Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Good Versus Evil
The Hero & Big Good
Behold of the Elder Gods


A look at the concept of heroes.

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Good Versus Evil

The concept of the age-old "Good Versus Evil" scenario.

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The Hero & Big Good

The sacred ingredients of the cornerstone of good guys and sidekicks everywhere.

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Behold of the Elder Gods

The benevolent embodiment from Heaven that can help enhance our livelihood.

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Good Versus Evil
The Hero & Big Good
Behold of the Elder Gods


The Heroes Wiki is an offshoot of the "Villains Wiki" and is designed to be a comprehensive database of heroes from all media - ranging from cartoon shows of old to epic dramas, movies and videogames. Heroes are an ancient traditional spanning across almost all cultures and capturing the imaginations of young and old - this wiki seeks to pay homage to those childhood fantasies as well as characters who continue to inspire us well into our adult life.



Lord Zuko, formerly known as Prince Zuko, and Fire Lord Zuko, is one of the main characters in Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise, being one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Katara) of Avatar: The Last Airbender and a supporting character in its sequel series The Legend of Korra.

He was the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation who was banished by his father, Fire Lord Ozai, and sought to capture Avatar Aang to redeem himself, initially serving as one of the main enemies of Team Avatar. After some time, he realized that what he and the Fire Nation were doing was wrong and joined Aang and his companions, serving as Aang's firebending instructor. He became Fire Lord after he defeated his sister Azula, with the help of Katara, on the day that would have marked the coronation of her as Fire Lord.

In the original series, he is voiced by Dante Basco who also plays Rufio from Hook, Jake Long from American Dragon, Azymondias in The Dragon Prince, and Iroh from The Legend of Korra. In The Legend of Korra, he's voiced by Bruce Davison. In Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway, he's voiced by Vincent Tong who voices Kai in Ninjago, Prince Nicholas in Barbie: Princess Charm School, Flash Sentry from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls film series, Sandbar in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV series, and Eugene Wong in Dragons: The Nine Realms.

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Pure Good Proposals

To vote for the Pure Good Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Needs More Votes: Utena Tenjou & Anthy Himemiya from Adolescence Of Utena - Ends February 13th

To vote for the Pure Good Removals of the day, see:

  • TBA

Only users who have been whitelisted can make proposals. Ask an admin for more information if needed.


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Blog refresh 03


SpongeBob and VG Fan SpongeBob and VG Fan 2 days ago

PG Proposal: Longclaw

No beating around the bush, the reason why I'm proposing her is because she did the most she could with the resources and screen time (or even life time) she had.

  • 1 What's The Work?
  • 2 Who Is She?
  • 3 Admirab…

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Pure Good Proposal: Utena Tenjou & Anthy Himemiya from Adolescence Of Utena

So these two are candidates I've been thinking about for a while now.

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who Are They?
  • 3 What Have They Done?
  • 4 Mitigating Factors
    • 4.1 Should We Take In The Events Of Revolutionary Girl Utena…

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SpongeBob and VG Fan SpongeBob and VG Fan 6 days ago

PG Proposal: Funky Kong

Remember my change of plans? Well, of all characters, here comes one of the most surprising candidates for Pure Good. It's the fan favorite of the franchise, Funky Kong!

  • 1 What's The Work?
  • 2 Who Is He?
  • 3 A…

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