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Hero Overview

Fortunately, I found some goats. Lucky, huh? Unfortunately, I couldn’t get them to dance!
~ Hector Ruiz

Hector Ruiz is one of the main protagonists in the 2009 revival of The Electric Company (often referred as The New Electric Company).

He was portrayed by Josh Segarra.


Hector loves technology and is a healthy risk taker. He loves to play basketball and rap, but he also seems to be a lady-charmer, assuming most fans of his club from Out to Launch are girls. He's also extremely handsome inside and out.

Heroic Deeds[]



  • TBA

External Links[]


           The Electric Company Logo Heroes

The Electric Company (Hector Ruiz | Jessica Ruiz | Lisa Heffenbacher | Keith Watson | Marcus Barnes) | Paul the Gorilla | Shock | Mario | P.J. Watson | Leo Watson | Skeleckians | Sammy Spamboni | Calvero the Greatest | Marlon | Cordelia Heffenbacher

Cartoon Segments
Captain Cluck | Poultry Patrol | Jack Bowser | Music Man | Josephine | Felix and Oscar
