Harry Kim is the Operations Officer of the USS Voyager and one of the main protagonists of Star Trek: Voyager. He is portrayed by Garrett Wang.
Harry Kim was selected and assigned as operations officer for the starship, USS Voyager. But after Voyager made her first launch, the entire ship and crew, along with a crew of Maqui, have been pulled to the delta quadrant. Later, he and a maqui member, B'Elanna Torres, were transferred to an underground Ocampan medical facility by the Caretaker. But afterwards, they were both rescued by both their crews with the help from a Talaxian named Neelix and a beautiful Ocampan named Kes.
During the voyage home for Earth, Harry and Tom become best friends and sometimes they play a program show in the holodeck called "Captain Proton" Where Tom is the hero of the title and Harry is Proton's trusty sidekick and crewmember, Buster Kincaid.
On occasion, Harry was selected as acting Captain when Janeway and Chakotay go on an outside mission.