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Heroes Wiki

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Hitoyoshi Yokoya is the main male protagonist as well as the main character in general of the Japanese romantic comedy slice of life anime series You Are Ms. Servant. He's a teenage boy who lives alone and is one day visited by a mysterious woman who wants to protect him. He initially turns her away, but after she saves his life, he decides to keep her around, and they quickly develop a bond and romantic feelings for one another. He even gives her the name Yuki Yokoya, as she didn't remember what her real name was. He's voiced by Toshiki Kumagai in the Japanese version of the anime.


Hitoyoshi Yokoya is a teenage boy of average height, with short, unkempt, light brown hair, pale skin, and grey eyes. He's almost always seen wearing a turtleneck t-shirt that's mostly white with some blue especially around the upper and lower rims and on the sleeves,


Hitoyoshi is a kind and gentle person who often shows compassion towards his loved ones. He is usually collected while other times he tends to be quite open and expressive with his emotions. He's a humble and reserved person which caused him to turn away Yuki when she offered to protect him, even though he reversed that after she saved his life. His kindness also shows in that he gave Yuki her name when she said that she didn't know what her original name was.

