Hokutomaru is one of the heroes from Fatal Fury series.
He was voiced by Junko Takeuchi.
Hokutomaru is a ninja who trained under Andy Bogard. He is extremely fast and crafty (with many moves that are among the fastest in the game), making him a nearly unpredictable opponent to deal with. His stage is a traffic accident that he caused, as he was unfamiliar with urban ways due to his age and training.
Hokutomaru is a ninja-in-training who's learned both Shinranui-Ninja Arts, and also knows Koppo. His current master is Andy Bogard, who suggests that Hokotomaru join the newest martial arts tournament that's being held in Second Southtown. Wanting to make his master proud, the ninja boy goes off into the big city for the first time, ready to fight anyone that challenges him. A hyperactivity and mischievousness, mixed with his bag of tricks and Ninja Weapons, confuses and irritates his opponents. In his ending, his master watched him the entire time. He was only left a note by Andy, saying that he is proud of him and that they are not master and student, but rivals.