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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Hamsters or Hamsters are a species of small rodent that are used as energy generators by the KND. They run all day on their wheels to produce electrical energy for the various 2x4 technology used by Kids Next Door. The Tree House in Sector V alone contains miles of hamsters. They have proven to be mischievous and very intelligent, in a manner typical of mice and other small cartoon rodents. Numbuh 3 is very affectionate and kind to hamsters, while Numbuh 4, hates them (which is justified, since the hamsters enjoy tormenting him for stealing his soda and then spraying him in the face). Numbuh 2 is often the hamsters' assistance in developing their inventions.

Known hamsters[]

  • Joaquin
  • Dimitry
  • Jonah
  • Chubbo (deceased)


Hamsters first appeared at the end of Operation: C.A.K.E.D., in which a massive army of hamsters is summoned to move half the Delightful Mansion From Down The Lane after the failed attempt to take the birthday cake.

In Operation: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H., they were given a vacation by Numbuh 3, causing the Sector V Treehouse to lose its power and leaving them vulnerable to an attack by Gramma Stuffum. At the end of the episode, the hamsters return and save the day by eating the remnants of Gramma Stuffum's Food Army.

In Operation: P.I.A.N.O., a hamster was used as a temporary replacement for Numbuh 4 when he is injured. Then when the whole team thus creating Hamsters Next Door.

In Operation: G.H.O.S.T., a hamster named Chubbo passed away and returned as a ghost hamster commanding an army of ghostly hamsters. The living Hamsters were led by Joaquin against their ghostly counterparts and drove them back to the afterlife.

In Operation: F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E., Joaquin grows to enormous size using an enlargement ray and saves the KND from Gramma Stuffum's Slamwich monster.The Hamsters enjoying their vacation in Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.

In Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y., their hamster holiday to Sector J was spoiled by Lizzie Devine and Numbuh 1.

In Operation: Z.E.R.O., the Hamsters attack a citi-zombified Numbuh 5 trying to save Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 from her, but after a brief struggle they are zombified by her themselves as animals are vulnerable to the virus. They then help her zombify Kuki and find Wally. Later, they attack Numbuh 1 and Monty Uno in their house. After the two disappear in the bedroom, the hamsters begin to play on the bed. They later attack Moonbase with other zombies and are seen chasing the operative with zombie Numbuh 101. They are later cured when Grandfather is defeated. In Operation: H.A.M.S.T.E.R., an episode focusing entirely on them, they fight the DCFDTL's pet cats and feline counterparts, the Sinister Felines from Atop the Litterbox.

In Operation: S.T.R.I.K.E., the Hamsters go on a strike led by Numbuh 3 to demand lederosen for all the hamsters to wear, as well as accordions and tubas. This delayed a coconut-filled missile from launching and allowed Count Spankulot to invade the treehouse and spank Sector V. They all gave in to the demands to get the hamsters back to work, which overjoyed Numbuh 3 who was doing it so they could compete in the "International All-Hamster Battle of the Polka Bands" at school the next day. The coconut missile then went off and destroyed the treehouse, and covered them all in coconut.

In Operation: C.H.A.S.E.D., Numbuh 4 chased a hamster through the treehouse and into the arms of Numbuh 3. When she asked why he was so mad the hamster, he had forgotten it and turned to walk away. This revealed the "kick me"-sign the hamster had put on his back, which led to the chase earlier.

In Operation: R.E.B.O.U.N.D., Lizzie Devine came to the treehouse to pick up her new date after she broke up with Numbuh 1, the hamster Jonas. But when he fought against the Roboturkeys to save her from them, she yelled that he was just like Numbuh 1 and left alone. Numbuh 1 and Jonas then fought the Roboturkeys together.

In Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S., the Hamsters Next Door are seen in the background stealing the Rainbow Monkey Lisa while Nick and Chip are talking to Numbuh 1.




           KNDLogo Heroes

Sector V
Nigel Uno | Hoagie Gilligan | Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles | Abigail Lincoln

Other Kids Next Door Operatives
Bradley the Skunk | Joaquin | Rachel T. McKenzie | Fanny Fulbright | Patton Drilovsky | Lizzie Devine | Sonia | Lee

Hamsters | Lasso Lass | Clip Clop | Dr. Sigmund Teef | Tommy Gilligan | Chad Dickson | Maurice | Joey Beetles | Dr. Lincoln | Numbuh Infinity | Vin Moosk | Froggy McDougal | Joe Balooka | Little Traitor Dudes For Children's Defense | Daddy | Elfa Strike Squad (Wintergreen | Nutcracker | Snow Angel | Coniferous) | The Kid | Sally Sanban | Monty Uno | Shirley Uno | Senator Safely | Grim | Billy | Mandy
