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Heroes Wiki
AH3 Heart
I hope this will touch your very heart and soul!

Heart Aino is the titular main protagonist of the Arcana Heart series. She is currently investigating the Drexler Institute to stop their plans to destroy Japan. She possesses one of the most powerful Arcana, Partinias, the Arcana of Love, an angel with two pairs of wings who can manipulate light. She is Heart's partner and friend.

She was voiced by Mikato Takahashi in Japanese and Kira Buckland in English.


Heart is innocent and full of energy, with a smile that is simply contagious. Ever since she was a kid, animals have been drawn to her. And she would frequently bring home stray cats and dogs; much to her mother’s dismay. Heart truly believes that love can conquer every and all adversities. Even though she means well, her desire to spread love and happiness sometimes causes her to get involved in other people’s problems at times when they wish to be left alone.

Heart has always been able to see Arcana. In truth, this ability is pretty common in young children, but as adults tell them that "such-and-such” is not real, most of them begin to losing this ability. The ability to see beyond the physical world is directly linked to a person’s beliefs and imagination. When you stop believing in Elementals, you stop seeing them. Luckily for her, Heart’s mother always encouraged her to believe in them. Consequently, she has been able to interact with a vast number of Arcana. Her first (and her best friend among the Arcana) was Partinias. Her spirit power is excellent, and it is said that her powers could enemies Angelia Avallone. Because of her ability to get along with so many Arcana, Heart has been labeled as the "Extraordinarily Rare Maiden" by the Ministry of Elemental Affairs, which tries to keep a close eye on all matters related to the Elemental world where she sees something strange above the Tokyo skies and Heart decides to investigate up there.



  • Her name in Japanese order has a meaning akin to "Heart of Love".
  • She is also shares Date of Birth by Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach.
  • see in also pink haired by Honoka in Dead or Alive series.
  • Some of her palettes make her resemble Asuna Harukaze, Mikoto Misaka, Accelerator, Yukiko Amagi, Sanae Nagatsuki, Minori Kushieda, Kira Yamato, Louise Halevy and Madoka Kaname.
  • Most of her moves have "love" and "heart" in the name. Partinias is also a Love-elemental Arcana.
  • In an official April Fools' Flash Game by Arc Systems Works and Examu, Heart is on a date with Ragna the Bloodedge (Masakazu Morita). She also made a guest appearance in Bururaji, complete with chibi BlazBlue-style sprite. In AH3, she also starts learning moves seemingly ripped straight off Ragna. It pretty much helps that her and Ragna's voice actors had quite a history of voicing roles together.
  • An unusual variation in that she technically has no projectiles of her own, but relies on an Arcana for them. Most (but not all) Arcanas have projectiles, however, including her default one, so she still qualifies.
    • Especially since her default arcana has Ryu's projectiles. The serial numbers are barely even filed off.


            Arcana Heart Heroes

Main Heroines
Heart Aino | Saki Tsuzura | Yoriko Yasuzumi | Kira Daidōji | Mei-Fang | Petra Johanna Lagerkvist | Maori Kasuga | Konoha | Weiß |

Secondary Heroines
Elsa La Conti | Clarice di Lanza | Zenia Valov | Dorothy Albright | Catherine Kyoubashi | Nazune Inukawa | Akane Inukawa | Mei Ling Hua | Eko | Minori Amanohara |

Former Villains
Lieselotte Achenbach | Mildred Avallone | Angelia Avallone | Scharlachrot | Pistrix | Parace L'Sia


BBTAG Logo Heroes

Ragna the Bloodedge | Jin Kisaragi | Noel Vermillion | Rachel Alucard | Iron Tager | Hakumen | Makoto Nanaya | Platinum the Trinity | Izayoi | Celica A. Mercury | Nine the Phantom | Naoto Kurogane | Es | Mai Natsume | Jubei

Persona 4 Arena
Yu Narukami | Yosuke Hanamura | Chie Satonaka | Yukiko Amagi | Kanji Tatsumi | Teddie | Naoto Shirogane | Mitsuru Kirijo | Akihiko Sanada | Aigis | Elizabeth | Labrys

Under Night In-Birth
Hyde Kido | Linne | Waldstein | Carmine | Gordeau | Orie Ballardiae | Vatista | Seth | Yuzuriha | Mika |

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long

Heart Aino | Yumi | Akatsuki
