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Heroes Wiki

Hercule Barton is the tritagonist in the anime Tantei Opera Milky Holmes.

She was voiced by Mikoi Sasaki.


She is a member of Milky Holmes. She's a detective from Britain and she can help her Milky crew with her mystery life.


Hercule is a shy-hearted girl who refuses to speak with other people. She wanted to be the voice of reason.


One month ago, Hercule Barton and her friends tried to defeat Gentleman Thieves in order to save the day. Unfortunately, she and her friends were defeated.

One month after the battle against these villains, Hercule and her friends came late for school in order to satisfy her goodness and needs by any means possible. She and her friends encounter Gentleman Thieves in school: Henriette Mystère, Stone River, Twenty, Rat. During school days, She and her friends did a lot of more activities in order to get their powers back by any means possible. She and her friends got encountered by Henriette Mystère. Arrived in the museum, she and her friends managed to destroy the pictures about the Milky Holmes by Toy Powers. Then, she and her friends were sent to a silent sleeping room.

Powers and Abilities[]

Hercule's strength is at maximum human capacity/potential. They have a highly developed and gifted musculoskeletal system that enables them to lift and withstand weights equal to and surpassing the strongest weightlifters in the world.

Enhanced Strength - Hercule have enhanced strength, enough to be able to lift 1 to 100 tons (2,205 to 220,500 pounds). Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. Hercule can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large sized rocks, tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at their maximum.

Detective - She fits into the detective archetype. This makes her skilled at gathering and utilizing information to come to logical and accurate conclusions.



  • Mikoi Sasaki also voices Kumi Okazaki.

External Links[]
