“ | I've got everyone's back here, no matter what. And you all know that, because you're my family. Nothing will ever change that. | „ |
~ Rick Tyler |
Richard "Rick" Tyler is a character in The CW and DC Universe series Stargirl.
Rick was a high school delinquent and an outcast who was orphaned at the age of seven when he was left in the care of his uncle. As a result of being a social outcast, Rick mainly keeps to himself. He is the son of Wendi and former Justice Society of America member Rex Tyler/Hourman. Through adversity, Rick is recruited into the Justice Society of America and inherits his father's mantle of Hourman.
Like his father, Rick draws his powers from an hourglass that boosts his strength, speed, agility, and endurance for one hour once per day.
Early Life[]
Season One (2020)[]
To be Added
Season Two (2021)[]
To be Added
Season Three (2022)[]
To be Added
Powers and Abilities[]
- Brief Hourglass Empowerment:
- Enhanced Strength:
- Enhanced Durability:
- Superhuman Leap:
- Enhanced Reflexes:
- Superhuman Regeneration:
- Peak Human Conditioning:
- Hand-to-Hand Combat:
- High Intelligence
- Skilled Mechanic:
- Carving:
- Temper:
- Lack of Formal Training:
- One-Hour Limit:
Former Weakness[]
- Hourglass:
- Hourman Suit:
- Hourglass:
- Stargirl is the first time that a live-action version of Rick Tyler is featured.
- Rick was the only known genetic JSA legacy, as his father Rex Tyler was the Golden Age Hourman. This has since changed with the arrival of Green Lantern's daughter, Jennie.
- Rick is currently in possession of his father's Rex Tyler's journal and after several months, figured out the formulae within it.
- Rick inherited his father, Rex's love of cars; as he is seen rebuilding Rex's 1966 yellow mustang.
- Rick's character arc in Season 1 is seen as a parallel to Yolanda's. He initially to kill the beast that murdered his parents, but ultimately spared its life. However, Yolanda was against the idea of murder, but wound up killing Brainwave to avenge the death of Henry.
- Sometime between the end of of Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E Part Two and the beginning of Summer School: Chapter One, Rick changed his surname back to Tyler.
- Rick's destruction of his father's hourglass is a parallel to the destruction of Beth's Doctor Mid-Nite goggles, hence the McNider AI. However, the difference is that Rick destroyed the hourglass himself while Jordan Mahkent destroyed the goggles.
External Links[]
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