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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Heroine Overview

Huntress Wizard (occasionally called HW) is a supporting character of the 2010 Cartoon Network series Adventure Time.

She is nature-based humanoid huntress and wizard, and the temporary love interest of Finn Mertens.

She was voiced by Jenny Slate, who also voiced Pony Head in Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Gidget in the The Secret Life of Pets franchise, Dawn Bellwether in Zootopia, Missy Foreman-Greenwald in Big Mouth and Tammy in Bob's Burgers, and by Maria Bamford in her first appearance.


She has leaf hair and tree branch antlers, along with a tan hood and a black eye mask. She has light green eyes with dark green vertical pupils similar to those of a cat, and her skin is turquoise. She wears a purple shirt (though it's green in “Flute Spell”), tan pants, a black belt, a black cape, and long black/purple boots. She also sports a quiver of arrows on her back, suggesting that she is an archer. She wears a tan glove on one hand but not on the other, another sign of an archer.


She is initially shown as laid-back, and appears to have a sarcastic and insolent approach to things. It was later shown in “Flute Spell” that she is one of a single-minded focus, only being able to see what is in front of her. She has a fear of becoming soft, so strong that it led her to the madness and sadness which comes with wizardry. Because she clings onto her beliefs, she feels that she can't be with Finn despite her feelings for him.


  • Is very swift and agile.
  • Has magic arrows that she can levitate. Her arrow can deflect acidic attack from Grumbo.
  • Can weave her arrows and ropes from grass.
  • Can grow leaves and branches from her body.
  • Can travel through grass.
  • Can become a tree or log and attach to another tree.
  • Can detect the use of plant based magic from others
  • Is capable of levitation, as well as at least some level of flight.
  • Can transform into a large hawk, and presumably other types of animals as well although only the hawk has been shown.
  • Has "Huntress Vision" which allows her to see magic normally hidden to others, as well as see things in greater detail (and seemingly in slow-motion) than normal people, as when she saw Fern use his powers to cheat in a game against Finn. This is possibly related to or similar to Ice King's "Wizard Eyes" ability.


Finn Mertens[]

Huntress Wizard first met Finn in “Flute Spell”, where she had came across him playing his flute while nude in a river. At the end of the episode, Finn revealed that he had been playing his flute for her, and in turn she revealed that she had been playing her flute for him. The two kissed each other, but she pulled away, stating that "exceptional beasts" such as themselves are not meant to be together. Later, in an episode titled “Wheels", when Finn played his flute in a skate park, she looked at him from behind a bush, which might indicate she still holds an interest in Finn and/or his flute playing.

However, in the episode “The Wild Hunt”, Huntress Wizard helps Finn by putting herself in danger to help him overcome his mental blockade. After that, Huntress Wizard flirts with Finn by saying "We both know you're totally in love with me." She then accepts another kiss from Finn.

In “Seventeen”, Huntress Wizard attends Finn's birthday party and gives him an elk's heart in a box as a present, which could possibly be read as a token of affection. She helps fend off an attack by Fern and Gumbald, and offers Finn help by telling him to eat the heart to gain strength, though this only winds up making him sick.


To be added...


  • In “Wizard Battle”, Huntress Wizard was only female wizard to compete in the Wizard Battle. Other female wizards (the Lady Wizard 1, Lady Wizard 2, and Science Whyzard) who showed up for the competition were turned away or got turned into cats when they tried to leave, because they didn't want to kiss a girl (Princess Bubblegum) on the mouth.
    • Andy Ristaino stated that Huntress Wizard might have battled just to test her skills.[1]
    • However, it's interesting to note that she, however, is seen cheering alongside the rest of the wizards when the prize was announced.
  • She was designed by Michelle Xin.[2]
  • She speaks for the first time in “Reign of Gunters”.
  • She displays the ability to magically levitate her arrows in "Reign of Gunters”.
  • Although she has arrows, she is never seen with a bow. It could be that she does not need one, due to her levitation ability.
    • She does use a bow in the episode “Betty”. This is likely because of Bella Noche's ability to negate all magic, which would cause her to lose her levitation ability.
  • Her ability to transform into a log is used to reference the phrase 'I slept like a log', as she was literally sleeping as a log until the point when she woke up.
  • She is the second character in the show (the first being Flame Princess) to show romantic interest in Finn, have those feelings returned, and kiss him too.
  • Most aspects of Huntress Wizard's character seem to be a clear reference to Artemis/Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt, the wilderness, and wild animals from Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology: Artemis was known as a virgin goddess who took great pride in her chastity, and her choice to remain a chaste virgin was often stated to be due to her belief that if she found love, it would make her soft, and she would no longer be able to properly serve her divine role; this is nearly identical to HW's reason for shunning romance in “Flute Spell” (although notably, she seems to change her mind about dating Finn by the final season). The animal with which Artemis was most often associated was the deer, and in “Flute Spell”, HW is shown riding a deer as her mount during a hunt. In some myths, Artemis was associated with Wood Nymphs (Dryads), and trees were considered sacred to her; HW's appearance seems to be based on Dryads, who were said to live in and transform into trees just like HW. Her power to transform into animals is likely based on Artemis' association with wild animals; in the series finale, HW is shown transformed into a large hawk, and hawks were considered the favored sacred birds of the Greek Gods. Finally, the scene in “Flute Spell” in which HW stumbles upon Finn bathing seems to be a reference to the myth of Actaeon, a human hunter and warrior who accidentally stumbled upon the goddess Artemis nude and bathing in a river and was subsequently brutally punished by her as a result; in the episode, the roles are reversed, and it is the mighty female Huntress spirit who stumbles upon the male warrior bathing, and the story ends much more happily than in the myth.


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            Adventure Time Logo Heroes

Main characters
Finn Mertens | Jake | Princess Bubblegum | Marceline Abadeer | BMO | Simon Petrikov | Lumpy Space Princess | Lady Rainicorn | Betty Grof

Supporting/Recurring characters
Gunter | Candy People | Cinnamon Bun | Peppermint Butler | Breakfast Princess | Huntress Wizard | Flame Princess | Bronwyn | Susan Strong | Tree Trunks | Prismo | Y5 | Minerva Campbell | Glass boy | See-Thru Princess | Cadebra | Sweet P

Fionna & Cake
Fionna Campbell | Cake | Prince Gumball (Gary Prince) | Marshall Lee | Hunter | Lumpy Space Prince (Ellie P.)
