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Han Solo also known as "Ian" (Young Han Solo) is one of the main characters from the LEGO Star Wars franchise.

Before turning to smuggling, Han was a small orphanage boy named "Ian" from Corellia who later served as a sniffer during the Clone Wars and joined Yoda's Padawans. Han then became a top smuggler in the employ of Jabba the Hutt, even completing the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs with his prized ship, the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo came into conflict with Jabba after abandoning an important shipment of spice to avoid trouble with the Empire, owing the Hutt a large amount of money as a result. His fortunes seemed to have changed when he agreed to carry Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan, but he became embroiled in the rebellion against the Empire and, after helping Princess Leia Organa escape the Death Star, he briefly fought in the Battle of Yavin, allowing Skywalker to destroy the superweapon. Han Solo fought with the Rebellion for a number of years afterward, participating in numerous operations and battles against the Empire.


  • In "The Empire Strikes Out", he is voiced by John Armstrong.
  • In Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles and Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales, he was voiced by Michael Daingerfield Hall, who also voiced Ace Ventura in the titular animated series and Ace Ventura: The CD-Rom Game.
  • In Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace, he was voiced by Katie Leigh.
  • In Lego Star Wars: All-Stars, he was voiced by Max Mittelman.
  • In The Lego Movie, he was voiced by Keith Ferguson, who also voiced Emmet Brickowski in The LEGO Movie Videogame, as well as Bloo in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Lightning McQueen in Cars media. Ferguson also voiced the character in Robot Chicken and Mad.
  • In LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens video game, he was voiced by Harrison Ford.
  • Since The Holiday Special to Terryfying Tales, he was voiced by A. J. LoCasci.
  • In Summer Vacation, he was voiced by Ross Marquand (who voices his evil counterpart).

LEGO.com Description[]

Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, was one of the great leaders of the Rebel Alliance. He and his co-pilot Chewbacca came to believe in the cause of galactic freedom, joining Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the fight against the Empire.
~ Han Solo's description


As a young boy, Han usually wore a black vest over a white t-shirt and blue pants with a holster for his blaster. He also had dark brown hair and white skin.

As he grew older, Han began wearing a dark brown jacket over another somewhat worn white t-shirt. He had black pants and like his other attire, he wore a holster for his blaster.


Han Solo was a young boy who had run away from an orphanage by sending himself away in a box, he emerges from the ship and joins the group on their journey. While on the journey, the boy, now known as "Ian", causes trouble, causing C-3PO, R2-D2, and the rest of the youngsters to flee into space, where they find themselves in the middle of a battle between Republic and Confederate forces.

Later, it is revealed that Ian's name is Solo and that the "H" on his name tag was sideways, meaning he is Han Solo.

He was also a cynical and unsympathetic person whose main concern was earning enough money to preserve his own life. He and Luke immediately took a dislike to each other: Solo found Luke irritating and overeager, and his open disdain for Kenobi's beliefs and actions did little to change Luke's initial image of Solo as an extortionist. However, after Han proved his worth on the Death Star and proved his loyalty, they became true friends, and soon after, Han would become loyal to the Rebellion. Aside from his seemingly self-centered ways, Han was actually very loyal to his friends, and a good man.


The Padawan Menace[]

Somehow, Han Solo was trapped on the planet of Coruscant being hunted by vandals, forcing Han to impersonate one of the Jedi Padawans to escape them, passing himself off as "Ian" during that time. After causing a disaster in the galactic senate during the Battle of Coruscant, Han sneaks onto Master Yoda and Commander Cody's ship to escape Coruscant.

On their mission to find a battle droid that has the Confederacy's secret plans, the group finds themselves on the planet Hoth, where Cody is blown up by an AT-AT. Now just the two of them, Han mocks Yoda's appearance, creating a very negative atmosphere. In an attempt to find shelter, the two find the battle droid and destroy it, thus obtaining the Confederacy's plans, but in doing so, they are attacked by a large group of battle droids.

Working together, Han and Yoda destroy all of the droids, but unfortunately during this, the ship they landed on is destroyed, however, Yoda rebuilds it with the force to Han's impress. After leaving with the secret plans for Hoth, the duo grow closer and gain information from Jedi Master Shaak Ti that the other Padawans are in trouble on Tatooine, so they decide to help them. On Tatooine, Han and Yoda scare off Jabba the Hutt's Rancor and rescue the Padawans, R2-D2 and C-3PO, only to be later rewarded for their bravery on Coruscant. After being awarded the award and being named "Ian", Han reveals to them that his real name is "Han Solo", to which Admiral Ackbar comes out saying "It's a hoax!".

The Yoda Chronicles[]

Episode I: The Phantom Clone[]

When the group of Padawans under C-3PO's care arrive at Jabba the Hutt's palace, they find Han Solo (known to them as 'Ian') captured in carbonite by Jabba, however, after the Hutts flee, Bobby frees Han and tells him to run, thus following his orders and escaping from Jabba.

All Stars[]

Look, I am Manufactured[]

A younger Han Solo complains that he thought the Galactic Empire didn't care if they ran through their backyard. Chewbacca grunts in response. Han asks for a technical readout of his rear deflector shields. As the ship tilts during the chase, Roger enters the cockpit and demands to hold it steady because he is trying to write his biography.

Han ignores Roger and asks Chewbacca to do a reading for him. Misunderstanding Solo, Roger is flattered and begins reading from the first chapter Lo, I am Manufactured.

Back in the present, Roger narrates that he eventually learned that the most important lesson was to stay out of trouble. Liking Roger's story, Solo dodges two TIE fighters that approach the Falcon from the front and back. The TIEs collide with each other and explode. As the Falcon flies away, Han and Chewie tell them about it. Roger asks if they want to hear another story. Han says he prefers silence as Chewbacca roars at Roger. Roger exits the cockpit with his holobook.

Droid Tales[]

Episode III: Secret Mission to Mos Eisley[]

Han and his faithful companion Chewbacca would find themselves in Mos Eisley having an argument with the bounty hunter Greedo, who threatened Solo, however, he shoots him, drawing the attention of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. They hire Han to take them to Alderaan in the Millennium Falcon and deliver some plans for a battle station of the Galactic Empire. During their trip in the Falcon, Han watches as Obi-Wan trains Luke in the arts of the Jedi, until they come across a gigantic Moon, which Han is revoked by Kenobi saying that it was not a Moon.

After falling victim to the Death Star's tractor beam, Kenobi obtains the suits of the stormtroopers who went to inspect the ship, causing Han and Luke to use them to infiltrate the battle station. In doing so, they rescue Princess Leia and watch as Obi-Wan sacrifices himself to make Darth Vader let them flee the Death Star. They then head to Yavin 4, which is attacked by the Death Star. During the battle, Luke has trouble with Vader, and Han and Chewbacca appear in the Millennium Falcon, with which they shoot Vader and give Luke a chance to destroy the Death Star.

Back on Yavin, they are awarded for their bravery with medals, one of which (Chewbacca's) falls off and breaks because of C-3PO.

The New Yoda Chronicles[]

Episode IV: Escape from the Jedi Temple[]

During an Imperial pursuit of Solo, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO, they find themselves in great trouble trying to lose them, receiving much criticism from Han for the ideas obtained by the team. At the end of the chase, the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi scares Vader, causing him to give Han and the others a chance to escape in hyperspace.

Episode V: Race for the Holocrons[]

Han and Chewbacca (dispersed from the Rebel Alliance) are pursued by Darth Vader as a form of revenge and to reveal the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker and the holocrons. After performing a maneuver with the Falcon and destroying Vader's ship, Han boasts of his skill, however, Vader sneaks onto the Falcon and enters, giving negative reviews about the Falcon saying how such a piece of junk could have defeated him.

After Vader's carelessness, Han and Chewbacca get into the escape pods of the Falcon, however, they are found by Darth Vader, who throws them out of the pods, causing them to crash on Dagobah. On Dagobah, Han meets up with Yoda, telling Chewbacca that it was a long story. After spending some time with Yoda, he sends them to Tatooine to help Luke find the Holocrons because he had a bad feeling. On Tatooine, Han and Chewbacca try to defeat Vader, however, Vader obtains the holocrons, but thanks to Han and Chewbacca, they escape from Vader.

Episode VI: Attack on Coruscant[]

Han, Chewbacca, and Leia invite him to Mos Eisley, where they drink and discuss what would happen next. Han says that as long as the Emperor has the Holocrons, the entire galaxy would be in danger, so Luke comes up with the idea of ​​attacking the Emperor on Coruscant, which makes the entire cantina go silent, with Luke being scolded by Han for such a crazy idea. However, they are attacked by the Galactic Empire commanded by Darth Vader. They escape with C-3PO and R2-D2, however, Vader leads the race after them, but he is stopped by Jek-14, a friend of Yoda, who Leia does not like, however for his incredible skills he receives the respect of Han. They then escape in Jek's ship and the Millennium Falcon.

On Yavin, Han and Chewbacca were cleaning the Millennium Falcon, when Jek arrives and uses his Sith powers to completely clean it, again earning much respect from Han. During the Empire's assault on Kashyyyk, the Rebels take the opportunity to go to Coruscant to confront the Emperor and obtain the holocrons. Han and Luke are distracted by Palpatine's aide Orn Free Taa, causing Palpatine to attack them by surprise. During the fight, Han is defeated by Palpatine, leaving Luke alone with the Sith Lord. In the end, Luke manages to destroy the holocrons, giving a great victory to the Rebel Alliance. After that, Han and the others say goodbye to Jek-14.

Episode VII: Clash of Skywalkers[]

Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO are left behind on Hoth to await the other rebels in case they need help. Han would regret not going with the others, and when a snow beast sneaks into the base, it captures Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO. After they escape, C-3PO helps a frozen Chewie remove his flare leash, placing them on the landing pad, letting the rebels know where to land their ships safely.

The Empire Strikes Out[]

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo fly back to the Rebel base on Yavin 4 by destroying the first Death Star, where Princess Leia Organa is briefing the Rebel troops. She says that since the Rebels destroyed the Death Star, the Empire is probably planning a counterattack, so all the Rebels should evacuate to their secret base on Hoth. While they do this, Luke, R2-D2, Han, and Leia will attack a stormtrooper base on Naboo, with Han and Leia gathering Gungan warriors and Luke and R2-D2 finding the base's location.

Han and Leia meet with Chief Nass and the Gungan warriors who would help them. Luke finds the Imperial base, but when he tries to contact Han and Leia to learn its location, some of his female fans reveal its location. He tries to run away from them, attempting to put on a Darth Vader costume, but this fails and he is forced to flee the planet.

On Naboo, Leia, Han, and the Gungan warriors go to Luke's final destination, finding the stormtrooper base and planning a surprise attack, only for Chewbacca and C-3PO to crash the Millennium Falcon on them, alerting the stormtroopers and starting a battle, resulting in the heroes being forced to surrender. However, Luke arrives in his Darth Vader disguise and orders the stormtroopers' AT-AT walkers to destroy the stormtrooper base. He then attempts to leave with the "prisoners", but Darth Vader arrives, unmasks Luke, and begins dueling with him, while the Gungan warriors, Han, and Leia, with the aid of X-Wing starfighters, fend off the Imperials. Darth Vader is about to reveal that he is Luke's father, but C-3PO convinces Luke's young fans to annoy Vader instead by showing them a photo of Anakin Skywalker at age 19, forcing him to flee before he can tell Luke. Luke and his friends then leave the planet, taking out an Imperial Star Destroyer sent after them in the process.

Droid Tales (again)[]

Episode IV: Flight of the Falcon[]

After destroying the Death Star, Han finds himself on the frozen base of Hoth with the other rebels as a safe haven from the Galactic Empire. Han then decides it's time to leave and get away from the rebellion, but is convinced by Leia to stay. After rescuing Luke from the planet's intense cold, he soon recovers and the Empire begins to attack Hoth. During the attack, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO manage to get to the Millennium Falcon and escape the frozen planet, being pursued by the Empire's bounty hunter Boba Fett, only to then go to Bespin as a new safe haven, where Han Solo has a great friend, Lando Calrissian.

However, on Bespin, Calrissian betrays Han and the rebels in order to protect Bespin from the Empire, having Solo frozen in carbonite (but not before confessing his love to Leia) only to be taken by Boba Fett to his ship to deliver him to Jabba the Hutt.

Episode VII: Maneuver on Geonosis[]

After being taken to Jabba's palace, Han is rescued by Leia and the other rebels, however, Han is temporarily blinded. They would be discovered by Jabba the Hutt, who after being threatened by Luke and the Rancor being defeated, has them all jump into the Sarlacc Pit, in which Luke makes a maneuver with his Jedi skills and frees them all. Han would be warned by Chewie that Boba Fett was nearby, but due to his blindness Han asked "Boba Fett? Where?", and unknowingly hit the bounty hunter in his jetpack, causing him to be eaten by the Sarlacc. After escaping from Jabba and company, Han regains his sight and together with the rebels they go to the planet Endor to take out the Death Star's shield generator, where they encounter the primitive Ewoks.

They are captured by the Ewoks, but thanks to Luke and C-3PO they are released and form an alliance with them to defeat the Empire. The next day at the Battle of Endor, Han and Leia lead the rebel forces and the Ewoks to take out the generator, ending with the destruction of the generator and the end of the second Death Star and the Empire. Afterwards, Han and the others would celebrate their victory.

Episode I: Escape from Endor[]

After defeating the Empire, Han and the rebels celebrate their victory on Endor. In that, C-3PO obtains his lost memory and tells the first part of the story of the Clone Wars to everyone, however, R2-D2 is captured, so C-3PO and Admiral Ackbar go to his rescue, and in the end, Han comments that there go "a concerned friend and an obsessed vehicle owner."

Episode V: Maneuver on Geonosis (again)[]

After C-3PO manages to rescue R2-D2, Han and the others celebrate his achievement and award him with a gold medal, which instead of keeping it, C-3PO gives to Chewie as an apology for breaking his after the Battle of Yavin.

The Resistance Rises[]

The Rathtar Problem[]

30 years after the Battle of Endor, Han and Chewbacca (now separated from the Rebel Alliance) would find a way to make money by selling dangerous creatures called Rathtars around the galaxy. One day, the Rathtars would escape from their cells, causing havoc on the ship that Han sent Chewie to deal with while he controlled the ship.

As the Rathtars became more problematic, they came close to a First Order TIE Pilot, who was chasing them through enemy territory. Han tried to lose him, however, because of the Rathtars, Chewie accidentally fired on the pilot, causing him to call for reinforcements, forcing Han to stop the ship. After stopping, Han is interrogated by the pilot, however, at the last moment he escapes from him when the latter guessed that he was Han Solo, but to his bad luck he lost them along the way.

After getting everything under control, Han looked back at Chewie, only to find him taming the Rathtars, and before Han could ask how he did it, Chewie gave him a silent sign, meaning that the beasts were sleeping and he didn't want to wake them.

The LEGO Movie[]

In The LEGO Movie, Batman steals a hyperdrive from Han, Lando, Chewbacca, and C-3PO in order to make an Octan delivery vehicle to intrude Lord Business's lair.

Video Games[]

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga[]

In LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and The Complete Saga, Han Solo appears as a playable character.

In "A New Hope", at the Mos Eisley Spaceport, upon arriving at the cantina, Han Solo kills Greedo. Before rescuing the princess, Han and Luke do not wear their stormtrooper helmets while traveling through the Death Star, only wearing them when they need to bypass security panels. On the way to rescue Leia, there is a door that leads to a spa where the beach troopers are hanging out. As long as Luke, Han, and Chewie are wearing their stormtrooper helmets, none of the beach troopers will bother them until they do something that will deem them hostile. Han and Luke are filled with more emotion, Leia is in her normal clothes and Han and Luke are laughing at 3PO hugging R2; also, Garindan, an Imperial spy who followed Han and Luke in Mos Eisley, is found posing as a Rebel pilot and arrested. Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca watch as Garindan is taken away, with the Rebel guard escorting him slapping him on the butt, causing him to jump in pain momentarily.

In "The Empire Strikes Back", Han and Leia kiss in the game before leaving the Echo Base hangar, in the movie this does not happen, and they do not land on the asteroid worm. Han fires only one shot, then throws his gun to the ground as stormtroopers and Boba Fett surround him, Leia, and Chewie with more powerful weapons. The platform is already lowered and he jumps in. Before he freezes, Han is wearing his Hoth clothes, not his skiff clothes. This has been corrected in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lando is also not dressed as Han, he just has his own clothes on. This changes in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, where he is now wearing his Rebel General's clothes in this scene, although he had not yet been promoted as his promotion to General was mentioned in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi as a result of his involvement in the Battle of Taanab.

In "Return of the Jedi", before being rescued, Leia is not wearing the mask, it is removed when Han is thawed out. Later Han, Chewie, R2 and 3PO are also in the battle in the Rancor arena. In the finale when Han and Leia lean forward to kiss, Wicket brings them the flowers and interrupts them, and Han pulls a plant over him so they can continue uninterrupted.

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures[]

In LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, Han Solo is a secret unlockable and playable character, and is based on his main variant in LEGO Star Wars II.

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars[]

Han Solo returns in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. also in the form of the character "Han Solo (Classic)". In this game, Han can be unlocked either by collecting all ten minikits in one of the levels, making him available for purchase, or by entering the code "KFDBXF".

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens[]

While Rey and Finn are in space, they are picked up by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who had come to reclaim their "home", which had been stolen from them years earlier. Rey and Finn inform them that BB-8 contains a map that leads to Luke Skywalker. Aboard the smugglers' current ship, the Eravana, Finn is alarmed to discover that Han Solo is smuggling rathtars. Before they can discuss further about getting the map to the Resistance, the Guavian Death Gang boards the ship to confront Han and Chewie. Han has Rey and Finn hide while he takes BB-8 to ensure that they will not run off with the Falcon. This proves to be a mistake, however, as Bala-Tik recognizes BB-8 from the bounty the First Order has placed on him and reveals that they are aware of his deal with their rivals, the Kanjiklub, who had also boarded the ship. In an attempt to help Han and Chewie, Rey attempts to close the blast doors, but accidentally releases the Rathtars from their cages. As a result, they are forced to flee Eravana while facing attack from both the gangsters and the Rathtars.

After escaping the Guavian Death Gang, Kanjiklub, and the Rathtars, Rey, Finn, BB-8, Han, and Chewbacca travel to the planet Takodana. On their way, Han looks at the map data stored on BB-8 and reveals that it is only a part of the map, then explains how Luke went into hiding after the New Jedi Order he had been creating was destroyed by one of his apprentices who had fallen to the dark side. He explains that they will have to get BB-8 to a new ship, as the Falcon can be easily tracked. As they exit the Falcon, Han gives Rey a blaster pistol for protection.

They enter a castle where they meet its owner, Maz Kanata, whose help they need to bring BB-8 to Leia and the Resistance. Maz, however, refuses, saying that Solo has been running away from the fight with the dark side. She explains how she has seen evil take many forms: the Sith, the Galactic Empire, and now the First Order. However, Finn is terrified at the suggestion that they fight the First Order and decides that he can no longer stay with them if they plan to take on the First Order. He tells Rey that he is not with the Resistance, and Maz instructs him to join Sidon Ithano and his crew if he wishes to leave the plant. As Han sits talking with Maz, Rey is drawn to a vault on the lower level and finds the lightsaber that once belonged to Luke and his father, Anakin Skywalker. She experiences disturbing visions and flees into the woods. Unbeknownst to her and her companions, First Order agent Bazine Netal reports to the First Order that BB-8 is on Takodana. Resistance spy droid GA-97 also spots BB-8 and reports to the Resistance.

Starkiller Base burns down and destroys the Republic capital and a portion of its fleet. The First Order attacks Takodana in search of BB-8. Maz gives Finn Skywalker's lightsaber for safekeeping, and together with Han and Chewbacca they fight off the invading First Order stormtroopers. During the battle, Finn is confronted by his former comrade, FN-2199, who attacks Finn for his betrayal. FN-2199 ends up defeating Finn despite Finn's best efforts, though Han easily kills FN-2199 with a shot from Chewbacca's crossbow. Despite their victory over FN-2199, they soon find themselves surrounded by First Order stormtroopers.

Han, Chewbacca, Maz, and Finn are saved by Resistance X-wing fighters led by Poe, who had managed to survive the earlier crash on Jakku. After Poe and his squadron fended off First Order TIE fighters attacking General Leia's ship, she lands on Takodana with C-3PO and reunites with Han and Chewbacca.

Meanwhile, Kylo Ren confronts and captures Rey, after she tells BB-8 to go find the others, as he is too important to be captured. Han, Chewbacca, and Finn witness Rey's capture, but are unable to do anything to save her.

As Starkiller Base prepares to fire on D'Qar, the Resistance comes up with a plan to destroy the superweapon by attacking a critical facility. Admiral Ackbar points out that the Resistance cannot penetrate the defensive shields surrounding Starkiller Base, but Finn tells them that he can disable the shields and Han volunteers to take him there in the Falcon.

Using the Millennium Falcon, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrate the facility to disable the base's shield; however, they end up crashing the Millennium Falcon in the process. Upon entering the facility, Finn reveals that he does not know how to disable the shield and that he only came to rescue Rey, forcing the trio to improvise. Realizing that Captain Phasma would know how to disable the shield, Finn decides to capture her. After a fierce battle with Phasma and her troops, the trio capture her and force her to lower the shield, before throwing her out with the trash compactor.

After Rey reunites with Han, Chewbacca, and Finn, they decide to aid the Resistance pilots attacking the base by detonating explosives inside the base. After setting the charges, Han confronts Kylo Ren, calling him by his birth name, Ben. Han implores his son to abandon the dark side and attempts to convince him that Snoke is only using him for his power. Ren refuses and kills his father, shocking both Solo's company and the stormtroopers, and an enraged Chewbacca fires a blaster at Ren. Chewbacca then activates the explosives, allowing Poe and the squad to attack the thermal oscillator and destroy Starkiller Base.

On D'Qar, the Resistance celebrates as Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourn Han's death. R2-D2 awakens and reveals the rest of the map, finally revealing Luke's location to the Resistance.

LEGO Fortnite[]

Han Solo is a purchasable skin in-game for 1,500 V-Bucks or with the Han Solo & Leia Organa Bundle for 2,500 V-Bucks.



  • 3341 Star Wars#2 (Brown legs)
  • 3866 The Battle of Hoth (Microfigure)
  • 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina (Dark blue legs)
  • 4504 Millennium Falcon (Hoth, tan legs, hair)
  • 4476 Jabba's Prize (Carbonite version 1- not a minifigure)
  • 6209 Slave I (Carbonite version 1- not a minifigure)
  • 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge (Carbonite clothes, version 2)
  • 6212 X-wing Fighter (Hoth, reddish brown legs)
  • 7104 Desert Skiff (Carbonie clothes, version 1)
  • 7144 Slave I (Carbonite version 1- not a minifigure)
  • 7190 Millennium Falcon (Blue legs)
  • 7749 Echo Base (Hoth, tan legs, original parka hood)
  • 7879 Hoth Echo Base (Hoth, tan legs, redesigned parka hood)
  • 7965 Millennium Falcon (Dark Blue Legs, Flesh, Pupils)
  • 8038 The Battle of Endor (Reddish brown legs)
  • 8097 Slave I (Two- carbonite clothes, version 3 and carbonite version 2- not a minifigure)
  • 8129 AT-AT Walker (Hoth, blue jacket)
  • 9516 Jabba's Palace (Two- carbonite clothes, version 4 and carbonite version 2- not a minifigure)
  • 10123 Cloud City (Two - Brown legs and carbonite version 1- not a minifigure)
  • 10179 Millennium Falcon (Reddish brown legs)
  • 10188 Death Star (Two- Stormtroper disguise and reddish brown legs)
  • 10236 Ewok Village
  • 66221 X-Wing Fighter and Luke Pilot Maquette Co-Pack (Hoth, reddish brown legs)
  • K10131 Battle of Yavin Collection
  • 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium
  • 75003 A-Wing Starfighter (2013 Version)
  • 75030 Millennium Falcon
  • 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina (2014 Classic Version)
  • 75060 Slave I
  • 75098 Assault on Hoth (Hoth outfit, 2016 Redesign)
  • 75137 Carbon Freezing Chamber
  • 75138 Hoth Attack (Hoth outfit, 2016 Redesign)
  • 75159 The Death Star
  • 75105 Millennium Falcon (Ep. VII)
  • 75174 Desert Skiff Escape
  • 75180 Rathtar Escape
  • 75192 Millennium Falcon
  • 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina
  • 75209 Han Solo's Landspeeder
  • 75211 Imperial TIE Fighter
  • 75212 Kessel Run Millennium Falcon
  • 75217 Imperial Conveyex Transport
  • 75222 Betrayal at Cloud City
  • 75243 Slave I - 20th Anniversary Edition
  • 75262 Imperial Dropship - 20th Anniversary Edition
  • 75295 Millennium Falcon Microfighter
  • Han Solo/Indiana Jones Transformation Chamber

Other Physical Appearances[]

  • 41608 Han Solo
  • 75535 Han Solo

Magnet and Watch Appearances[]

  • 852845 Han Solo Magnet Set (Reddish brown legs)
  • 9002946 Han Solo Watch (Reddish brown legs)

Video Game Appearances[]

  • LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
  • LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (Carbonite)
  • LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
  • LEGO Fortnite

Movie Appearances[]

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Han Solo Affair (Carbonite)
  • Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Brick (Cameo)
  • The Quest for R2-D2 (Carbonite)
  • LEGO Star Wars: Bombad Bounty
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace (Young)
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out
  • The Yoda Chronicles
  • The LEGO Movie (cameo)
  • LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures
  • LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
  • LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild The Galaxy

Book Appearances[]

  • 5000214 L EGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia (Yavin 4 Celebration)


  • The name "Ian" is the same as "Han" but without the H, this is an obvious thing because after the letter H comes the I, which is why Han could have come up with the name when he was part of the padawans.
  • Even because of his somewhat aggressive and mocking personality, Han is considered one of the strongest allies of the rebellion.
  • Han Solo is played by Harrison Ford, who also played Indiana Jones in the eponymous franchise and Red Hulk in the MCU. This fact has been used as the source of several jokes in various movies and video games produced by the LEGO Group.
    • The fact that Indiana Jones is a playable character in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a reference to this. Same with how Han Solo is playable in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.
    • The scene where Han blasts FN-2199 in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Han Solo is inexplicably given two holsters in his video game appearances, though his minifigure should only have one.
  • The torso that Han's 2014 Episode IV variant uses is actually the torso released in the 2013 Endor set, which was for the Episode VI variant. Han wore a deep v-neck in Episode IV.
  • His Solo head piece would be used on several minfigures including Cederic Diggory, Ikaris and Legolas Greenleaf.


Lego star wars logo Heroes

Galactic Republic
Yoda | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Padawans | Clone Troopers | Anakin Skywalker | Ahsoka Tano | Pong Krell | Jek-14

Alliance to Restore the Republic
Luke Skywalker | Leia Organa | Han Solo | C-3P0 | R2-D2 | Chewbacca

New Republic and Resistance
Rey Skywalker | Finn | Poe Dameron

Ben Solo

See Also
Star Wars Heroes | LEGO Heroes | LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy Heroes
