The Guardians of Eternal Youth are the group of supporting protagonists in the Cartoon Network show Regular Show. They are a powerful group of babies who guard the ability of eternal youth.
The Guardians of Eternal Youth are a group of babies that guard and give the ability of eternal youth. Skips worships them so he doesn't die. The Guardians of Eternal Youth are five big chubby babies with deep voices that granted Skips eternal youth. They are shown during "Free Cake" and "Fists of Justice" (also during "Brain Eraser" and individually during "Skips Strikes", "Quips", and "Terror Tales of the Park III"). They demand that Skips needs to perform a ritual on his birthday to retain eternal youth, and they try to take it away from him when Rigby interrupts Skips during the ritual. They apparently love cake (especially chocolate), since they restored Skips' eternal youth in exchange for cake (which they rubbed on themselves, much to Rigby's dismay). Reginald, one of the Guardians, appeared in Skips Strikes as a member of the Magical Elements. In Fists of Justice, they call Skips to fight Klordbane the Destroyer.
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