Gregory Edgeworth (Japanese: Shin Mitsurugi) is one of the two overarching protagonists of the Ace Attorney Investigations duology (along with Phoenix Wright) and a long-dead victim in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He is the father of Miles Edgeworth, the mentor of Eddie Fender, and the head of the Edgeworth Law Offices. He was a Veteran Defense Attorney back in 2001 before becoming the victim of DL-6.
Gregory Edgeworth before the events of even the main series, was a veteran defense Attorney and father to Miles who idolized him. Miles idolized his father so much that he wanted to grow up to be a defense attorney himself. Miles even intervened in the class trial of Phoenix Wright and defended Wright before the class. Miles' defense was successful and Wright was declared innocent of stealing Miles' lunch money.
On December 24th, 2000 Gregory and his protégé/assistant Eddie Fender took on the case of Samson Tangaroa after the famous chef was accused of murdering a fellow desert contest contestant Paul Halique/Artie Frost. The case would be known as the "IS-7 Incident". During the investigation, Gregory would clash with the case's prosecutor Manfred Von Karma who heavily restricted Gregory's investigation and prevent him from talking to Carmelo Gusto.
As he and Fender further investigated it became clear that Von Karma was interfering with his investigation because he was hiding something and not because he didn't want the defense to have the upper hand. Even the case's detective Tyrell Badd was impeded by Von Karma. That something Von Karma was hiding was Halique's body which went missing before an autopsy could be done.
During the IS-7 trial, Gregory accused Von Karma of hiding the disappearance of victim's body. To counter this, Manfred produced a fake Autopsy report which was verified (and unknown to both men was faked by the coroner Dr. Hertz under orders from then Chief Prosecutor Excelsius Winner) and so the trial lasted a full year. In the end, pressured by Von Karma and Ian Sideman, Tangaroa confessed to being an accomplice. Gregory with Badd's help was able to prove that the confession had been coerced. Despite that revelation, Gregory still lost the trial and Manfred was given his only penalty which gave the perfection prosecutor both his only stain on his perfect record and a murderous hatred to Gregory which extended to his son Miles. Most of the blame fell on Ian Sideman and he was terminated.
After the long trial, Gregory, his son Miles, and court bailiff Yanni Yogi entered an elevator to leave the courthouse. However, after they entered the elevator a massive earthquake shook the courthouse and the power was cut trapping all three in the elevator for five long hours. The oxygen in the elevator began to run out and Gregory and Yanni began to argue, scaring Miles. Miles scared and wanting to protect his father threw Yanni's pistol at the two arguing men. The gun went off and a loud scream was heard which was Von Karma's. All three then fell unconscious and the power was restored and Von Karma wanting revenge for the penalty shot and killed Gregory who never knew who shot him. This became known as the "DL-6 Incident".
Heroes | ||
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles The Ace Attorney Anime |