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Holly O'Hair is the daughter of Rapunzel in Ever After High. She is also the younger twin sister of Poppy O'Hair.

She is voiced by Colleen Foy.



Being daughter of Rapunzel, she is already used to letting others use her hair for tower escapes, and she seems happy to help. She enjoys reading and often tells her sister Poppy stories. As she says in Damsel-in-Distressing class in The Storybook of Legends, an active imagination is every princess's friend. This is a pastime she will rely heavily on in her own fairy tale.


Holly has long strawberry blonde hair with a braid on the side.

Fairy Tale[]

Main article: Rapunzel



Holly is the daughter of Rapunzel and her successor. Poppy O'Hair is her twin sister. Poppy is slightly younger than Holly, although that has recently come to be doubted. In "O'Hair's Split Ends", Poppy finds out that Holly is the younger sister, and their grandmother, Nanny Nonna, mixed up their birth certificates.


Besides her sister Poppy, Holly often relies on the help of Blondie to ensure that she's not locked behind any doors.


She has a lion cub named Clipper. He is charmed to stay young forever after.


Holly has a secret crush on Daring Charming. She fears others, Apple in particular, finding out.


  • Holly is the right-handed twin, she and her sister are mirror-image identical twins.
  • Holly loves writing and occasionally writes fanfiction.


External Links[]
