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Ryu Hayabusa Mature
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What the hell are you doing, tits-for-brains?! Nobody else can beat you but me!
~ Homura

Homura(焔) is a character from the Senran Kagura videogame series. She makes her debut in Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls.

She is voiced by Eri Kitamura in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Monica Rial in the English version of the anime.


Homura has tanned skin and her dark brown hair is tied in a long ponytail with a white ribbon, the ends of the ribbon standing straight up. In Portrait of Girls and Burst, she dons the usual Hebijo uniform, which is an all black sailor fuku with red trim. Like Asuka, she wears wrist guards on her forearms with bandages underneath. She wears white loose socks with brown dress shoes.


Homura is a headstrong and battle seeking girl, She has however a girly side as well, As always been with her friends in missions, Her sole purpose in life is to fullfill her destiny as the greatest ninja, She also has strong relationship with Asuka and also with the other team leaders Yumi, Miyabi and Soji.

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            SF SK JP Logo Heroes

Hanzō National Academy
Asuka | Yagyū | Hibari | Ikaruga | Katsuragi | Daidōji

Crimson Squad
Homura | Yomi | Mirai | Hikage | Haruka

Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy
Miyabi | Murasaki | Imu | Ryōna | Ryōbi

Gessen Girls School
Yumi | Murakumo | Yozakura | Shiki | Minori (Senran Kagura)

Other Characters
Sayuri/Jasmine | Kafuru | Hanabi | Renka | Ryōki | Fubuki

Guest Characters
Ayane | Hakufu Sonsaku | Super Sonico | Rinka Kagurazaka | Ranka Kagurazaka | Neptune | Marie Rose | Honoka | Mai Shiranui | Kasumi | Athena Asamiya | Leona Heidern | Kula Diamond | Airi | Leina Vance
