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Heroes Wiki

It's time to use our powers for the greater good!
~ Prime Earth Hawk (Hank Hall) to Dawn Granger.
You want our strength? You want our hope? You want our fear? You want our rage? COME AND TAKE IT!
~ Dove (Dawn Granger).

Hawk and Dove are a superhero duo appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

While initially starting with the brothers Hank and Don Hall, Dawn Granger succeeded Don after his death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline. Dawn's sister sister Holly Granger succeeded Hank after his death until the Blackest Night storyline, where she was killed by Hank as a Black Lantern.

The duo-team was created by the late Steve Ditko and the late Steve Skeates, and they appeared in Showcase #75 (June 1968) during the Silver Age of comic books.



Hank and Don Hall were fairly normal siblings; Hank was very verbal about his conservative views, usually quite hot-headed. His brother on the other hand was liberal by comparison, and while fairly level headed was prone to indecisiveness. Hank thought his brother was a sissy, while Don thought that Hank was an arrogant blowhard. Their father, Judge Irwin Hall, while more balanced, followed the letter of the law. He tried unsuccessfully to teach his boys that most problems could be solved through logic.

They would find however that their father had made many enemies as a Judge. Hank and Don were locked in a room as criminal bent on revenge against their father went after him. Just as Hank and Don who found for the first time they could agree that they wanted to save their father, mysterious voices echoed throughout the room offering the boys a chance to save their father. All they had to do was call upon the powers of the Hawk and the Dove.

Hawk and Dove quickly dispatch their father’s would-be assailants, but find that their father is not as thankful for his vigilante protectors. Hank and Don continue on in secret as Hawk and Dove for several years, even joining the Teen Titans for a time.

Death of Dove[]

During Crisis on Infinite Earths Dove was killed by a Shadow Demon while protection a child. Hawk could do nothing to help and went berserk. He went on for several years without what he realized was Dove’s calming influence.

Together Again[]

Finally as he was investigating a string of murders near Georgetown University he was surprised and somewhat apprehensive to discover a second Dove. Dove II was female and shared none of the indecisiveness of the original. During their first encounter Hawk attacked her trying to get her to stop impersonating his brother, but she dodged him repeatedly and he ended up single-handedly taking out a gang that was possessed by a Lord of Chaos.

Despite constantly arguing they managed to hold their own against Kestrel, a creation of the Lords of Chaos meant to replace or turn Hawk to their side. After Hawk was nearly beaten to death by Kestral, Dove was able to protect him and drive off Kestral. Finally once Hank learned Dove’s secret identity (after guessing wrong twice) they agreed to team up to defeat Kestral. As they fought him in the Realm of Chaos, Dove found she couldn’t concentrate; Hawk found himself losing control. When Kestral threatened Dove’s life Hawk intervened on her behalf. Defeated, Kestral returned to his masters in disgrace.

Later, having been lured to Druspa Tau, the home of the lords of Order and Chaos, they discovered that they could remove their costumes for the first time, revealing their true forms. Hawk had a thick hide and had red feathers in place of body hair. Dove seemed to glow, having an ethereal quality and quickly found she could fly. There they joined with T’Charr, the lord of Chaos; Terataya the lord of Order, who were lovers, becoming their avatars on Earth. When they returned, Dove could still fly; Hawk was stronger and was bullet-proof.

Armageddon 2001 and Zero Hour[]

It was shortly thereafter that Waverider came back in time to the final days of the 20th Century to stop the Monarch from rising. He tests all the heroes and eventually eliminates them all with the exception of Captain Atom, but when he tests him, the Monarch is freed from the time-stream. He quickly captures Hawk and Dove, seemingly murdering Dove in cold blood. This puts Hawk over the edge and he beats Monarch to death, but not before discovering that Monarch is an older version on himself. Driven fully insane, Hank dons the armor and helmet becoming Monarch. Briefly, Monarch served as a reoccurring adversary for Captain Atom. He later, after calling upon the power of Hawk and absorbing Waverider’s time-warping abilities, becomes Extant.

Extant brutally defeats the entire Justice Society, even killing the original Atom and Hourman. He later escaped on the heels of Parallax’s defeat. After confronting the JSA again, they were able to place him on a passenger plane about to crash. Somehow this permanently ended the threat of Extant.


Not long after Dr. Fate ( Hector Hall) believing that the woman who gave birth to his current form is Lyta Hall is surprised to find a very alive Dawn Granger, who had apparently mothered him with Hank Hall as the father. She assists the JSA in defeating the threat of Mordru, Eclipso, and Obsidian.

She finds shortly that her own sister (Holly Granger) is the new Hawk, and they join the Teen Titans as reserve members. Recently they assisted in the defeat of a new Kestrel.


Hawk and Dove’s powers as bestowed by the Lords of Order and Chaos Terataya and T’Charr respectively seem to simply increase abilities already present to superhuman levels.


Dove possesses an ability known as danger sense transformation. When in the presence of danger, whether to herself or others, Dawn Granger can call out the word "Dove" and transform into Dove. She does not need to be aware of danger, meaning she transforms if she says the word while unknowingly being in danger. The transformation requires actual danger, so if Dawn says "Dove" without danger being present, she would not transform.

The transformation wears off a short time after any danger has passed, unless Dove is seriously injured. She will remain as Dove until the injuries are sufficiently healed. Hank once searched the warehouse district to find a criminal hideout, having to say "Hawk" before entering each warehouse. On high magic worlds, Dawn can remain as Dove for extended periods regardless of whether danger is present.

The transformation changes Granger into a minor force of Order and she gains avian characteristics, which are hidden under her costume. If the costume receives sufficient damage, it can reveal part of her true form, which shines with the golden glowing light of Order. Within realms of higher magic, Dove can easily remove the costume and show her true form.

Dove is also hypervigilant; her natural aptitudes are enhanced, such as her ability to judge people which allows her to "read" people and objects, and know how they will behave. In addition to flight, she also has enhanced agility, can withstand physical punishment, heal quickly and her perceptions are heightened to their fullest extent.

Due to her connection with Terataya, on high magic worlds her powers are enhanced. She can concentrate her radiance into a blinding beam of light. She also possesses the White Light of Creation. It is unknown whether this power is an extension of her radiance ability, but during the Blackest Night crisis, Dove was able to channel this particular force and destroy Black Lanterns along with blocking a Black Lantern's aura-reading power. How and why Dawn was chosen for this power, or whether it has anything to do with her link to Terataya, remains unknown.


Hawk possesses a "danger sense transformation" which allows him to change into a super-human with the powers of superstrength, unlimited stamina, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, enhanced durability, enhanced body density and healing factor.

His partner Dove suppresses his violent nature and without her presence Hawk's rage becomes boundless.

While he was a member of the Black Lantern Corps, Hawk wielded a black power ring which allowed him to generate black energy constructs. He was also able to perceive emotional auras.

In other media[]

Justice League Unlimited[]

Hawk & Dove (JLU)

Hawk and Dove in Justice League Unlimited.

  • The Hank and Don Hall incarnations of Hawk and Dove appear in Justice League Unlimited, voiced by Fred Savage and Jason Hervey respectively.

This version of the duo are members of the Justice League who possess a strong relationship, with Don being more self-confident than Hank and their philosophical bickering resembling brotherly teasing. Additionally Hank utilizes brute force and aggressive tactics, at times resembling a football player, while Don uses a blend of techniques reminiscent of aikido or judo, using his attacker's movements to fling them aside.

Other Television Appearances[]

  • The Hank and Don Hall incarnations of Hawk and Dove appear in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Greg Ellis and Dee Bradley Baker respectively.
  • For their Titans versions, see their respective pages for more information.


  • After Captain Atom was leaked to become Monarch, Hawk was chosen at the last minute, which was criticized by readers. The incident was retconned during the Justice Society #14 storyline.


           JusticeLeagueLogo Heroes

Justice League | Justice League of America | Justice League Dark | Justice League Europe | Justice League Incarnate | Justice League International | Justice League Task Force | Justice League Queer | Super Buddies

Aquaman | Atom | Batman | Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance | Dinah Drake) | Cyborg | The Flash (Barry Allen | Wally West) | Green Arrow (DC vs Vampires) | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Hawkman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | Wonder Woman

Adam Strange | Agent Liberty | Alan Scott | Amanda Waller | Amazing Man | Ambush Bug | Amethyst | Andrew Bennett | Animal Man | Antaeus | Andy Curry | Atomica | August General in Iron | Avery Ho | Azrael | Aztek | B'wana Beast | Batgirl | Bart Allen | Batwing | Batwoman | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Black Adam | Black Condor | Black Lightning | Black Orchid | Blue Beetle | Blue Devil | Blue Jay | Booster Gold | Bronze Tiger | Captain Atom | Captain Cold | Catwoman | Commander Steel | Congorilla | Conner Kent | Cassandra Cain | Green Arrow (Connor Hawke) | Creeper | Crimson Fox | Damian Wayne | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Doctor Fate | Doctor Light | Doctor Mist | Donna Troy | Element Woman | Elongated Man | Emiko Queen | Equinox | Etrigan | Faith | Fire | Firehawk | Firestorm | Frankenstein | Freedom Beast | General Glory | Geo-Force | Guardian | Guy Gardner | Gypsy | Harley Quinn | Hank Heywood | Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall | Dawn Granger) | Hippolyta | Hourman | Huntress | Ice | Jace Fox | Jackson Hyde | Jade | Jaime Reyes | James Gordon | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jessica Cruz | John Constantine | John Stewart | Jon Kent | Katana | Kid Flash | Killer Frost | Kyle Rayner | Lex Luthor | Lightray | Lobo | Lois Lane | Madame Xanadu | Man-Bat | Maxima | Mera | Metamorpho | Mister Miracle | Miss Martian | Mister Terrific | Mon-El | Moon Maiden | Natasha Irons | Nightmare Nurse | Nightwing | Nubia | Offspring | Omen | Oracle | Orion | Pandora | Pariah | Phantom Girl | Phantom Stranger | Plastic Man | Power Girl | Poison Ivy | Powerhouse | Question | Ragman | Raven | Robin | Red Arrow | Red Hood | Red Robin | Red Tornado | Rhonda Pineda | Rocket Red | Ryan Choi | Saturn Girl | Shade the Changing Mann | Shazam | Silver Sorceress | Star Sapphire | Simon Baz | Sojourner Mullein | Starfire | Stargirl | Starman | Steel | Steve Trevor | Supergirl (DC vs Vampires) | Swamp Thing | Tasmanian Devil | Ted Kord | Tempest | Tomorrow Woman | Triumph | Vibe | Vixen | Wildcat | Wonder Girl | Yara Flor | Zatanna | Zauriel

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Nuidis Vulko | Martian Manhunter | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The New Frontier: Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter | The Flash
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: The Flash | Batman | Thomas Wayne | Cyborg | Kal-El | Cole Cash | Godiva | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane | Etrigan | S.H.A.Z.A.M. | Samuel Lane
Justice League: War: Justice League (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, & Cyborg) | Steve Trevor | Freddy Freeman |Sarah Charles | Thomas Morrow | Silas Stone
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Aquaman: | Atlanna | Mera | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Superman, & Wonder Woman) | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Teen Titans (Raven, Robin, Starfire, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, & Nightwing) | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, & Wonder Woman)
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash)

Also See
DC Multiverse Heroes | Justice League International Heroes | Justice Society Heroes | Outsiders Heroes

           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Heroes

Teen Titans | Titans | Titans East | Titans West | Titans North | Titans South

Aqualad | Beast Boy | Cyborg | Kid Flash | Raven | Robin | Speedy | Starfire | Superboy | Wonder Girl

Anima | Aquagirl | Argent | Arsenal | Bart Allen | Blue Beetle | Bombshell | Bumblebee | Bunker | Shazam | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Cassandra Cain | Cassie Sandsmark | Crush | Damage | Damian Wayne | Djinn | Flamebird | Green Lantern | Hawk & Dove (Hank Hall | Don Hall | Dawn Granger) | Impulse | Jackson Hyde | Jakeem Thunder | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jon Kent | Klarion the Witch Boy | Kole | Lorena Marquez | Mia Dearden | Mirage | Miss Martian | Nightwing | Omen | Power Boy | Power Girl | Ray Palmer | Ravager | Roundhouse | Red Arrow | Red Star | Static | Steel | Supergirl | Terra | The Offspring | Tim Drake | Wally "Ace" West | Zatara

TV Shows
Teen Titans (2003)
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Terra | Kid Flash | Thunder | Lightning | Kole | Gnarrk | Hot Spot | Speedy | Bumblebee | Más y Menos | Aqualad | Melvin | Timmy Tantrum | Teether | Herald | Arella Roth | Argent | Bushido | Red Star | Killowat | Pantha | Jericho | Wildebeest | Red X | Tramm | Ravager | Jinx | Larry | Val-Yor | Silkie

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Bumblebee | Silkie | Aqualad | Speedy | Halloween Spirit | Más y Menos | Kid Flash | Batman | George Washington | Easter Bunny | Sticky Joe | Team Robin | Super Robin | Birdarang & Beat Box | Pain Bot | Sparkleface & Butterbean | Unicorns | Superman | John Stewart | Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Wonder Twins | Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate

Nightwing | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy | Hawk | Dove | Wonder Girl | Red Hood | Superboy | Krypto | Ravager | Aqualad | Barbara Gordon | Blackfire | Tim Drake | Batman

DC Animated Film Universe
Nightwing | Starfire | Beast Boy | Raven | Blue Beetle | Robin | Cyborg | Speedy | Bumblebee | Kid Flash | Terra | Superboy
