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"When I lost Maya... every day since then, I wanted to say, 'Hey, listen, I'm sorry; it was my fault.' But she's gone. When I was Pariah and I watched my mistake burn down the multiverse, I wanted to tell those people, 'I'm sorry', but they were gone, and it was over. And this is not over for you. You can find your way out of this. All you have to do is trust yourself."
~ Nash Wells to Barry Allen.

Harrison Nash Wells is a major character in the CW series The Flash and the overarching protagonist of the 2019 Arrowverse crossover, Crisis of Infinite Earths.

He is a doppelganger of Harrison Wells from an unknown Earth and an adventurer geologist who joined Team Flash. He was also Pariah for the Anti-Monitor Crisis before sacrificing himself to power the Artificial Speed Force.

Like all other Harrison Wellses, he is played by Tom Cavanagh.



Nash grew up on an unknown Earth where he became a multiversal geologist and adventurer. In 2012 he travelled to Earth-19 in search of the cosmic being Mar Novu/The Monitor where he rescued a girl named Maya, whom he adopted as a father. Maya became Nash's assistant in investigating the multiverse. Unfortunately, while Maya and Nash travelled to Earth-13, Maya fell to her death climbing down a cliff to retrieve a memory core. Nash deeply regretted causing Maya's death and vowed to never let that happen again.


In 2019, Nash travelled to Earth-1 in search of eternium where he met Cisco Ramon and Iris West-Allen. He planted a bug under Cisco's shoe which led him to finding out The Flash's secret identity as Barry Allen, Iris's husband. He revealed himself to Barry and Cisco and led them to break into McCullouch Industries to find a cure for Ramsey Rosso's cancer, where he saves them from security guards. He also finds a hologram of Novu that leads him to an abaondoned sewer where he and Joe West find a mystical seal, which Nash thinks is where they would find Novu. They were stuck until Ralph Dibny saved them.

While searching for a way to break through the seal, Nash tracks down a signal of ultraviolet radiation that leads him to meeting Allegra Garcia, Maya's doppelganger. Realizing Allegra is a metahuman (and the signal he was following all along), Nash immediately grows fond of her and helps her control her powers, even assuring her she won't end up like her evil cousin Esperanza. He also revealed to her that Barry is The Flash.

When Ramsey Rosso (who became the supervillain Bloodwork) sent his Blood Brothers into the sewer, Nash fought them off. When the Blood Brothers are all cured by a multi-colored beam sent by Allegra through the particle accelerator, Nash mistakenly believes it was Novu who saved them and is even more determined to break into the seal.

Becoming Pariah and Crisis[]

Nash's efforts to break into the seal accidentally released Mar Novu's evil doppelganger, Mobius a.k.a the Anti-Monitor, causing the entire multiversal crisis. Nash was sucked inside the seal where he became the Anti-Monitor's herald "Pariah", giving him cosmic powers. After Earth-38 (Supergirl's Earth) was razed by the Anti-Monitor which resulted in Oliver Queen's death, Pariah appeared to the Paragons in the Arrowcave to warn them that the destruction of Earth-38 was only the starting point of Crisis.

Defecting to aid the Paragons, Pariah led Team Flash into the Anti-Monitor's realm where the Earth-90 Flash was forced to run on a treadmill to power the Anti-Monitor's antimatter machine. He brings Jefferson Pierce to stop the machine, but this failed forcing the Earth-90 Flash to sacrifice himself to destroy it. When all the other Earths were decimated by the Anti-Monitor, Pariah saved the Paragons by teleporting them to the Vanishing Point before he too was engulfed by the antimatter wave.

After Crisis[]

After the Paragons recreated the multiverse, Nash was restored on Earth-Prime and was no longer Pariah. After his memories were restored by the Martian Manhunter, he sensed the Anti-Monitor was still alive and led the Paragons in defeating him for good. He then helped Team Flash take down Black Hole, but Mirror Monarch got away.

Nash later realized that he had absorbed the brainwaves of all his doppelgangers (except the Earth-1 Harrison Wells) and repeatedly kept having visions of them, including Harry, Sherloque, and H.R. He was even possessed by Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash, but Barry and Cisco managed to exorcise Thawne from Nash's body. Harry and Sherloque were trying to warn him about Thawne, but he did not understand what they were saying.


After Cisco created the Artifical Speed Force to restore Barry's speed, Nash's doppelgangers appeared to him and informed him that their brainwaves can power the Artificial Speed Force if Nash touches the power core to transfer them. Unfortunately, doing so will kill Nash too since he's the receptor. Refusing to die, Nash tried to have Allegra transfer the brainwaves into the Artificial Speed Force instead. Unfortunately, Allegra can't contain the brainwaves and accidentally sends them to Barry's mind instead. To make matters worse, Barry's body can't handle the brainwaves and is only kept from dying by the remaining Speed Force he has left. While expressing remorse, Harry mentioned that he used to work for Zoom and was a worse person before meeting Team Flash to make Nash understand that he also took bad choices.

After absorbing the brainwaves back, Nash finally sacrifices himself to power the Artificial Speed Force and is killed along with the other Wellses, restoring Barry's speed. While Barry loses connection to that force, his sacrifice still allowed Flash to revive the Speed Force due to Earth-1 Wells' resurrection.

Powers and abilities[]


  • Connection to all Harrison Wellses: After the multiverse was restored following the Crisis, the brainwaves of all Harrison Wellses from the original multiverse were tangled into Nash's mind. This was discovered by Caitlin Snow after she viewed a three-dimensional scan of Nash's brainwaves. Due to this, Nash saw illusions of different Harrison Wells and they give him reminders and suggestions. However, at first, Nash thought those were ghosts and they are haunting him as he indirectly destroyed the multiverse. After Nash became possessed by Eobard Thawne, he understood the reason he was seeing illusions and claimed he is going to get used to it. Nash eventually gained the ability to talk with some of his doppelgängers consciously and he used their combined intelligence to solve problems. Before Nash died, all the other Wellses started sharing control of Nash’s body, creating a type of multiple personality disorder.

Former powers[]

  • Cosmic-empowered human physiology: Nash's physiology was altered when the Anti-Monitor gave him cosmic powers.
    • Teleportation: After accidentally setting the Anti-Monitor free, Nash transformed into Pariah. He gained the power to teleport. He teleported to Earth-1 where he witnessed Oliver Queen's death after he gave his life to save a billion souls before Earth-38 was destroyed. He also teleported the Paragons to the Vanishing Point.
    • Interdimensional travel: Pariah traveled to an unnamed Earth and saved Black Lightning. He then brought Black Lightning to Earth-1 using interdimensional travel during the Anti-Monitor Crisis.


  • Genius-level intellect/Master tactician/Expert detective: Nash appears to be extremely intelligent, even dismissing the members of the Council of Wells as "idiots," despite their members consisting of some of the brightest minds in all the multiverse. He is also observant enough to easily deduce Iris and Cisco Ramon and then Joe were following him, which the highly intelligent police officer would praise him for, along with quickly deducing why Allegra did not like using her Meta-human powers. He is also an accomplished tactician with proficiency at contingency plans, planting a bug on Cisco unnoticed in order to anticipate the possibility that he would need his help later on, which allowed him to, later on, ensure his cooperation by leveraging his knowledge of a potential cure to Ramsey Rosso's disease, and being able to quickly create plans to enter and escape from McCulloch Technologies twice despite being noticed. From his time traveling through many universes, Nash has also accumulated a vast amount of knowledge on the multiverse and doppelgängers, enough to thoroughly tell Allegra in exchange for her cooperation, leaving her impressed with his knowledge. He was also able to easily solve the code that opened the gateway to The Monitor's realm.
    • Master scientist: An exceptional scientist, with him stating to have performed many scientific miracles, Nash has shown himself to be familiar with the extremely rare multiversal element called eternium, knowing how to bypass its defenses, along with being able to quickly deduce the properties of McCulloch Technologies bio-regenerative serum and calculate it would be able to heal blood cancer, something that not even the brilliant scientist Cisco had any knowledge of. He was also able to swiftly realize upon failing to blast through the rocks with a fire thrower that Earth-1's vibrational frequency is calibrated at a molecular level. An excellent geologist specializing in thermic excavation, Nash is shown to be able to quickly correctly analyze the results of his researches, such as seamlessly precisely calculating that the Eternium particles he sensed near Iris West-Allen was actually not inside her but in the tunnel as well as quickly realizing that his device detected Allegra Garcia having the power to emit ultraviolet rays. His scientific abilities must also contribute in his ability to travel through the multiverse. Even as Pariah, Nash did retain some of his scientific knowledge, as he swiftly deduced that Barry Allen could not penetrate the antimatter barrier containing the Flash of Earth-90 because he was made of positive matter. Nash also aided in the construction of the micro-technology used by Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi to defeat the Anti-Monitor. He devised a method to stabilize Roderick Smith's molecules, and although it failed, he and Cisco used the charged sound in the fifth Godspeed's blood to accomplish their goal.
    • Master engineer/Gadgeteer: Nash was an excellent engineer and gadgeteer, owning and using masterfully, depending on the situation devices such as smoke bombs able to teleport people and a tracking device in the form of a gauntlet able to track ultraviolet rays and eternium particles as well as Antimatter  which Nash states to be infallible. Although his skills in building machines are not on par with Cisco's, he appears to be confident of his abilities on other fields of engineering exceeded Cisco's, describing it as "shoddy" and "subpar". Even as Pariah, he retained enough of his engineering knowledge that he was able to quickly understand the functions of the Antimatter cannon. Later, Nash helped Ray and Ryan build the micro-bomb that was used to defeat the Anti-Monitor, with him correcting Ray's attempt to use titanium as it would be too heavy and using depleted promethium instead.
    • Expert mathematician: Nash accurately calculated that the fire had sapped the majority of the oxygen in the tunnel and that he and Joe only had 42 minutes left to breathe.
    • Master of manipulation: Nash is considerably adept in manipulating others to complete his goals, as he was able to effortlessly manipulate the entire Team Flash into helping him oppose Mar Novu by claiming it would save Barry Allen's life and calmly convince Allegra into helping him. However, the Anti-Monitor far surpassed his manipulative capabilities.
    • Master tracker: Nash is an extremely skilled tracker, as he was capable of successfully tracing Mar Novu's trails through multiple worlds before finally finding the gateway to his realm on Earth-1.
  • Master of stealth/Escape artist: Nash can follow his targets for long periods of time unnoticed, and quickly disappear from sight even in broad daylight, he is also skilled in using pyrotechnics to create various subtle explosions and smokescreens to mask his escape, as seen in his both confrontation with Iris and Cisco.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Nash is a highly trained fighter, able to quickly pin Cisco Ramon and swiftly dispatch two guards after having stunned them with a device. He was even able to overpower a Blood Brother with a shovel and fight off dozens of them long enough to be saved by Allegra. He also managed to fight the highly trained combatant and assassin Ultraviolet alongside Allegra.
  • Skilled marksman: Nash used a pulse cannon to shoot Godspeed and managed to hit him on his first attempt.


  • Pariah suit: Nash was given the Pariah suit by Mobius.
  • Gauntlet: Nash wore a gauntlet on his wrist.
  • Techno fanny pack: An equipment bag with Nash's name tag that he wore over his shoulders with a strap that winds around his chest.
  • Ruby: During his travel throughout the multiverse, Nash acquired a red stone that gives people nightmares.
  • Smoke bombs: Nash used smoke bombs to distract security guards while leading Barry and Cisco into breaking into McCollouch.
  • Sonic device: Nash used a sonic device in his missions which produces concentrated sonic waves.
  • Blaster: When Nash and Joe were trapped by a cave-in, Nash tried to use his blaster to blow up the rocks. However, due to Earth-1 vibrating at a different frequency than his home universe, it only caused a fire and reduced their air supply.

Former weaknesses[]

  • Mobius: Controlled by the Anti-Monitor, Nash was cursed to bear witness and appear during tragedies during the Anti-Monitor Crisis as penance for freeing the Anti-Monitor from his imprisonment while the cosmic being destroyed the multiverse.
  • Memory loss: When Nash became Pariah, he lost most of the memories he had up until that point. However, Cisco was able to use his powers to access Nash's memories.
  • Negative tachyons: When he was possessed by Eobard Thawne, Nash was exposed to a large amount of negative tachyons, which made his thoughts negative and in turn, this made Thawne stronger. When Thawne was expelled from Nash's body, he was no longer affected by the negative tachyons.


           Arrowverse logo Heroes

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow | John Diggle | Felicity Smoak | Thea Queen | Laurel Lance (Earth-1) | Quentin Lance | Sara Lance | Tommy Merlyn | Shado | Nyssa al Ghul | Lyla Michaels | Ray Palmer | Curtis Holt | Rene Ramirez | Rory Regan | Dinah Drake | Laurel Lance (Earth-2) | Roy Harper | Malcolm Merlyn | Slade Wilson | Helena Bertinelli | Tatsu Yamashiro | Anatoly Knyazev | Vigilante | Mari McCabe | Mia Queen | Connor Hawke | William Clayton | Zoe Ramirez | Monitor

The Flash (CW)
Barry Allen/The Flash | David Singh | Iris West-Allen | Cisco Ramon | Caitlin Snow | Joe West | Eddie Thawne | Ronnie Raymond | Martin Stein | Jefferson Jackson | Wally West | Jesse Chambers Wells | Harry Wells | Jay Garrick/The Flash | H.R Wells | Cecile Horton | Ralph Dibny | Nora West-Allen | Harrison Sherloque Wells | Leo Snart | Kamilla Hwang | Allegra Garcia | Chester P. Runk | Nash Wells | Bart Allen | Monitor | Meena Dhawan | King Shark | Harrison Wells

John Constantine | Zed Martin | Chas Chandler

Mari McCabe/Vixen

Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance/White Canary | Ray Palmer | Mick Rory | Leonard Snart | Jefferson Jackson | Martin Stein | Kendra Saunders | Carter Hall | Rip Hunter | Amaya Jiwe | Nate Heywood | Zari Tomaz | Wally West | Leo Snart | John Constantine | Ava Sharpe | Gary Green | Zari Tarazi | Behrad Tarazi | Damien Darhk | Nora Darhk | Charlie | Monitor | Esperanza Cruz

Kara Danvers/Supergirl | Alex Danvers | James Olsen | Winn Schott | Cat Grant | J'onn J'onzz | Superman | Lena Luthor | Maggie Sawyer | Mon-El | M'gann M'orzz | Imra Ardeen | Querl Dox | Nia Nal | Kelly Olsen | Lois Lane | M’yrnn J’onzz | Andrea Rojas | Monitor

Freedom Fighters
Ray Terrill/The Ray

Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning | Jennifer Pierce | Anissa Pierce | Lynn Stewart | Peter Gambi | Bill Henderson | Khalil Payne | Grace Choi | Jeremiah Holt | Brandon Marshall | TC | Gardner Grayle | Erica Moran | Hassan Shakur

Kate Kane/Batwoman | Ryan Wilder/Batwoman | Luke Fox | Mary Hamilton | Jacob Kane | Sophie Moore | Julia Pennyworth | Monitor

Superman & Lois
Clark Kent/Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons

The Flash (CBS)
The Flash | Julio Mendez (Earth-90) | Tina McGee (Earth-90)

Clark Kent (Earth-167) | Lois Lane (Earth-167) | Superman (Earth-96) | Barry Allen (unknown Earth) | Helena Kyle | Lucifer Morningstar | Ryan Choi | Stargirl | Wildcat | Hourman | Dr. Mid-Nite | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Jason Todd

A.R.G.U.S. | D.E.O. | Justice Society of America | Paragons | Team Supergirl | Team Arrow | Team Flash | Legends | Legion of Super-Heroes | Freedom Fighters
