Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki

Sweet...something of...someplace...
~ Hermes Conrad catchphrase
My Manwich!
~ Whenever his sandwich is involved.

Hermes Conrad (born July 15, 2959), is a major character in Futurama. He is a Grade 34 Jamaican bureaucrat and the accountant at Planet Express. He is afraid to make mistakes, as this may demote him to a lower grade.

Hermes started out as a recurring character on the show, but as of the upcoming season thirteen, he will be promoted to a main character due to his immense popularity, along with Professor Farnsworth.

He was voiced by Phil LaMarr, who also voiced Samurai Jack from the show of the same name, Virgil Hawkins from Static Shock, and the John Stewart version of the Green Lantern from Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited.


Hermes is the husband of LaBarbara, and father of their son, Dwight. They are all Jamaican. Hermes is unlike most Jamaicans, as he is uptight and organized all the time. If even the simplest of papers go out of order, he goes ballistic. He even once argued with himself about trying to take the day off, but told himself "I was in no mood for my shenanigans."

Hermes used to be a Olympic limbo champion. He retired during an Olympic competition when a small young boy, who wanted to be just like Hermes, jumped from the crowd, and ran for the limbo line, screaming, "I'm gonna be just like Hermes!" over and over again. Hermes called after the boy, telling him his backbone couldn't take it. The boy died, and Hermes didn't limbo again until the crew was stranded on an outer space version of the Titanic, and an emergency door was shutting, and Zoidberg was able to hold the door open for a few minutes, and Hermes limbo-d under the door, hitting the release button on the other side.


Hermes is a hardworking man who deeply cares about his job at Planet Express. He's friendly to most characters, but consistently picks on Doctor Zoidberg (cutting paychecks, attempting to fire him, etc.). He can occasionally be sensitive however, such as when he saved a young Bender. Hermes has a dream of winning the Olympic Gold medal for limbo and his archrival is Barbados Slim. He also seems to dislike all his coworkers, with the possible exception of Fry and Leela.


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          FuturamaTitle Heroes

Main Heroes
Philip J. Fry | Turanga Leela | Bender Bending Rodríguez | Nibbler | Professor Farnsworth | Amy Wong | Hermes Conrad | Dr. Zoidberg | Scruffy Scruffington | Planet Express

Supporting Heroes
Kif Kroker | Calculon | Candy | Cubert J. Farnsworth | Dr. Cahill | Dwight Conrad | Elzar | Encyclopod | Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate | George Takei's head | Jrrr | LaBarbara Conrad | Leelu | Linda van Schoonhoven | Mrs. Fry | Nichelle Nichols' head | Number 9 man (Futurama) | Randy Munchnik | Smitty | URL | Yancy Fry Sr. | Yivo
