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Heroes Wiki

Helen is the older sister of Spielban and the tritagonist of Jikuu Senshi Spielban.

She was captured by the Waller Empire while she was young and forcibly converted into the cyborg warrior Hellvira to defeat Spielban. She was later freed from her brainwashing and joins Spielban and Diana in fighting Waller as the heroic Helen Lady.

She was portrayed by Naomi Morinaga, who previously played Annie in Space Sheriff Shaider.


Helen was captured by the Waller when she was only a child. After her father was forcibly converted into Waller's Bio Army leader Doctor Bio, he was forced by Queen Pandora to convert his daughter into the cyborg Hellvira to serve as a warrior of Waller, creating a remote control to keep under Waller's influence.

Helen managed to escape Waller, but because of the nature of her bio-implants, she could be transformed into Hellvira by Waller at any point. To keep Pandora's focus away from Helen, Bio engineered a powerful Battle Lifeform for Waller to use to defeat Spielban. Pandora was so pleased by Bio's creation that she allowed him to destroy the controller for turning Helen into Hellvira, though she kept a backup controller in secret.

Helen later intervened in the fight between Spielban and Doctor Bio, revealing to Spielban that Bio was his father. It was at that pointed that Pandora used her backup remote control to transform Helen into Hellvira and had her join the fight as well. As the four all clashed, Pandora detonated a Megaton bomb she had placed beneath the battlefield in order to take out all four of them at once. Despite this, Spielban and Diana both survived, and Bio was able to rescue an injured Helen as well, bringing her back to Gamedeath to heal her injuries.

After Guillotine arrived from the future to assist in Waller's offensive, he ordered that Bio brainwash Helen so she would be completely loyal to Waller. Secretly though, during the brainwashing surgery, Bio removed all of Helen's bio-implants so she couldn't be turned into Hellvira ever again. After, Helen was sent out to assassinate Spielban once the "brainwashing" was complete, but as soon as the two met Bio awoke Helen from her trance. Helen thus joined Spielban and Diana in fighting Waller as Helen Lady.

After Spielban, Diana and Helen defeated Queen Pandora and destroyed Waller, a new timeline was created where Waller never existed and thus Clin was never destroyed. The three then discovered that their homeworld was in fact Earth in the future and were reunited with their parents now that Waller was gone.



           Metal Hero logo Heroes

Uchu Keiji Gavan
Retsu Ichijouji | Mimi | Commander Qom | Marin | Space Sheriff Alan

Uchu Keiji Sharivan
Den Iga | Lily | Jii | Miyuki | Helen Bell

Uchu Keiji Shaider
Dai Sawamura | Annie

Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion

Jikuu Senshi Spielban
Yousuke Jou | Diana Lady | Helen Lady

Choujinki Metalder
Ryusei Tsurugi | Mai Ogi | Hakko Kita

Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya
Toha Yamaji | Kei Yamaji | Rei Yagyu | Ryu Asuka | Baron Owl | Haburamu | Rocket Man | Mafuuba | Wild | Alamsa

Kidou Keiji Jiban
Naoto Tamura | Youko Katagiri | Mayumi Igarashi

Tokkei Winspector
Ryouma Kagawa | Bycle | Walter | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain
Daiki Nishio | Reiko Higuchi | SolDozer | Ryouma Kagawa | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Exceedraft
Hayato Kano | Kosaku Muraoka | Ken Okuma | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Robo Janperson
Janperson | Gun Gibson

Show Narumi | Sarah Misugi | Sig

Juukou B-Fighter
Takuya Kai | Daisaku Katagiri | Rei Hayami | Mai Takatori | Kabuto

B-Fighter Kabuto
Kouhei Toba | Kengo Tachibana | Ran Ayukawa

B-Robo Kabutack
Kabutack | Kuwagiro | Tobimasky | Dangoron | Gerotan | Tentoleena

Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack
Robotack | Kamerock
