Heathertail is a supporting character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
She is a warrior of WindClan and Breezepelt’s mate. As an apprentice, Heatherpaw was mentored by Crowfeather and befriended The Three from ThunderClan. After becoming a warrior, Heathertail joined the Dark Forest battle and defended her Clan from her future mate Breezepelt. She then had four kits with him: Smokekit, Brindlekit, Applekit, and Woodkit.
Heathertail is a lithe, light-brown she-cat with sleek, soft fur and blue eyes.
Onestar’s Confession[]
Heatherkit is born to Onewhisker and Whitetail alongside her sister Galekit. The latter is stillborn, and Onewhisker is upset. However, Whitetail assures her mate that they have to worry about the surviving kit now.
The Power of Three[]
Heatherpaw is now an apprentice mentored to Crowfeather. She befriends ThunderClan’s Three at a during their apprenticeships and grows close to Lionpaw in particular. They decide to secretly meet in WindClan’s tunnels and make up a Clan called DarkClan in their game, with Heatherpaw (Heatherstar) and Lionpaw (Lionclaw) as leader and deputy. However, Lionpaw soon breaks their friendship over his loyalty to ThunderClan, and Heatherpaw is upset.
Heatherpaw storms off into the tunnel, with three kits unknowingly following her in. Soon realising (alongside the Three and Breezepaw) that there are lost kits in the tunnels, the apprentices all try to search for them. They find the kits, but soon it rains and the tunnels flood. A ghost cat named Fallen Leaves helps guide them back to the surface. Heatherpaw agrees to break her friendship with Lionpaw.
When Crowfeather and Breezepaw journey to the Tribe of Rushing water in the mountains, Whitetail is assigned as Heatherpaw‘s temporary mentor. Soon, WindClan attacks from the tunnels, and Lionpaw accuses Heatherpaw of breaking their secret by revealing the tunnels to her Clan. She is horrified when he almost kills Crowfeather, and Lionpaw begins to dream of killing her much to his horror.
She earns her warrior name, Heathertail, and confronts Lionblaze when he sneaks into WindClan territory to gather catmint. She sternly allows him to pass and warns him about becoming like Tigerstar.
Omen of The Stars[]
Heathertail now has her own apprentice, Furzepaw.
When Dovepaw and Ivypaw come to the WindClan camp to see Sedgewhisker, Onestar asks Heathertail and Breezepelt to escort them back to ThunderClan. Breezepelt is very bossy, speaking harshly to the young apprentices. Heathertail finally snaps at him, saying that he wasn't Clan leader. Heathertail tells Ivypaw and Dovepaw that they're bringing them back to ThunderClan camp, and Ivypaw argues, saying that Firestar would kill them. When Ivypaw and Dovepaw ask her how she knows where the ThunderClan camp is, she tells them that she's been there before. She often puts Breezepelt down, and gets angry at him for being too harsh on Dovepaw and Ivypaw. She then tells Lionblaze in the ThunderClan camp that he needs to keep a better eye on his apprentice, with a hint of a cold, scolding expression on her face.
In The Forgotten Warrior, Heathertail briefly appears on a patrol with Breezepelt, Boulderpaw, and Furzepaw over challenging Ivypool and Birchfall, who were washing their paws in the border stream. They snap at them to leave, and that they were specifically crossing WindClan's border. Breezepelt threatens them to fight, but the skirmish is broken up by a ThunderClan patrol led by Sorreltail.
Later, she is among a group of WindClan cats attempting to raid ThunderClan through the tunnels. She openly accuses Jayfeather of murdering Flametail before the battle. During the battle, Dovewing knocks into Heathertail and Cinderheart, who are fighting.
Her apprentice earns his warrior name: Furzepelt. Heathertail later participates the the battle against the Dark Forest.
Crowfeather’s Trial[]
Heathertail is a prominent supporter of Breezepelt when his Clanmates outcast him for being non-repentant over being a Dark Forest trainee and accuse him of killing Nightcloud, his mother. Breezepelt saves Heathertail from the stoats while searching for Nightcloud. She, Breezepelt, Gorsetail, Crowfeather, and Hootpaw search for Nightcloud in the Twolegplace and rescue her from a Twoleg nest. She was the one who came up with the idea to ask the kittypets when Crowfeather overlooked that simple fact. However, Heathertail was supposed to be keeping watch over camp, and the stoats attack WindClan's camp during the night. Onestar, who has lost a life, scolds her for leaving her post and had feared her dead but eventually forgives her. She participates in the battle against the stoats with ThunderClan, and Nightcloud allows her to stay with Breezepelt when he's gravely injured. Crowfeather and Nightcloud are proud of Breezepelt's choice of a mate and suspect that there will be new kits soon.
A Vision of Shadows[]
Heathertail and Breezepelt are now mates, and she has given birth to their daughters, Smokekit and Brindlekit. They become apprentices, and her former apprentice, Furzepelt, dies from an attack by the Kin. Heathertail, with the rest of WindClan, learns of Onestar's former affair with a kittypet named Smoke and the truth about Darktail, a ruthless rogue that was terrorizing the Clans, and her half-brother. Her daughters later become warriors with the names Smokehaze and Brindlewing.
The Broken Code[]
She and Breezepelt have another litter, Applekit and Woodkit, who once are apprenticed, are mentored by their older sisters, Smokehaze and Brindlewing. During a battle against the Clans instigated by Bramblestar's impostor, her daughter, Smokehaze, is killed, and becomes a ghost.
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ThunderClan RiverClan ShadowClan WindClan SkyClan Outside of Clans |