“ | You son of a bitch, ball, why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL! | „ |
~ Happy after missing a putt. |
Happy Gilmore, or simply known as Happy, is the titular main protagonist of the 1996 comedy film of the same name and will return in its upcoming sequel. He has long aspired to be a professional hockey player. Despite a powerful slapshot, Happy's inability to skate and his volatile behavior excludes him from being accepted by any hockey team. Furthermore, Happy's grandma is being evicted from her home after failing to pay her taxes. After playing with some golf clubs and learning he can shoot golf balls far distances, he decides to join the Tour in an effort to win money to buy back his grandma's home. Happy's bad-boy image attracts a loyal following, but also attracts the attention of Shooter McGavin, the favorite to win the Tour who is worried that Happy's rise to stardom will undermine his shot to win.
He is played by Adam Sandler, who has also played Billy Madison in his namesake 1995 film,Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy, Davey Stone and Whitey Duvall in Eight Crazy Nights, Michael Newman in Click, Zohan Dvir in You Don't Mess with the Zohan, Skeeter Bronson in Bedtime Stories, Dracula in the Hotel Transylvania franchise, Sam Brenner and Q*bert in Pixels, Archie Moses in Bulletproof, Dink the Clown in Shakes the Clown, Hubie Dubois in Hubie Halloween, Donny Berger in That's My Boy, Charlie Fineman in Reign Over Me, Dave Buznik in Anger Management, Tommy Stockburn in The Ridiculous 6, Barry Egan in Punch-Drunk Love, Longfellow Deeds in Mr. Deeds, Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer, Little Nicky in Little Nicky, Henry Roth in 50 First Dates, Sonny Koufax in Big Daddy, Chuck Levine in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Lenny Feder in the Grown Ups films, Dracula in Hotel Transylvania, Leo in Leo. Paul Crewe in The Longest yard (2005).
At the beginning of the movie Happy Gilmore talks about his life. His mom moved to Egypt because of his father's obsession for hockey. Shortly after that, his father was killed by a hockey puck to the head. Then Happy was forced to move in with his grandmother. Happy had many jobs like a janitor, gas station attendant, security guard, plumber and a construction worker. The construction job didn't work out well because he shot his giant boss, Mr. Larsen in the head with a nail gun which got Happy beaten up very badly.
Happy has hockey tryouts and doesn't make the team so he gets in a fist fight with the coach of the team who made fun of Happy. When Happy gets home, his girlfriend leaves him because she says he is a loser. The next morning Happy goes to his Grandma's house because the IRS is going to take her home and everything in it. Happy is angry so he throws the IRS agent through the front door. He is told to get the house back, they need to come up with $270,000. Happy wants to watch the hockey game at his grandma's house so he goes outside to tell the moving guys to get back to work. The two guys try out golf clubs and then challenge Happy to see if he can outdrive one of them. If he does then they will get back to work and turn the game on. Happy hits the ball over 400 yards and breaks a window of a house. Then the men ask him do it again for $20. He does it and hits a man in the head. Then they offer him double or nothing and he does and this time hits woman in the head and she falls off a roof. That is when he notices his ability to drive a golf ball. Happy then brings his grandma to the nursing home where she will live. Happy offered her to stay with him, but she declined and Happy would do what it takes to get her grandmother's house back.
The next day Happy goes to the driving range to hustle people and earn some money. He outdrives everyone there. A former club pro with a fake hand, Chubbs Peterson, introduces himself near the batting cages and tells him to enter the Waterbury Open. Happy refuses but Chubbs tells him he can make money. Happy thinks of grandma so he decides to enter the Waterbury Open.
The day of the Waterbury Open, Shooter McGavin is introduced to everyone there. He is the top pro golfer and the money leader. The winner of the Waterbury Open gets to join the Pro Tour. Happy Gilmore wins the Waterbury Open. Chubbs offers Happy six months of training to get better at putting but he refuses. Happy needs the money within a certain amount of time and can't afford to miss the opportunity to win money on the tour. Happy meets Virginia, who is a journalist for the tour. Happy Gilmore attends a tour party and is told by Shooter to meet him at the 9th green at 9PM. Happy goes and the sprinklers go off so now he wants to beat up Shooter, but is stopped by Virginia. Happy goes to visit grandma at the nursing home and she pretends to like it there even though she hates it. The orderly threatens her and says if she tells Happy that they abuse people then she will be killed.
The AT&T Open is the first event of the tour and Happy Gilmore doesn't do very well. Several tournaments later with Happy improving on his bad behavior after being threatened to be kicked off the tour, Happy Gilmore and Virginia go on a date to ice skate and she kisses Happy. After that, Happy is paired with Bob Barker in a tournament. Bob Barker is mad at Happy for doing bad in the tournament because a man is annoying Happy. Happy gets in a fistfight with Bob and loses. As a result, he gets suspended from the tour for one month and ordered to pay $25,000 in fines. Happy is then persuaded by Virginia to do a commercial for a local Subway company and the money he made for it brought his total up to $275,000, so they, along with Happy's grandmother, go get the house back.
However, Shooter McGavin buys the house at the auction and says he will piss on the ashes after he burns it down if Happy laid another finger on him. Happy made a deal with him, if Happy beats him in the tour championship he gets the house and if he loses he quits the tour. Happy then goes to see Chubbs and apologizes to him for being stupid among other things. Chubbs takes Happy to a miniature golf course to play a game. Happy does good, so Chubbs gives him a putter that looks like a hockey stick as a gift. Happy tells Chubbs that he has a gift for him and opens up a wooden box. The box contains the alligator head that bit off Chubbs hand. Chubbs is so frightened, he accidentally falls out of the window and dies. The final event of the year is the Tour Championship that begins the next day. The match is close the whole way with Happy leading by one stroke after the third day. The heckler, Donald, from the Pro-Am tournament, ordered by Shooter, runs Happy over with a car on the final day, but Happy is still okay. After the heckler ran over Happy, he drives into a tower and runs from the course. Happy loses his ability to hit the long ball and starts playing badly, but with encouragement from his grandmother, he is able to battle back and become dead even with Shooter to the final hole. Shooter ends up having to hit his second shot from Mr. Larson's foot and is able to make a long par putt to force Happy to birdie to win the tournament. However, fans were climbing the tower and just before Happy could putt. iIt falls onto the green blocking Happy's chance to win the tour. The judges say that he must play it as it is as Shooter had to hit it off Mr. Larson's foot when he was denied a drop. Happy remembers the amazing putt he made at the miniature golf course and it is similar here. Happy hits the ball on the car's windshield and it goes through pipes and amazingly lands in the hole. Happy wins the tour championship and gets the gold jacket. Shooter angrily steals the jacket and runs away with it but Mr. Larsen with an angry mob catches him and beats him up.
Happy, Virginia, Grandma and the homeless man, who was Happy's caddy, all go back to grandma's house. They toast and Happy sees Chubbs, the gator, and Abe Lincoln in heaven and Chubbs compliments Happy on his jacket. Grandma asks him who he was waving at and he replies that it was nobody, and the four walk to the house as the ending plays.
Happy Gilmore, the titular character of the hit comedy film, may have a name that invokes ideas of joy and positivity, but that was far from the truth when we first meet him. He was a hot-headed, ill-tempered guy with a talent for hockey, but with a strange aversion to skating. In fact, his constant outbursts and inability to control his anger led to him being kicked out of numerous hockey teams, leaving his dream of becoming a major league player out of reach.
But what was the root of Happy's anger and aggressive nature? Some may say it was his troubled childhood, with his father leaving when he was young and his mother being a no-show at his games. Others may argue that he simply had a natural disposition towards anger. Whatever the reason, it was clear that Happy had a lot of inner turmoil he needed to work through.
One of the first instances we see of Happy's explosive anger is when his girlfriend leaves him. Rather than handling the breakup like a mature adult, he resorts to shouting profanities and trying to manipulate her into staying with him. This only further highlights his immaturity and lack of emotional control.
However, despite his negative traits, there is one person that Happy truly cares about - his grandmother. When he finds out that she is in danger of being evicted from her home, he puts his dream of becoming a hockey player on hold and turns to golf as a way to earn the money to save her house. This selfless act shows that deep down, Happy has a kind heart and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family.
As he delves into the world of golf, Happy's anger continues to be a hindrance to his success. But he gradually learns to control his temper, thanks in part to his unlikely mentor, Chubbs Peterson. Through Chubbs' guidance, Happy begins to develop a new way of dealing with annoying and frustrating people - through witty and sarcastic quips. This not only helps to diffuse tense situations, but it also reveals a more humorous side of Happy that we hadn't seen before.
And it's not just with his words that we see a change in Happy. He also becomes more compassionate towards others, as seen when he gives a homeless man a job as his caddy and even shares his winnings with him. This small act of kindness shows that Happy has grown and is becoming a more empathetic and caring person.
In the end, Happy not only saves his grandmother's house but also wins the prestigious Pro Golf Tour, proving to himself and others that he has what it takes to succeed. But more importantly, he has transformed into a better version of himself. No longer is he the angry and aggressive guy we met at the beginning of the movie. He has learned to control his emotions, find humor in difficult situations, and most importantly, care for others.
In conclusion, Happy Gilmore may have started off as a short-tempered and angry person, but through his journey, he evolves into a kind, witty, and compassionate individual. His transformation serves as a reminder that with the right guidance and determination, anyone can change for the better.