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~ Holy after Jotaro asks if she's okay, and her most iconic quote

Holy Kujo (neé Joestar) is a major protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. She is the daughter of Joseph Joestar and mother of Jotaro Kujo, she is afflicted by DIO's return and it is for her that Jotaro departs to Egypt fighting DIO.

She was voiced by Rica Fukami in Drama CD, Rei Sakuma in the OVA 1, Arisa Andō in OVA 2, and Reiko Takagi in the anime series in the Japanese version, and by Julie Ann Taylor in anime series, and Carrie Francis in the OVA in the English version.


Holy Kujo is a fair-headed woman in her forties who has shoulder-long hair she keeps in a chignon.


Holy's sweet charm is known by all. She believes in her son deeply, proud of the compassion that he has despite his hard shell and somehow isn't disturbed in the least by his outright rude insults. As a woman who loves her family, she will deliberately lie about her illness so as to lessen their worry (a lie that is a little too obvious). She is caring even to strangers, as shown when she tends to Kakyoin's wounds. She is cheerful, carefree and always shown with a smile. Kakyoin himself describes her as the type of person he would fall for because she can make anyone feel at ease and soothe their heart.

Holy comes as rather childish, notably tickling her father Joseph in public and refusing to answer if she isn't called by the Japanese name she gave herself, Seiko, which also means "holy".




  • Her Japanese name is Seiko (聖子), meaning "holy girl". This is derived from her English name "Holy".
  • Holy's Stand is one of three in the series to inadvertently cause harm to its user, the other two being Masazo Kinoto's Cheap Trick and Lucy Steel's Ticket to Ride. It is the first unnamed Stand to make an appearance, and has no obvious abilities besides causing harm to its user.
  • At the beginning of Chapter 120, Holy is seen singing to herself: "Come on, Baby, do the locomotion", likely from Gerry Goffin and Carole King's song "The Loco-Motion", made famous in the 1980s when it was covered by Kylie Minogue. Similarly, in the 2014 anime adaption, she hums Seiko Matsuda's 1980s pop song "Ao no Sangosho" ("Blue Coral Reef" in English), fitting well into the timeline as a Japanese song popular around the time Stardust Crusaders takes place in and also making a reference to Holy's Japanese name being Seiko.


           JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Logo Heroes
Phantom Blood Logo

Joestar Family (Jonathan Joestar | George Joestar I | Danny | Erina Pendleton | Lisa Lisa) | Speedwagon Foundation (Robert E. O. Speedwagon) | Will Anthonio Zeppeli | Tonpetty | Straizo | Dire | Poco | Bruford | Poco's Sister

Battle Tendency Logo

Joestar Family (Joseph Joestar | Erina Joestar | Lisa Lisa | Suzi Q | George Joestar II) | Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli | Smokey Brown | Robert E. O. Speedwagon | Rudol von Stroheim | Loggins | Messina | Mark | Mario Zeppeli

Stardust Crusaders Logo

Stardust Crusaders (Jotaro Kujo | Joseph Joestar | Muhammad Avdol | Noriaki Kakyoin | Jean Pierre Polnareff | Iggy) | Joestar Family (Holy Kujo | Suzi Q) | Merlai Anne | Roses | Speedwagon Foundation

Diamond is Unbreakable Logo

Josuke Higashikata | Koichi Hirose | Okuyasu Nijimura | Rohan Kishibe | Jotaro Kujo | Joseph Joestar | Reimi Sugimoto | Arnold | Tonio Trussardi | Shizuka Joestar | Shigekiyo Yangu | Aya Tsugi | Mikitaka Hazekura | Yuya Fungami | Hayato Kawajiri | Tomoko Higashikata | Ryohei Higashikata | Speedwagon Foundation | Joestar Family

Vento Aureo Logo

Team Bucciarati (Giorno Giovanna | Bruno Bucciarati | Narancia Ghirga | Guido Mista | Leone Abbacchio | Pannacotta Fugo) | Trish Una | Scolippi | Koichi Hirose | Jotaro Kujo | Pericolo | Coco Jumbo | Jean Pierre Polnareff

Stone Ocean Logo

Jolyne Cujoh | Ermes Costello | Emporio Alniño | Jotaro Kujo | Foo Fighters | Weather Report | Narciso Anasui | Gwess | Speedwagon Foundation | Joestar Family

Steel Ball Run Logo

Johnny Joestar | Gyro Zeppeli | Lucy Steel | Hot Pants | Diego Brando | Mountain Tim | Wekapipo | Steven Steel | Jesus | Norisuke Higashikata I | Gregorio Zeppeli | Nicholas Joestar

JoJolion Logo

Josuke Higashikata | Yasuho Hirose | Daiya Higashikata | Joshu Higashikata | Norisuke Higashikata IV | Tsurugi Higashikata | Kyo Nijimura | Hato Higashikata | Yoshikage Kira | Josefumi Kujo | Karera Sakunami | Rai Mamezuku | Suzuyo Hirose | Johnny Joestar | Rina Higashikata | Lucy Steel | Joseph Joestar

JoJoLands Logo

Jodio Joestar | Dragona Joestar | Paco Laburantes | Usagi Alohaoe | Rohan Kishibe | Charming Man
