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I protected the world.

I should have... Or so I thought. From that day on, the world changed forever. And now it is marching towards its destruction. Please―― I want to lend your strength. If it's you, then surely―――

~ Hinako Shirai

Hinako Shirai is the protagonist of the video game Blue Reflection and one of the three overarching protagonists (alongside Yuzuki Shijou and Lime Shijou) of its sequel Blue Reflection: Second Light. She is a first-year student at Hoshinomiya Girls' High School. Before the game she was a ballet dancer but was forced to quit, due to injuries. At the beginning of the game, she finds out that if she helps Lime Shijou and Yuzuki Shijou with their mission then she can get one wish granted.

She is voiced by Yūki Takada.



Hinako Shirai is a former, semi-famous ballet dancer. She sustained a knee injury and still suffers from its after-effects, essentially being forced to quit. With losing her livelihood as a dancer, Hinako suffered from depression and couldn't attend school for several months.

Blue Reflection[]

Upon being able to attend the Hoshinomiya high school, she meets Sanae Nishida and ends up transported into the Common and turning into a Reflector. Yuzu and Lime Shijou serve as her guides into the finer aspects of being a Reflector and its duties in the Common.

She was initially hesitant to keep doing her Reflector duties but chose to complete it when Lime told her there would be a reward. She will be granted one wish upon defeating the Sephirot.

During that time, she would help many students who became rampant as well as fighting the Sephirot. She eventually learns that Yuzu and Lime lied to her about having her wish granted after defeating the Sephirot which made Hinako feeling betrayed, but she eventually decides to forgive them and to continue to do her duty as Reflector.

She also learns that both Yuzu and Lime are in fact deceased and that after all Sephirot are defeated, they would dissapear while Hinako would lose her memories about them. During the fight against the last Sephira, Hinako not wanting to let Yuzu and Lime dissapear decides to spare the last Sephira and just repel it before leaving.

When the Sephira appears again, Hinako decides with the help of Yuzu and Lime to defeat it once and for all. After the Sephira's defeat, an other one known as Daath appears. Daath explains that the bond between humans have become week and that in order to maintain his power and to protect humanity, he decided to merge all humanity into one being. Daath tries to convince Hinako that she would not feel alone if this plan were to succeed. While Hinako though about it, she decided to oppose Daath, claming that while humans bond aren't perfect, that makes them even more worthy to cherish. However, knowing that if Daath were to die, an other Sephira could appear and potentially kill all of humanity, Hinako decides to repel it instead. Daath then fight her and her team.

After Daath's defeat, Hinako says her last goodbye to Yuzu and Lime who die as result and lose her memories as Reflector. In the end, Daath grants Hinako a wish for her victory. She decides to use it to keep her memories with Yuzu and Lime.

Blue Reflection Second Light[]

When the Ash fell, Hinako was one of the choosen Reflector to be transported into Oasis after the world was about to be detroyed. She is summoned after a one of her friend Shino Kasuga, remembers her. Though Hinako has amnesia like Shiho had before her, she is able to remember the name of Yuzu and Lime. Alongside the other Reflectors. she goes to her Heartscape and soon regain her memory from before she was injured and of Yuzu and Lime. When she sees Yuzu at the school, she is at first happy until she realise that Yuzu doesn't remember her.

She then help others Reflectors who comes after her to regain their memories as well. Eventually, she has the idea of making a teddy bear similar to one Lime used during battle. Once she does it, Yuzu regains her some of her memories which makes her lead the Reflectors to Lime's location.

Once Hinako and the others find Lime, they free her from her comatose state and bring her back to Oasis. Then Yuzu and Lime would explain the situation they were in with how the World System unleashed the Ash the world and how the reflectors were transfered to Oasis. When the reflector realise that their chance to prevent the world destruction were low, they decided instead to rebuilt it like it was before once the World System is defeated.

After retrieving the last necessary fragments, Hinako alongside the other Reflectors them to Origins to rebuilt the world. It fails however due to some of them still having doubt about leaving Oasis instead creating an Heartscape of everyone's feelings.

When she comes across her fragment, the fragment doubts about wanting to leave, as it means that Hinako will never see Yuzu and Lime again. But Hinako decides to continue either way, thinking even if she doesn't see them, they will always be connected. After reaching the core of the Heartscape, she with the others are transported back to the school where they face the World System and eventually defeats it before returning to their world.

If Ao chooses Hinako as the last person to talk, Hinako is seen walking to school and eventually sees Ao behind her. The story ends with Hinako running to Ao.


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