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This is the history of one of China's greatest military organizations, the Hi Shin Unit, personal army of Ri Shin from Kingdom.

Early Foundation and Formation[]

During the Qin/Wei war, Shin earned enough achievements to be promoted to 100-men commander which created the Qin/Zhao war, the first engagement in which Shin's 100-men unit saw any action. He got his unit composed of survivors of the Battle at Dakan Plains, and Jyouto Village draftees. That's after Ou Ki trained Shin on Stateless Area.

Battle of Bayou Arc[]

General Ou Ki decided that it was necessary to organize a special small strike force for special tasks, reminiscent of Shou Bun Kun's way of warfare in the past. He, therefore, placed this role on Shin's shoulders and named his unit the Hi Shin Army. The first task given to them by Ou Ki was to kill the Zhao general Fuu Ki.

The Qin's left army led by Kan Ou numbered only half the numbers of the Zhao right army led by Fuu Ki, allowing him to encircle the Kan Ou's forces and massacre the Qin soldiers. This meant that the Hi Shin Army had to accomplish their task quickly or else risk the annihilation of the Qin army. Because Fuu Ki used his superior numbers to encircle Kan Ou's forces, his HQ's defenses were decreased considerably. The Hi Shin Army approached Fuu Ki's HQ as close as they could by moving in the ditch behind a stroke of forest that separated the center and left battlefields. When they reached the end of this forest stroke, they used a surprise assault to penetrate the Zhao defenses and reach Fuu Ki's HQ. As the Hi Shin Army fought its way through enemy ranks, they had to split off their force as the pace began to slow down because of the exhaustion of the soldiers, half of them on killing Fuu Ki, the other led by En to delay the guards. But when they finally reached Fuu Ki, he decided to do a tactical retreat, only to be halted by a trick of Ou Ki, who had a few people hold flags in the forest behind Fuu Ki's army. Shin took this opportunity to kill Fuu Ki. But his unit lost more than 30 men.

The Hi Shin Unit spends the next two days with Kan Ou's army on the sidelines, waiting for their next task. But Hou Ken appeared, and later assisted by Man Goku Army, they were decimated, 30 more men died, including San Ka and Bi Tou on casualties.

They were saved by Ou Ki when Shou Mou trapped them. They follow the Great General onto rescuing Mou Bu from Chou Sou's trap. In that engagement, they lost Ou Ki.

After the battle, Shin was promoted to 300-Man Commander, and the unit further bolstered themselves.

Keiyou Campaign Arc[]

Keiyou Campaign's 5 Man Group Kingdom

The Early 5-man Squad.

The foundation that would be become the Hi Shin Army, one of the greatest armies and military units within the current Qin Military, started out in a war campaign between the states of Qin and Wei known as Keiyou Campaign. With conflict over Keiyou, a city located on the Yellow River that serves as an entrance to the state of Wei intensifying, the state of Qin began to recruit soldiers from all over in order to attack and take the strategical important Keiyou with both sides’ armies numbering in over 150,000 men strong.

This conflict would become the most prominent one in that year as well as Shin's first campaign. It was there that he would reunite with his old friends from childhood the Bi Brothers, Bi Hei and Bi Tou. As they reminisce and tell Shin about Hyou's funeral, Bi Tou notices the slight changes that Shin underwent from surviving and fighting in Sei Kyou's Rebellion, commenting on how he's gotten taller while Bi Hei only saw him as the same dumb looking brat. He also asked Shin on he what he has been doing since disappearing after Hyou's death. With a smirk, Shin tells them they would not believe what is he been through even if he did tell them. Later, as they continue marching, a captain announces that they will start formation of Go's, a squad made up of five men led by a Go or squad leader. From there, future members of the army would start to appear with the likes of Den Yuu, a survivor and veteran of countless battlefields and Chu Tetsu, a small-time assassin being asked to join other squads due to their prowess on the battlefield. Eager to join other squads, Shin announced himself to the other soldiers as he guaranteed his strength despite his youth but was soundly ignored and the Bi Brothers were soon recruited. Ticked off, Shin angrily proclaimed that he would be fine by himself and that five grown men bunched up together was just creepy however he soon notices that he was not alone and attempted to talk his fellow reject who soundly ignores him as he continually tried to be nice, and the Bi Brothers would shortly return after being let go in favor of stronger recruits. As Shin loudly got into a short argument with Bi Hei, a middle-aged squad leader by the name of Taku Kei took notice of them and decided to be their squad leader and they became a squad comprised solely of leftovers and rookies!!

As the day turned to night, the members of the Taku Kei Squad got to know each other with their leader introducing himself and the mysterious member doing the same albeit reluctantly while Shin grows continually annoyed with his attitude. The next day as the Qin army marches on, Shin nonchalantly comments that the weather was perfect for it despite the impending war with Bi Hei questioning on why he wasn't nervous. While marching Shin continues to loudly voice his annoyance at Kyou Kai's attitude with Bi Hei calling equally him annoying too as they walk, during this Shin notices Kyou Kai's sword and comments on how it looks too good for him and wonders if he stole it from somewhere but Bi Hei notices that Shin has an extraordinary sword himself and asks him how he got with Shin refuting his suspicions as he tells him that it given to him properly by Sei, the king of Qin which leaves Bi Hei thinking that he just stole it. As they bicker, Kyou Kai notices the other large Qin armies marching alongside them which shocks both Shin and Bi Hei.

Sanyou Aftermath Arc[]

After the war, Kyou Kai left for her own mission, so the unit was on a losing streak. So Ten was brought in as the unit's strategist by Mou Ten, after saying that it's a waste seeing a Commander like him got demoted. They were able to completely subjugate Risei in only ten days. They also went to Kei City as part of the defense from Wei's Ga Gyuu's Army. And they saved Hi Sui when Ga Gyuu relented on the deal. They were sent to Chu lines sometime and was recalled again to Sanyou. Then they were lost way due to a lack of updated maps. They chanced upon Jo a minor 'Kingdom" with only elderly, children and women defending the city against Han's siege. They rescued the city, killing Ba Kan. They later arrived on the lines.

Coalition Invasion Arc[]

When the invasion started, the Hi Shin Army went to regroup, but arrived in a city too late, as Wei massacred the inhabitants. They went on chasing the main Wei Army until they met Duke Hyou Army thinking the same thing. They attacked Go Hou Mei's army until Ri Boku and the Zhao arrived on the site, which the unit retreated

Battle of Kankoku Pass[]

On the first day of the Battle of Kankoku Pass, Shin saves Duke Hyou's rear army from an ambush and uses it to attack and killed the Zhao general Man Goku while using the rest of the rear as his own. After witnessing Shin awakening as an Instinctual type and being able to command and save most of Duke Hyou's soldiers, he gave Shin 300 men to make up for the ones he lost, and two units of 500 men, to do with them as he sees fit. This made that Hi Shin Army a 2000-Man Unit and Shin temporarily a 2000-Man Commander.

But the battle on the following days was nothing but skirmishes. Until the Duke smelled fishy, and went on the rear, tagging along Shin and half of the unit and a portion of his army. The hunch is right, as Ri Boku Army went on attacking every Qin strongholds on Bu Pass. The Duke halted them, but the Duke died to the hands of Hou Ken. The unit and other Duke Hyou Army suffered further when they were ambushed by Zhao's attackers. They arrived on Sai, wounded, worn out and broken.

Battle of Sai[]

During the Battle of Sai, the Hi Shin Unit was posted on the south wall and managed to hold out, suffering casualties from the siege on a week, until the Mountain Tribe managed to break through the attacker. As soon, as the threat was over, Shin took a few of the men of his unit and headed down, in order to fight Hou Ken, who was still handicapped from the Duke Hyou breaking his left arm. He did not only manage to defend against him, but also blew away his glaive in a strength contest, and injured him. Ri Boku decided that the mission is a failure and retreated.

After the Coalition Invasion, Shin was promoted to a 3000-Man Commander, making the Hi Shin Unit a 3000-man Unit. The new unit was also joined by Hi Hyou Unit, The new Hi Shin Unit went towards the region of Kaisou, however, it was not for the sake of making war. Because of the fierce attacks of the Coalition army, a lot of regions were destroyed completely and had no defense, making it easy for the enemy soldiers to attack. The Hi Shin Unit's task was to defend the Kaisou region and help in the restoration, for which they split in 2 groups - Restoration and Security. The security team was made of Shin, ex Kaku Bi units and 500 duke Hyou Soldiers. The Restoration team was led by Bi Hei and the rest of the soldiers of the unit participated in rebuilding everything as well.

Conspiracy in the Court Arc[]

Kyou Kai returned after her revenge and started taking in promotions. The unit was tasked by the King to assist the Subjugation Force, including Heki Army. With general Heki’s suppression force trapped in a pincer between the joint Zhao led by Mai Kou and rebel armies led by Ryuu, the Hi Shin Army slid in alongside Heki’s right flank to take the entire Mai Kou's army of 10,000 by themselves, enabling Heki to focus on Ryuu and Tonryuu Army by themselves. Composed of both Shin's 4,000 and Kyou Kai's 1,000 men, the 5000-Man Unit was superior in both the martial and strategic strength of its leaders, with Shin displaying his aptitude with a glaive, and on top of her usual otherworldly swordplay, Kyou Kai's deployment of her and Ten's tactics, their actions crushed the Zhao army advance, and in effect removed the pressure on Heki's right flank, allowing him to focus on the rebel army.

The Hi Shin Army then followed Heki's army to Tonyruu where their focus became the rescue of the framed prince Sei Kyou. As the army and the unit fought their way, Shin advances and rescued the Prince's consorts and his wife Rui, but too late on him, as he was mortally wounded. The unit returned to the front and Shin went to Kanyou.

Fire Dragons of Wei Arc[]

Before the battle, the unit was posted on Wei lines once again, until they were called by Tou alongside Ou Hon to assist Tou Army to take Choyou, from Go Hou Mei Army. As per Ou Hon's plan, the three units of them, alongside the Roku O Mi Army will take on three sides on three days, while Tou and his army were acting as bait for Rei Ou, while Hon and Shin will take on Earl Shi and Gai Mou.

But the 1st day was not on Shin's favor, when he underestimated Gai Mou, with Ten taken hostage. 2nd day started when they exchange Jun Sou with Ten and continued pushing Gai Mou's position. 3rd day came, and Kyou Kai and her Kyou Kai Unit was tasked to push through the Wei HQ. The unit was later reinforced by Ryuu Koku Army. Shin went on and accidentally killed Rei Ou when he intercepted Go Hou Mei.

Shin is promoted to the rank of a 5000-Man Commander and Kyou Kai is promoted to a 3000-Man Commander on this campaign.

State of Ai Arc[]

The unit was busy building a defensive position on Choyou when an encrypted message from Shou Hei Kun warning of a coup and an invasion. Shin took only Ten and some of his force amounting to 1000, leaving Kyou Kai to resume the construction with the rest.

The unit went through Bu Pass until they reached the river. Sai Army built a flotilla of boats, but the Sai Army struggled to cross the river, with Ai Army defending the other side. The unit went on a tactic and secured the riverside. The unit chased the Ai Army as the latter sieging Kanyou with both Sai Army and Qin loyalists.

The unit struggled when both Ai Army and Ryo Fui Faction loyalists are infiltrating the city. The unit and Sai Army and other loyalists act as the main fighting force, with Shin infiltrating the city, and rescued the Royal Harem from Han Roki's attack.

After Kanyou was rescued, the unit returned to Choyou, and Shin got a handful of Ryuu Koku's scolding.

Kokuyou Campaign Arc[]

The unit was called by Kan Ki to aid his own Kan Ki Army in capturing Kokuyou Hills from Zhao. The unit was put into right flank, after an exchange, which Bi Hei was taken in exchange for Na Ki, a member of Kan Ki's inner circle.

Their mission is a failure, when they were caught by Ki Sui Army in an ambush then distracting them and capturing the hill Kan Ki tasked them to capture. The next day, they were put again into action, but to go there, they must cross a river held by Ba Tei. They succeeded when En took some men and distracted the enemy, capturing the river and continuing on.

As they settled near the center hill, Kan Ki decided not to move, snapping what remained of Kei Sha's patience and charged himself through the unit's position. Kyou Kai meanwhile, after being healed by one of the villagers, went to duel with Ryuu Tou. Kan Ki used the chaos to deploy Zen Ou Clan against the General, enabling Shin to kill him. Kyou Kai killed Ryuu Tou.

But the promotion went negated after the duo tried to assault Kan Ki for his gory actions.

The unit was later relieved by Mou Ten's Gaku Ka Unit.

Bureaucrats Job Arc[]

The unit went on a recruitment drive for 1,000 men. Some of the recruits were just fascinated by the unit's legendary feats and most of the veterans came from peasant backgrounds. The recruits were later on put on a very brutal training regimen.

Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

The Hi Shin Unit was sent along with the Gaku Ka Unit, and Gyoku Hou Unit with Ou Sen Army, Yo Tan Wa Army, and Kan Ki Army to a most daring battle ever, capturing Gyou, situated on Zhao's heartland.

Alongside the Yo Tan Wa Army, the unit was tasked to capture Retsubi where their rookie members experienced their first real battle. Then as Ou Sen organized, they were inserted into his own army to take Atsuyo.
