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I want [RiverClan] to be a Clan that can weather any storm. I want our Clanmates to have a depth of honor that means whatever they face, they will always behave like true warriors. RiverClan has been struggling for a long time. But if I've learned anything from my time away from the Clans, it's that being a true warrior is something that happens in your heart. It can't be learned through rules. It can't be taught through training. It must be felt first.
~ Icewing before becoming leader of RiverClan

Icestar, formerly known as Icewing, is a major character in the Warriors book series.

She is a leader of RiverClan, mother of Petalfur, Beetlewhisker, Nightsky, Grasspelt and Breezeheart, and mate of Mintfur. Having trained in the Dark Forest alongside her son, Beetlewhisker as a warrior, Icewing witnessed his death at the claws of Brokenstar when he revealed the Dark Forest cats' true intentions. She fought on the side of the Clans during the Great Battle and, alongside other trainees, was forgiven afterwards. Seasons later, during the Kin's campaign against the Clans, Icewing was captured along with several other RiverClan cats and was kept prisoner. During Ashfur's reign of terror, Icewing and Harelight fought against their own Clan after Mistystar sided with the impostor. As a result Mistystar exiled the two, but Tigerstar II accepted them to his Clan. Seasons after her return to RiverClan following Ashfur's ultimate defeat, Icewing supported Tigerstar II's supervision of their Clan in the wake of Mistystar's and Reedwhisker's sudden deaths and the crisis that came with them. After Splashtail's death, Icewing became an official leader of RiverClan, receiving her new name Icestar.


Icestar is a pure white she-cat with a wiry body, pointed face and bright blue eyes.


The Power of Three[]

Dark River[]

Icewing first appears as a queen who is pregnant and close to kitting, with the medicine cat apprentice Willowpaw fussing over her during a Gathering. When she's next seen, she has recently given birth to her first litter of kits: Beetlekit, Petalkit, Grasskit and Pricklekit. The ThunderClan warrior apprentice Hollypaw sees RiverClan's medicine cat Mothwing warn the white she-cat to keep Petalkit away from pine needles.

Mistystar's Omen[]

In the time since Dark River, Pricklekit had passed away, Icewing had returned to warrior training, and her remaining kits became warriors known as Beetlewhisker, Petalfur and Grasspelt.

After RiverClan's deputy Mistyfoot announces the death of their leader Leopardstar, she starts to form a hunting patrol, and asks Icewing if she feels like joining. Icewing is eager to hunt after being stuck in camp for a while, which amuses Mistyfoot. Later, after Mistyfoot becomes Mistystar and chooses her son Reedwhisker as the new deputy, the two go with Icewing and Pebblefoot on another patrol, where the new leader and the white she-cat work together to catch a vole. During yet another hunting session, Icewing asks her leader if they should refresh the boarder marks, but the older blue she-cat says they're just there to hunt. When the patrol notices kittypets around, Icewing comments that there will be less prey due to them scaring it off.

Omen of the Stars[]

Sign of the Moon[]

Along with several other cats from different Clans, Icewing and Beetlewhisker have begun training in the Dark Forest. When a fellow trainee from ThunderClan named Ivypool sees Icewing there, she wonders why she's training with cats of the Dark Forest, noting that she seemed friendly during Gatherings.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

When the Dark Forest spirit Brokenstar tells the trainees to be ready for their signal during the upcoming battle against the Clans, Ivypool mutters questioning under her breath, to which Icewing asks her if she doubts Brokenstar. Later, another ThunderClan warrior named Lionblaze sees the white she-cat nod at Ivypool during a Gathering, and concludes that she must be a Dark Forest trainee.

The Last Hope[]

As the Great Battle draws nearer Icewing suggests scaring the enemies, then scarring them, and Beetlewhisker compliments her remark. Later, Mothwing tells the ThunderClan medicine cat Jayfeather that Icewing, Beetlewhisker and Hollowflight were being argumentative in RiverClan. When Brokenstar reveals the Dark Forest's plans to destroy the Clans, Beetlewhisker tries to back out, but the evil spirit kills him in front of the other trainees, including his mother. Later still, Dovewing of ThunderClan used her powers to eavesdrop on the blue-eyed warrior telling her fellow trainees that they can't let Tigerstar, leader of the Dark Forest, know they're afraid, or they'll never be able to see their homes again. Another Dark Forest spirit, Mapleshade, asks what she's doing, and she lies that they're strategizing for the battle, though Mapleshade isn't convinced.

Mothwing's Secret[]

Having betrayed the Dark Forest, Icewing helps her Clanmate Minnowtail reinforce RiverClan's dens with brambles in preparation for the Great Battle. A while after the battle, she helps her daughter Petalfur into the medicine den when she get injured by a dog.

Dovewing's Silence[]

During a Gathering, the Clan leaders debate on what should be done with the ex-trainees in their Clans. Mistystar defends Icewing, stating that the white she-cat already knows she failed the test of loyalty, and has since learned from her mistakes. The RiverClan leader adds that Icewing has always been a good warrior, and she wants to give her a second chance. The four leaders then all come to an agreement to have the ex-trainees swears oaths of loyalty to their Clans.

A Vision of Shadows[]

Shattered Sky[]

In the time since Dovewing's Silence, Icewing has had another litter of kits, who are now warrior apprentices named Breezepaw and Nightpaw. When a band of rogues and ex-ShadowClan cats known as The Kin - lead by a black-and-white tom named Darktail - attack RiverClan, Icewing fights with her Clanmates to drive them off. RiverClan is ultimately overpowered though, and as the Kin takes over the territory, they keep all the warriors too injured to flee with their Clan prisoner, with Icewing and her mate Mintfur being among them. Darktail starves them and says he'll only feed them if they pledge loyalty to him. They refuse at first, but eventually hunger makes them desperate enough to give in, only for Darktail to refuse to feed them anyway.

When a young member of the kin named Violetpaw sneaks food to the prisoners, she sees that their wounds haven't been treated and concludes that Darktail has been preventing ShadowClan's medicine cat Puddleshine from tending to them. Later, Icewing and the other prisoners attack the Kin, and with the help of ThunderClan and the remainder of ShadowClan, they're saved and brought to the former's camp for refuge. After Darktail is killed and the Kin is driven out, Icewing and her Clanmates are grateful to have RiverClan's territory back.

Darkest Night[]

While resting in ThunderClan's camp until they're well enough to travel home, it's noted that the RiverClan warriors Darktail had taken prisoner are still noticeably thin and hollow-eyed. At the next Gathering, Icewing challenges the ShadowClan leader Rowanstar's authority, asking if he even deserves to sit with the other leaders when so many of his Clan had chosen to join the Kin. Rowanstar responds that he hopes StarClan will forgive ShadowClan, but that he doesn't expect the other Clans to, and Icewing responds that they never will.

The Raging Storm[]

After SkyClan - the formerly lost fifth Clan that came to the lake and helped defeated the Kin - are convinced that they're unwanted by the other Clans and try to return to their old home in a far away gorge, cats from all Clans volunteer to go find and bring them back. As the patrol of cats from all Clans follows after SkyClan during a massive storm, they come across a flooded river, with Willowshine and Icewing noting that not even they and Lizardtail would be able to swim through. They cross over a fallen tree, and after walking for the rest of the day and resting in a cave for the night, they eventually find SkyClan and bring them back to the lake.

The Broken Code[]

Veil of Shadows[]

When ThunderClan's leader Bramblestar is possessed by the vengeful spirit of Ashfur, Icewing and her Clanmate Harelight join the rebellion against him, despite RiverClan being aligned with him. After Ashfur is exposed and overthrown, Mistystar exiles the two for fighting against their own Clan, even if they were in the right. ShadowClan's new leader Tigerstar II welcomes them to stay in his Clan, and Mothwing goes with them.

Darkness Within[]

As the five Clans hold a mass vigil for all those killed because of Ashfur's tyranny, the only RiverClan cats to attend are Willowshine, Lizardtail, Reedwhisker and Gorseclaw. The SkyClan warrior Rootspring asks Harelight and Icewing if Mistystar is coming, but the former replies that they hadn't seen her, and the latter adds bitterly that the leader probably doesn't want to mourn the loss of who she considers traitors. Icewing then states that they don't care what Mistystar does anymore, as they're ShadowClan cats now, but Mothwing retorts that they'll always be RiverClan at heart, asking the two white cats if they want to talk to their old Clanmates. Icewing replies that it's ok for the golden tabby to do so, since Mistystar was going to accept her back into RiverClan anyways. Rootspring then replies that Mistystar let Softpelt's father and brothers attend for her vigil, but the white she-cat replies that she let them because Softpelt fought on Ashfur's side, rhetorically asking if she'd let them come if Dappletuft was the only RiverClan casualty.

The Place of No Stars[]

The ThunderClan warrior Bristlefrost thinks about how Mothwing had refused to come back to RiverClan until Icewing and Harelight were allowed back as well. Later, Icewing visits ShadowClan's medicine den to ask the medicine cat Shadowsight for help removing a small bone stuck between her teeth. After he takes it out, she asks if the rumor that he volunteered to enter the Dark Forest to stop Ashfur was true, and commends him for his bravery when he confirms this. She then warns him about how dangerous the Dark Forest is, telling him that her son Beetlewhisker was killed there moons ago. He feels bad for her for having to endure a loss like that, and she says she just wants him to understand the risk he's taking, as dying in the Dark Forest means dying for real, asking if he understands what his death would do to his loved ones. As she leaves the medicine den, she tells Shadowsight that she believes in him, but advises him to not make his parents suffer the same loss she had.

A Light in the Mist[]

During a medicine cat meeting, Mothwing reports that Mistystar had accepted Icewing and Harelight back into RiverClan, and she'd be going with them after the meeting.

A Starless Clan[]


Icewing has now received her first apprentice in Mistpaw. After Mistystar dies, she asks if someone should fetch Reedwhisker, who is out on patrol, to tell him the news, but Mothwing replies that they'll be back soon. After Reedwhisker is found dead and Curlfeather, the cat who the medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw chooses as the next leader, is killed by dogs, Mistpaw huddles next to her mentor for comfort while grieving her mother.


RiverClan's senior warriors are all hesitant to take leadership following Curlfeather's death. When Frostpaw next chooses Owlnose as leader, while many in the Clan protest this decision due to his lack of confidence, Icewing supports the medicine cat apprentice. After Owlnose backs out of leadership, Tigerstar arrives and announces ShadowClan will be managing RiverClan until they can find a leader of their own. Icewing and Harelight are two of the few to support him because of the refuge he offered them last arc.


After Tigerstar forces RiverClan to accept his leadership by defeating them in battle, Icewing voices her support for Owlnose stepping down and the ShadowClan leader managing them. Because of this, Tigerstar then chooses her to co-lead RiverClan alongside his deputy Cloverfoot while he looks after his own Clan. At the next Gathering, cats from all Clans protest Tigerstar's occupation of RiverClan, though Icewing defends him by saying that the Clan is far more organized after days of turmoil.

Later, while speaking in private with Frostpaw after the apprentice had spent days avoiding her, Icewing commends her for her tenacity even after watching her mother Curlfeather die. Frostpaw then admits she never had a real connection to StarClan, as it had all been her mother's meddling that caused her to think so. The white she-cat is dismayed about this and goes to confront Mothwing, and this secret is revealed to the rest of the Clan as well as Tigerstar the next morning. However, when their Clanmates start questioning Frostpaw, she sticks up for the young she-cat. Icewing is later perturbed when Tigerstar declares the cats of RiverClan are now cats of ShadowClan as long as he's there. When Frostpaw decides to become a warrior apprentice instead, mentored by Harelight, Icewing quiets her bickering Clanmates as Tigerstar holds the ceremony.

When the ShadowClan warriors Sunbeam and Lightleap get in trouble for hunting on RiverClan territory, Icewing compromises that they may hunt there, so long as they hunt for RiverClan too. While they get along and share their duties well enough, Icewing and Cloverfoot struggle to hold the peace between the senior warriors. She later supervises an apprentice training session, where she compliments Frostpaw on her progress.

The blue-eyed she-cat sits with the deputies at the next Gathering, reporting that ShadowClan has been assisting RiverClan as needed while they eagerly await their new leader when Tigerstar invites her to speak. Splashtail, Duskfur and Mallownose protest ShadowClan's involvement though, and SkyClan's leader Leafstar asks why Cloverfoot needs to be there when Icewing seems to be handing everything just fine on her own. Later, when the ShadowClan warrior Scorchfur gets hurt accidentally swallowing a thorn inside a mouse, Cloverfoot suggests a RiverClan cat had put the thorn there as a way of rebelling against ShadowClan. Icewing concurs that something is going on, but she has limited power and thus can't do much about it.


After ThunderClan's new leader Squirrelstar returns from a peace meeting where Tree of SkyClan tried mediating between ShadowClan and RiverClan, she reports that despite Icewing being the acting leader, Splashtail and Mallownose did most of the talking on behalf of their Clan. She was then replaced by Duskfur as the acting Clan leader.


When her Clanmates don't believe her about Splashtail, the newly-installed leader of RiverClan, being the one to kill Reedwhisker and Curlfeather, Splashtail banishes her from the Clan, claiming she'll try to cause more discourse if she stays. Frostpaw says she has to leave because she doesn't know if she can trust anyone anymore, prompting a hiss from Icewing. After being taken in by ShadowClan, Frostpaw once again accuses Splashtail of being a false leader at another Gathering, after which Icewing and Duskfur pull her aside for a private meeting. They inform her that they're gathering support in secret for a rebellion against Splashtail. After being caught plotting against Splashtail with Harelight before his death, the two later flee RiverClan with Mothwing, fearing they're no longer safe there. Splashtail rallies his supporters to find them, accusing them of treason.


Icewing, Duskfur and Mothwing seek shelter in a currently unused twoleg nest, and are saved by the ThunderClan warrior Nightheart when they're attacked by a dog along the way. Cloverfoot then allows them to shelter in ShadowClan while Tigerstar is away at a meeting. While Frostpaw argues with her grandmother Duskfur for not believing her about Splashtail, Icewing tells her not to be too harsh, but this just causes the apprentice to start chiding her for not believing her either. After Frostpaw storms off, Icewing feels guilty for what happened with Splashtail, and says she'd rather have the young gray she-cat blaming her than blaming herself.

The next morning, Tigerstar returns from his meeting alongside Shadowsight and Puddleshine, where they report that the WindClan medicine cat apprentice Whistlepaw has had a prophetic dream about a mountain in the shape of a fox head. This prompts the Clans to all send a cat to go seek out this mountain together: Ivypool for ThunderClan, Dovewing for ShadowClan, Rootspring for SkyClan, and Whistlepaw herself for WindClan. Splashtail, however, refuses to send a member of RiverClan on this journey. Overhearing about all this, Icewing decides to volunteer herself as RiverClan's representative, much to the shock of Frostpaw. Icewing insists that Whistlepaw's vision must be something really important, and assures Frostpaw that she'll be able to save their Clan in her absence.

Ivypool's Heart[]

Icewing catches up with Ivypool, Dovewing, Rootspring and Whistlepaw right before they set off on their journey, explaining that she heard about the journey from ShadowClan's medicine cats while staying there. Now with a cat from all five Clans, the group sets off towards the fox-head mountain. Three days later, Icewing overhears Ivypool and Dovewing talking about Bristlefrost, the former's daughter who had sacrificed herself to drown Ashfur in the waters of the Dark Forest, fading away forever. She chimes in that she lost a child to the Dark Forest too, sympathizing with Ivypool's pain of never getting to see that child again, but that helping her Clanmates has helped keep Beetlewhisker's memory alive.

As the group seeks out the Sisters, a group of roaming she-cats with supernatural powers who they believe will be able to help, they're attacked by a dog. As they fight the dog off, Icewing recognizes a move Ivypool had learned in the Dark Forest. After getting lost and nearly crushed by horses, the group wearily rests in an apple orchard, though Icewing wakes in a panic when she hears a monster. Later, as they shelter near a lake Icewing fishes for the group, and later still she, Ivypool and Whistlepaw notice twolegs on the other side of the lake, and the WindClan apprentice ends up kidnapped by a twoleg child and locked in a car. Taking a twoleg's sandwich to lure them to the car to let Whistlepaw out, the group continues towards the sun-drown place by following a seagull. Once escaping the rising tide, they continue on and find an odd twoleg nest, where they see several strange animals in cages, including two wildcats called Tumble Leap and Stalk Purr. Though Icewing is skeptical about releasing them, the wildcats telling them about the fox-head mountain and StormClan - a forgotten Clan that was the combination of ThunderClan and WindClan.

Once they finally reach the fox-head mountain, Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap show them the Star Tree, where wildcats communicate with their ancestors. They're attacked by weasels, but Icewing takes charge of the group and organizes them to drive the weasels away. Within the hollow Star Tree, the RiverClan warrior suggests they think of things related to their Clans to help them communicate with StarClan through the tree. The group then falls asleep and enters a lush forest filled with spirit cats of varying sizes in their dreams. They're greeted by two wildcat spirits, and a cat named Galestar then approaches them, introducing herself as one of the two leaders of StormClan, and the one who sent Whistlepaw the dream. She explains that StormClan formed when she, the leader of WindClan, and Stripestar, leader of ThunderClan, had fallen in love and had their Clans join together, leaving the forest in search of a new home since the other three Clans didn't approve. However, the Clan eventually fell apart through the hardships they faced, and while Galestar and her kits were rescued by the wildcats and had her descendants live on with them, the rest of StormClan either died or returned to the forest as separate Clans once more.

Galestar then instructs the Clan cats to repay the debt she owes to the wildcats by bringing Stalk Purr, Tumble Leap and their kits to another group of wildcats beyond the mountain, which Icewing is eager to do before the kits are born. They return to the odd twoleg nest and begin freeing the two wildcats along with the other animals, with Icewing chewing through a rope to free a zebra. The twoleg then checks in on the animals, shocked to see them being set free, and they all escape in the ensuing chaos. As Icewing leads the group past the sun-drown place with the directions Galestar provided, she's impressed by Stalk Purr's technique while catching a seagull, likening it to how the Tribe of Rushing Water catches eagles. As Stalk Purr gives birth, Icewing fetches her water-soaked moss to drink from. Ivypool asks her if seeing a kitting reminds her of Beetlewhisker, to which the white she-cat merely responds that she lives to honor the memory of her son, which Ivypool admires.

That night, the five Clan cats have a dream where they stand in RiverClan's desolate camp, with Frostpaw dying in the center. Frostpaw then raises her head, gasps that they were too late, then drops dead. Icewing is worried about what the dream means for RiverClan's future, politely-yet-bluntly telling the wildcats that they can't wait until the kittens are weaned before continuing the journey. Tumble Leap agrees with this, suggesting two cats go on ahead to find the wildcat group, which Ivypool and Icewing volunteer for. As they head for the wildcats, Icewing tells Ivypool to hurry, worrying about RiverClan and saying she just wants it to go back to the way it was under Mistystar's leadership. Ivypool replies that she can't do much now other than offer to listen, which the white she-cat appreciates. The ThunderClan deputy grows to admire her a great deal as they travel, thinking that RiverClan is lucky to have a cat like her.

The next day, after fishing for the two of them, Icewing offers to meditate with Ivypool to ease her nightmares, and the two bond over a bat the latter caught. They're then confronted by a wildcat named Strike Slash, though after explaining themselves, he leads them to the camp of the wildcats. There, they tell their story to three elders named Spring Claw, Prowl Sleek and Hunt Leap, and as Icewing waits for their decision, a wildcat kit by the name of Hop Scratch bounds towards them. The blue-eyed she-cat initially dismisses the kit until she hears that the kit's sibling had recently died. After hearing this, Icewing warms up to Hop Scratch, telling her about the Clan cats' adventure. She's furious when the elders dismiss the Clan cats for being from the Clans that outcasted Galestar.

Foxes attack the camp that night, with Ivypool and Icewing helping in fighting them off. Spring Claw tends to a wound on the RiverClan warrior's head, and Prowl Sleek apologizes for doubting the two, now believing them after seeing how they helped protect the group. The two are taken to a hollow log with the ability to bring them to the land of their ancestors' spirits. Galestar greets them once more there, and the two convince her to travel to StarClan with them so she may bring back the forgotten spirits of StormClan. Icewing is a bit hesitant to travel down the River of Spirits via a floating log, but reminds herself of Riverstar's bravery that lead to the founding of her Clan. As the three travel down the river, they pass by the Tribe of Endless Hunting and the Dark Forest, with Icewing reminding Ivypool of Bristlefrost's sacrifice.

Once they reach the shore of StarClan, Icewing says they don't deserve to walk in StarClan's hunting grounds, reminding Ivypool to honor the gift. She then meets the spirits of Mistystar and Riverstar, in awe of the latter. As Galestar tells the other spirits of StormClan, the ghosts of the once lost Clan appear, with Stripestar saying he hopes their combined hope will be enough to save the Clans. This causes Icewing to worry even more, and once they return to the waking world, the three elders guide the two bac to their group. The elders take Stalk Purr, Tumble Leap and their kits back with them the next morning, and the Clan cats continue on their journey, with Icewing pressing them to hurry.

A Starless Clan (cont.)[]

Star (cont.)[]

Nearly a moon later, the journeying cats finally return to the Clans, where Icewing finds that after a long battle between RiverClan and the other Clans, Frostpaw has killed Splashtail, but has also fallen into a coma, with RiverClan being more hectic than ever. As Tree tries using his powers to guide Frostpaw back into the waking world, he encourages all the she-cats to start singing, saying that it's something the Sisters do to lead spirits back into their bodies. As they sing, Frostpaw finally wakes, after which she chooses Icewing to be the true new leader of the Clan. A week later, after Frostpaw has completed her medicine cat training and earned the name Frostdawn, she escorts Icewing to the Moonpool for the leadership ceremony.

Icewing then visits the Moonpool with Frostdawn for her leadership ceremony, where Riverstar greets the two of them and tells the medicine cat she mad ethe right choice. The ceremony then begins and Icewing earns nine lives from her StarClan ancestors: a life of intuition from Jayclaw, a life of sensing danger from Reedwhisker, a life of forgiveness from Harelight, a life of humility from Leopardstar, a life of wisdom from Mudfur, a life of resisting evil from Willowshine, a life of tranquility from Riverstar, a life of resilience from Crookedstar, and finally a life of courage from Mistystar. Icewing is then heralded as the new leader of RiverClan by Mistystar, earning the name Icestar.

When Icestar and Frostdawn return to camp, their Clan welcomes and congratulates their new leader. Her first act as leader is to choose her first deputy, and because of the humility and self-awareness he showed when turning down leadership, she selects Owlnose. She then holds Graypaw and Mistpaw's real warrior ceremony, renaming them Graysky and Mistpool. Finally, she commends Frostdawn for her bravery, loyalty, and determination to save her Clan.

Two moons later, Nightheart takes note of how much of a confident leader Icestar has become, and how Owlnose's humility means they balance each other out nicely.


  • She is the 5th former Dark Forest trainee to become leader, with the first being Crookedstar, the second being Bramblestar, the third being Harestar and the fourth being Tigerstar II.
  • In Mistystar's Omen, she is mistakenly said to be one of the two RiverClan cats who went to help dismantle the beaver den in The Fourth Apprentice, though it was actually her daughter Petalfur who did so.
  • In the now non-canon Missing Kits series by Su Susann, Icewing was stated to be the daughter of Skyheart and Reedtail, the sister of Duskfur and Pinefur, and the half-sister of Dragonflykit and Duckkit.

External links[]

Icestar on the Warriors Wiki


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