly after Abin Sur's death. He became a founding member of the Justice League. He is also the father of future JLU member Warhawk.

He is voiced by Phil LaMarr.


John Stewart was a US Marine Corp. During his time with the Marines, Stewart would meet the Green Lantern Corp. member Kama Tui, who had crashed there and would enlist John as a member of the Green Lanterns. John had grown-up reading comics passed on to him with his uncle, so the prospect of becoming a super-hero who was part of an alien defense-force appealed to John right away. Kama Tui had tried to teach John that his force-field could be shaped into anything, but John, a no-nonsense type soldier could not internalize the concept no matter how many times he recalled his training.

Secret Origins[]

In the episode Secret Origins, John would return to Earth just in time to find it under attack by the alien threat, the Imperium. Superman and the Flash would also respond to the threat, as would a newly discovered meta-human warrior woman named Diana, who would take on the nickname Wonder Woman. The masked detective, Batman, was already inside the ship and would help in the escape of J'onn Jones, the Martian Manhunter - a resident from Mars, the last world to fall victim to the Imperium. The Imperium moved from world to world, picking it clean. They had come to Earth when astronauts had stumbled onto the remnants of J'onn's civilization, with them inside. After the Imperium are defeated, the six decided to form a team. Each had enough power/skill to keep a moderate sized city safe, but together, they found they could save the whole world, or possibly worlds. John was glad to have tactical support so far from the Green Lantern home-planet of Oa. John would go on to mostly enforce daily regimens to keep the team focused. Though his exercises were to rigid to last for long, he continued to conduct himself with a similar disciplinary mind set.

Love Interests[]

During his training with the Corps, John fell in love with his trainer Katma Tui, whom he left when he returned to Earth. John also entered into a relationship with Hawkgirl, which came to a sudden end with the Thanagarian invasion. He would later form a relationship with fellow League member Vixen, which was complicated somewhat by the former Hawkgirl's return to active service with the League. A meeting with his and Shayera's future son, Warhawk, has done little to alleviate John's conflicted feelings. Carter Hall's interest in Shayera hasn't helped much, either. John eventually did rekindle his love for Hawkgirl, and they had a son together, Warhawk. This is explained in a graphic novel, Justice League Beyond, where on the night that John planned on proposing to Vixen, Shadow Thief impales her, and in a fit of rage, John murders him, leading to his expulsion from the Green Lantern Corps, and eventually to his marriage to Shayera.


John Stewart is at heart a professional soldier, a man of duty. He takes his roles as a protector of Earth, a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and a founding member of the Justice League with the utmost seriousness. At times this has led him into conflict with comrades like the Flash or Supergirl, who do not appear to share this serious attitude. However, he later moves on from the conflicts and ends up enjoying himself more along with easing up with the other members. His personality reflects the military training and discipline he received as a young man, even in his personal life. His home, haircut, and personal effects are all no frills and strictly utilitarian. His sense of responsibility is beyond reproach, as seen during his trial in the Ajuris System; John believes that beings entrusted with great power must be held accountable for their actions, including himself.

John's long absence from his homeworld has left him with some difficulty fitting back into normal Earth society, but his experiences with the Justice League have helped him deal with this to some degree.

Compared to some Green Lanterns (such as Katma Tui, who has taken him to task on the matter), John tends to be fairly straightforward in the use of his power ring, eschewing complicated, innovative or imaginative ring-constructs in favor of simple beam-blasts or defensive barriers to accomplish tasks. John's simple, efficient approach is likely a result of his military training which imparts simplicity as a virtue.

Beneath John's hard-nosed military exterior, there remains a certain (and normally well-hidden) streak of playfulness and sentimentality. On the rare occasions he allows himself to let his guard down, he is not above using his power ring to play in the snow, fondly recalling the comic-book heroes of his youth, or even admitting to a certain weakness for his favorite film Old Yeller.

Skills and Abilities[]

Green Lantern John Stewart's power (DCAU)

Green Lantern shows his proficiency with Green Lantern ring, as he aids the Flash in restoring the sun to life.

John Stewart possessed no innate superhuman abilities, apart perhaps from a nearly-indomitable will. He was also unfailingly honest and virtually without fear. These qualities made him an ideal candidate for membership in the Green Lantern Corps.

John's military experience provided him with a strong grasp of tactics, and made him a skilled combatant — armed or unarmed. On two separate missions he went into battle without his ring, and fared well.


Like all members of the Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart was issued a power ring and a lantern-shaped power battery. Thus equipped, John was extraordinarily well-prepared for the mission of maintaining order within his assigned space sector. Midway through his Justice League career, he was re-taught in its use by Katma Tui, who criticized him (and other Corps members) for using their Rings "like jackhammers."


  • In Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three, the DC Animated Universe meets its end at the hands of the Anti-Monitor; Shayera commenced a kiss with John, which he reciprocated, as they were on the Watchtower when it was consumed by antimatter, leading to their ends.


            DCAU logo Heroes

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Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Catwoman
Harvey Bullock | Creeper | Harvey Dent | Zatanna | Janet Van Dorn | Yoru Sensei
Gray Ghost | Charlie Collins | Earl Cooper | Michael Stromwell | Phantasm

Superman: The Animated Series
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Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl
Lana Lang | The Flash | Aquaman | Orion | Steel

Batman Beyond
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Terry McGinnis | Bruce Wayne | Dana Tan | Maxine Gibson

Static Shock
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Static Shock | Gear | Rubberband Man
She-Bang | Anansi

The Zeta Project
Main Characters
Zeta | Rosalie Rowan

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited
Main Characters
Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Hawkgirl | Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter)
Green Arrow | Black Canary | Huntress | The Question | Captain Marvel | Booster Gold | The Atom | Mister Miracle | Big Barda | Fire | Captain Atom | Vigilante | Gypsy | Justice Guild of America
