Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Hammond is a skaa Misting on Scadrial. He is a member of Kelsier's crew who helped organize the rebellion's army of skaa.  


  • You know I’ll join your crew no matter what the job. This sounds crazy, but so do most of your plans. Just...just tell me. Are you serious about overthrowing the Lord Ruler?  
  • We may be friends, but when it comes to fighting, none of us would hesitate to kill the others.  


  • Brandon wishes he had written Ham as a woman, to better balance the gender ratio in the series and create an interesting world building dynamic by having on screen female Thugs.  


           Cosmere Heroes

Breeze | Clubs | Demoux | Dockson | Elend Venture | Hammond | Harmony | Hoid | Kelsier | Kelsier's Crew | Marasi Colms | Mare | Marsh | OreSeur | Preservation | Sazed | Spook | Steris Harms | Tindwyl | Vin | Waxillium Ladrian | Wayne | Yeden

Stormlight Archive
Adolin Kholin | Dalinar Kholin | Jasnah Kholin | Kaladin Stormblessed | Knights Radiant | Shallan Davar | Stormfather | Sylphrena | Szeth | Wyndle
