Highjump is a minor character from the Transformers franchise. The original version of the character came from the 1989 toyline.
Highjump first appeared in Issue #54 of the Marvel US Transformers comic, as part of a group of Autobot Micromasters who came to Earth as new reinforcements for the Autobots stationed there, along with the rest of the Off Road Patrol and the Race Car Patrol. They were greeted on their arrival by Optimus Prime. Like the others in the group, Highjump showed little respect for his new leader, saying he had only agreed to come to Earth to bust Decepticons. Optimus Prime informed the group of monster sightings in the New Jersey swamp that he suspected were linked to the Decepticons, sending them to investigate. After Mudslinger had stumbled across Decepticon Pretenders Skullgrin and Iguanus setting up a storm maker machine, designed to cause a lightning strike on New York that the Decepticons could siphon the energy off, Highjump, along with Powertrain and Tote, went to his assistance, battling Skullgrin while Mudslinger destroyed the machine.
Like the rest of the Micromasters, Highjump followed Roadhandler in breaking away from the main Earth Autobots and staying in New York. The following issue revealed they were attempting to build better relationships with the humans. Lord Zarak, the Nebulan partner of Decepticon leader Scorponok, arranged for Decepticon Micromaster Storm Cloud to challenge Roadhandler in a wrestling match and then planned to kidnap two human boys the Autobots had befriended in order to force him to lose the match. The other Autobot Micromasters halted the attack by the other members of the Air Strike Patrol, with Highjump and Tailspin managing to safely transport the two boys to the ring. Roadhandler won the match but realised they were putting the humans they associated with at risk and led the Micromasters away.