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Horacio (Horácio in the original) is the main and titular character of Horacio's World, comic series based on Monica's Gang franchise.

He is a Tyrannosaurus Rex cub was born from an egg abandoned the sun. But, unlike their "brothers" carnivores, is vegetarian, very sweet and romantic. Like philosophizing and lives looking for new friends and his mother. Has many friends: the Theco, the Terry Pterodactyl, the Mack Mammoth and a young female dinosaur who dreams of being his girlfriend, Lucinda, but Simone (another dinosaur) is also his passion.


He and his friends also do crossovers with the protagonists MonicaJimmy FiveSmudge and Maggy.


               Monica's Gang logo Heroes

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Franklin | Blu | Ditto | Glu | Denise | Specs | Bucky | Jeremiah | Fluffy | Vanilla | Marina | Sunny | Angel | Dustine | Capitão Pitoco | Hercules | The River Mermaid

Chuck Billy 'n' Folks
Chuck Billy | Rosie Lee | Zeke

Tina's Pals
Tina | Curly

Bug-a-Booo | Lady MacDeath | Vic Vampire | Wolfgang | Moe the Mummy

The Cavern Clan
Pitheco | Tooga

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel

The Funnies

Horacio's World

The Tribe
