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Always be strong.
~ Guest 1337's favorite catchphrase, inherited from his late parents.
For the first time in 30 years, people feel like they can walk the streets in safety. All because of one man. His courage, and bravery has taught us that it is important not to judge a person from their appearance, to really get to know what that person is like on the inside. And I'm proud to say that my best friend is the best man that has ever lived in Roblox. And he was a Guest. The Last Guest.
~ Matt's eulogy for Guest 1337 after his presumed death.

Guest 1337, also known as The Last Guest, is the titular main protagonist of the Roblox YouTube and Amazon Prime action movie series of the same name by ObliviousHD, minor character in the sequel movie Blox Watch and a major character in the Guest World video game. He is the presumed last remaining Guest who has served as a military soldier, after losing everything to the Bacon Empire, until learning that were other Guests have joined the Bacon Empire, he aided into leading a rebellion to stop the armed forces once and for all.

He is voiced by Chazz Ravenelle, who also voices Matt in the same series.


Guest 1337 is notably brave, strong-hearted, determined and loyal. He has shown this before the Bacon army took from him, He is willing to put his life on the odds to take down and stop the Bacon regime. Guest is also reluctant and noteworthy when he agrees to Join both Jez and The Bacon Doctor's resistance Group to fight against the Bacon Colonel.


The Last Guest[]

When Guest was a child, his parents were killed in front of him by the Bacon General without hesitance in the playground and both died in the hospital shortly after. Meanwhile, he then saw a girl named Daisy getting attacked by two bullies and tried to save her, only for him to be attacked by them, suffering a black eye until Guest was then saved by Matt who then pushed one of the two bullies away from Guest, Daisy appeared in front of Guest and thanked him for saving her. Matt then approached the two and both him and Daisy introduced themselves and the pair became friends. They all started to spend time with each other throughout their childhood until Matt then warned the Guest and Daisy that a Bacon is coming to their House. Terrified by this, the three then hid in a random closet without making a sudden movement but were lucky to have survived. The Bacon General, however, was then alarmed by the sound of a Police siren outside of the House. When the Police arrived, a Soldier in the army force then spoke to guest and offered him to join the Army but only when he grows up.

Ten years later, both Guest and Daisy then got engaged along with Matt as their witness. Guest then had a daughter named Charlotte, later he then realized that he was the last of his kind after hearing news about the families of guests has been executed by the Bacon Empire, this then led to questions himself into joining the Military with Matt in a Bar and they then both accept, later he then says goodbye to Daisy before leaving to join in the Army. After arriving at the Military, however he then noticed that the Bullies had also joined the military as they then begin to pick on him again, enraged he then spin kicked both of them, knocking them on the ground and amazing the others and Matt who then was impressed of him for standing up for himself, afterwards a military general then shows up and alerts everyone about their Training will be preparing, Guest and Matt had completed their training and are now ready to take on the Bacon Group. as they prepare to breach the battlegrounds, Guest then saves one of his teammates from an exploding Tank and meets up with Matt, who is then shot in the leg by one of the Bacon Soldiers, The Military General then tells his soldiers to retreat due to too much enemy forces, but Guest refused to give up and begins to single highhandedly fight the other rest of the Bacon enemies with much will of determination, while he was making his way, until the point where he is then shot and injured by the Bacon General who then stands in front of him, telling him to say anything before he prepares to kill him, Guest then notices an oil Tank behind the General and tells him to ''GO TO HELL!'' before throwing a grenade at the General, Creating a great explosion. afterwards, a golden statue of Guest was then presented to everyone by Builderman in which Matt then began to make a speech of his "fallen" friend. Even before his dissapearance in action, Matt promised to deliver a note Guest left for his Wife and Daughter, showing how much they both meant to him and encouraged them to be strong.

The Last Guest 2[]

He is seen near the end where it shows the confrontation towards the Bacon General who was ready to execute him, he then throws the grenade like in the previous video, however he was then saved by Jez in the nick of time before the Grenade goes off and explodes, as the Blast then knocks him out. his body was then transferred to the infirmary by Jez after his father's death as well as avenging the deaths of Guest's parents, when Jez tells the doctor about his condition, revealing that he is alive.

The Last Guest 3[]

Guest then wakes up and Notices his two helpers in a monitor entering his room, upon which he quickly held the Bacon Doctor hostage with a pair of Scissors, until Jez calmed him down and further revealing their plan of an upcoming resistance that will take down the Bacon Empire, soon both Guest and Jez were hidden by the Bacon Doctor upon the presence of the Bacon Colonel who was searching for their whereabouts, after a tense conversation regarding the death of Zara, The Doctor tells both Guest and Jez to hide in the bunker for a while before heading away, soon after, Guest looks at a picture of his family, pondering where they could be, Guest reacts in shock upon Jez revealing to Guest that he wasn't the last of his people remaining but were kept in awful conditions of Prison camps by the Bacon Regime, he then was offered by Jez to be a part of leading the resistance of leading back the trapped guests out. Later Both Jez and Guest exit the bunker and wonder into the forest where one of the bootcamps, knocking outa nd tying up the Guards, both Jez and Guest check up on Rose who meets them both as she recognizes Guest as an inspiration to the trapped people, Guest states to be a family friend of Rose's family, but became saddened of what happened to them. Afterwards Guest focuses on a plan to get her and the others out, Rose mentions a secret tunnel where many of the imprisoned Guests were escorted to the arena that always held the Guest Games, acknowledged by this, Both Guest and Jez quickly form a plan to take down the Bacon Guards and sneak away with the imprisoned Guest without being noticed by the Bacon Colonel, upon arriving Guest noticed how deserted the Arena was, until the Bacon Colonel showed up and surrounded the group with his armed forces including revealing Rose to be a traitor who he blackmailed into preparing his trap of forcing both Jez and Guest to fight each other to the death, Upon reacting to Guest's refusal The Bacon Colonel threatens to have his family put in harms way as he orders his Bacon elite on the phone, upon seeing Guest's family and Matt looking at their friend's golden statue as Charlotte once again reads the last of her father's words of encouragement.

The Last Guest 4[]

The opening of the video recaps Guest's life the first video, during the Roblox's Army prepairing war and guarding Guest's family after a failed attempt at their lives, Guest is then taken offscreen and chained along with Jez and Rose of whom he forgives for being not her fault and thinks of odds of escaping, Jez feeling symphony for Guest's family, offers himself to be killed by Guest as a chance of seeing them again, but suddently The Bacon Doctor qucikly Free the trio and knocking out the guards with anaesthetics after Jez shared his plan before their capture. Guest along with Rose and Jez were taken into the bunker again by the Doctor for the time being, later a loud siren wakes them by the next day, both Guest and Jez use the time to exit the bunker and go after the other trapped Guests at the Prison camp once again, due to a minimum of Guards distracted by the presence of the Roblox Army, after a successful breach of the doors, Both Guest and Jez were both greeted by The Bacon Doctor arriving with a rally of reformed Bacon Propagandists and Terrorists and reluctantly enter the camp where Guest alerts the imprisoned Guests who are willing to fight back. Later as both Armies set up their armies, Guest arrives and is greeted by Matt and the other Robloxians along with Jez who then gives a Speech to take back their normal lives against the Bacon Regime before turning into a savage and fierce battle, while Guest among the crowd approaches the Bacon Colonel where the two proceeded to attack each other, Guest knocking the Colonel's gun after the latter unsuccessfully attempts to shoot at him, The General ties another attempt at killing Guest, only to hit Rose who gave her life on taking the shot, The Bacon Colonel soon ran up a cliff after realising he's out of bullets, where Jez follows him and fights him in anger, Guest then quickly Leaps behind the Colonel and tackles his Gun away and cornered him at the edge of the cliff which Guest sees an enraged Jez pick up the Gun and shot at the Colonel and sending him falling to his death. Soon after Guest safely returns back to his family and reunites with both Charlotte and Daisy who were overwhelmed by his presence and held him with open arms, A ear past and Guest looks happily at all of his friends and allies enjoying a party at his backyard.

Blox Watch[]

Guest was mentioned multiple times in the video, first He makes a cameo in a flashback, coming home again after his latest mission where he gives his daughter Charlotte a pink crystal he had found in one of his latest deployments in battle. He was mentioned again when Charlotte's mother left her a message to Charlotte, dropping off Guest to his new deployment in the War battlegrounds stating to be "Busy saving the world" before wishing her daughter Charlotte to her new day at school. Guest was also pointed out by Vicky and her friends who are aware of her related to her "famous Dad" as they jokingly taunt about it until Violette defends Charlotte.


Blox Watch[]


Yeah.. GO TO HELL!!
~ Guest to the Bacon General before blowing him up and avenging the Guests.
No! I'm not giving up, we came here to protect our families and friends and I'm not giving up until every last one of them is dead or until I am!
~ Guest 1337 after Matt was shot injured during the battlefields.
To my beautiful brave Daughter, if you're reading this, things have not gone to plan. my greatest regret is to ever see you grow up into a beautiful young women. look after your mom for me when it is your time to leave ROBLOX many years from now. I'll be waiting for you up there. Life will be challenging at times and you might feel like giving up, remember just one thing, be strong. Always be strong.
~ Guest's letter to his daughter and wife after his presumed death.


  • He was only referred to as just "Guest" in the credits as well as his Title Name, but he is referred to as Guest 1337 by fans.

External Links[]


           ObliviousHD Heroes

The Last Guest universe
Emily's Group
Emily | Justin | 3.0 | Guest Bullies

Roblox Army
Robloxian civilians
The Captain | Guest 1337 | Matt | Molly | Captain Richards
Bacon Rebellion
Jez | Zara | The Doctor | The Teacher

Charlotte's Group
Charlotte | Leo | Zack

Daisy | Rose

The Bacon Hair universe

Bacon Resistance
Mr. K | Zayden's Father | Zayden | Guesty | Kenzie

