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Hana Uzaki is the titular main heroine and main protagonist of the Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! series.

She was voiced by Naomi Oozori in the original Japanese version and Monica Rial in the English dub, who also voiced Tsuyu "Froppy" Asui.


Hana Uzaki has short silver hair with a slightly black nape, big blue eyes, bust size of 96 centimeters with J cups in JP. Hana wears a long-sleeve shirt with the words "sugoi dekai" printed on the front. She also wears a short light blue skirt, black pantyhose, and walnut brown boots.


Hana is depicted to be energetic, confident, cheerful, and playful. However, she often gets annoyed and embarrassed by Shinichi.

A few times Hana was tried to mess with Shinichi when he was asleep, only to get pulled into an inescapable hug; she accepts the unintentional cuddling.


  • While Hana is able to deal with scary things unlike Sakurai, she can't handle watching horror movies.
  • Hana is ignorant of the fact that she gives off embarrassing sounds when her shoulders get a good massage.
    • Can't fault her for feeling pleasure from it; her shoulders are under a lot of strain due to her oversized boobs.
  • Her feelings for Sakurai is the reason why she never got too upset with all the times he accidentally felt her up when his vision was obstructed.
  • Hana owns more than one swimsuit, but sticks to a blue and white pallet.

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