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Heroes Wiki
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Chihiro Ogino has declared Hit-Girl is to be renamed to
Hit-Girl (original)

for the following reason(s): Hit-Girl (Live-Action)
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"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

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Okay, you c***s, let's see what you can do now.
~ Hit-Girl.

Hit-Girl is the deuteragonist of the Kick-Ass comic book series.

She is a young but effective vigilante, trained by her father from an early age to be a costumed superhero and assassin. Hit-Girl is the superhero identity of Mindy Macready, and she later has her own solo Series.

Hit Girl was created by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr. and the late Tom Palmer


Mandy Macready is the daughter of Damon McCready, raised by her father to fight criminals in general and Frank D'Amico specifically. Both the youngest and most brutal costumed hero.Now she later befriends Dave the first kick-ass and goes on adventures with him thorught the series once dave retried Hit-girl decides to travel around the world as a viligante killing criminals and later tries to make a new kick ass but fails.hit-girl would travel around the world fightining criminals and struggles with her life as a normanl girl but then sees Pacietnce Lee as the new kick-ass as a crime boss which puts into conflitc with her.


See her live-action version here


           Kick-Ass Heroes

Kick-Ass | Hit-Girl | Big Daddy | Justice Forever | Lieutenant Stripes | Colonel Stars and Stripes | Sophie | Ass-Kicker | Battle-Guy | Remembering Tommy | All Seeing Eye | Doctor Gravity | The Juicer | Night Bitch | Insect Man | Long Island Rocket-Man | Moon Bird | Skybird | The Enforcer | Katie Deauxma | Mrs. Zane | James Lizewski | Marcus Williams | Patience Lee

Kick-Ass | Hit-Girl | Big Daddy | Justice Forever | Colonel Stars and Stripes | Eisenhower Doctor Gravity | Insect Man | Remembering Tommy | Battle Guy | Ass-Kicker | Night Bitch | Katie Deauxma | Marcus Williams
